Mike McKay is letting us in on this product today only, then he is taking it off the market. This new WordPress plugin, WP Directory Plus, lets you quickly set up a site to host advertising listings for local businesses. This site can be the heart (or opening wedge) of your local marketing Think of it as your newspaper’s classified ads, translated to a WordPress site. You can set up the categories you will support, assign rates and charge businesses by the month to be in your directory. WP Directory Plus is easy to install, and, thanks to its dashboard, it’s easy to manage. See... [...]
Archive for the 'WordPress Plugins' Category
ClickSense Theme is a WP theme that enables you to create a full working site in just 10 minutes. It comes with 5 page templates, 7 color schemes, 26 custom favicons and auto-generated custom logo. That’s real flexibility. ClickSense Theme is designed for sites that feature AdSense. It places AdSense where the Google heatmap indicates will provide high click through while fully complying with Google’s policies. The theme is designed to be usable by beginners; no technical tweaking is needed. Everything can be controlled from the dashboard. There are plenty of options, all easily changed. AdSense... [...]
Don’t you hate it when you have already subscribed to a list, but you keep getting requests to subscribe when you visit the website? Wouldn’t it be smart to tailor the message visitors see on your site based on whether they are subscribed or not? Well, you can do that with Mark Thompson’s Good Karma Press. If the visitor is not on your list, they are asked to join. If they are on your list, they are asked to share your site with friends on social media. And, either way, they are offered an incentive to follow-through. You can place a free report or other reward in a protected... [...]
Thousands of WordPress sites use CommentLuv to manage their readers’ comments, and most of them paid about $100 to get it. Through Labor Day, it is on dime sale; now hovering at $22.34, but rising. The sale is on the “premium” version, which combines the functions of 8 separate plugins into one. With it, you can: • Reward the best comments on your blog • Take advantage of advanced backlink features • Keep spam comments out of your blog • Include the Twitter name of a commenter in the comment • Control which commenters get “do follow” links... [...]
Eric Nelson has been busy. Besides Azon Armageddon, he has created a new WP plugin, SuperPress Plugin. Nelson says this new plugin makes your new passive site “100% no hassle 100% Foolproof [and] easier than ever” On his sales page for SuperPress Plugin, he demos how he can make a niche site in under 8 minutes. And he says you can be just as productive with this no-hassle system. This plugin can get you up and running quickly. If speed to market is attractive to you, check out this new plugin here: SuperPress Plugin [...]
New plugin combines the functions of multiple older plugins and adds new capabilities, too: • Tracks all your affiliate or CPA click, showing stats for each link, including the IP address of the person who clicks • Makes it easy to add internal links to existing posts and pages • Quickly adds authority links to your pages and posts • Quickly create short (and meaningful) URLs that you control. Forget bit.ly, Snipurl, TinyURL, etc. • Easily redirect where links send people as conditions change • Does all of this in minimal time and at low cost These powerful capabilities... [...]
Instant Curator Plugin can give you a curated blog in just minutes, including proper attribution of the original sources. This pliugin will pull content from any number of sources. Several come with the plugin, but you can add additional sources, yourself. In your curated blog, you will not always create new content, but make sense of all the content that others are creating. You will use Instant Curator Plugin find the most relevant content and organize it for easy use. With Instant Curator Plugin, you can drag and drop content from your sources anywhere in your blog that you choose. Learn... [...]
The Ultimum Review WordPress Theme It includes a nich graphic slider on the home page, as well as graphic placeholders in the posts so you can show a picture of each product you promote. It showcases the product for best response. See the demo site and get additional information here: Ultimum Review WordPress Theme lets you build a beautiful affiliate website with a miniomum of fuss. See the demo site and get additional information here: Ultimum Review WordPress Theme [...]
Doug P is well known in Warrior circles, and is a prolific product creator. He has now combined three independent WordPress products into one $3 WSO: + WordPress Champion– SEO methods for WordPress that flourish in the wake of the Penguin update + WordPress Forum Machine– How to use the free bbPress plugin to build a forum on your WordPress site + WordPress Social Networking– How to use the free BuddyPress plugin to create a social network on your blog in record-breaking time These three products can transform your plain and simple blog into a dynamic social media site. Get the... [...]
If you want to improve your WordPress site’s rank in Google, social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, are key resources; especially Google’s own social media such as Google+, Google Authorship and Rich Snippets. WP Social SEO Booster automatically alerts the top social media sites whenever you post in your blog. It uses Facebook’s Open Graph technology and other tools to connect with these top social sites and place references to your post. Twitter now also has a New Meta Tagging Engine that wants to be classified as an SEO Ranking factor as well, and now you can easily take... [...]