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Archive for the 'WordPress Themes' Category

‘The Best of Copyblogger: 2013 Edition’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The Best of Copyblogger: 2013 Edition”. Sonia Simone says, “It’s that time of year again — time for us to look back and pick out our favorite posts from last year. The editorial team got together and selected the posts that struck us — the ones that made us stop and think, the ones that got us up and writing again, the ones that pushed us to see things in a new way. Because while we create the blog, we’re also writers — and we need education, advice, and inspiration just like you do“. The Best of Copyblogger: 2013... [...]

‘Authority Intensive 2014 Discount Ends Today’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Authority Intensive 2014 Discount Ends Today”. Brian Clark says, “Just the facts: What: Authority Intensive: Copyblogger’s live training event that provides an integrated content marketing strategy combined with how best to implement it. Plus great parties and networking. When: May 7-9, 2014. Who: Seth Godin, Ann Handley, Darren Rowse, Lee Odden, Sonia Simone, Dennis Goedegebuure, Chris Garrett, Joanna Wiebe, Tom Martin, Brian Gardner, Selena Waite, Jason Miller, Beth Hayden, Jon Henshaw, Bill Erickson, Pamela Wilson, Jerod Morris,... [...]

‘The New Year’s Writing Resolution You Can Actually Keep’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “The New Year’s Writing Resolution You Can Actually Keep”. Sonia Simone says, “It’s that time of year again. Time for resolutions, and for all of the skeptics and killjoys who say that resolutions never work. They certainly can work, but you need to approach them the right way. Most people fail at resolutions (at any time of year) for two reasons. The first is that they focus on outcomes (“lose 50 pounds”) rather than behaviors. The second is that they try to put massive changes into place all at once. (“I will work out three... [...]

‘2014: The Year of the Rainmaker’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “2014: The Year of the Rainmaker”. Brian Clark says, “A year ago almost to the day, I wrote 2013: The Year of the Online Writer. The basic premise was that we had reached a tipping point. Companies of all sizes that wanted to succeed now knew that: Content is what people want. Content is what people share. Content is what makes buying decisions happen. Those realizations, in turn, require great content creators. Notably, great writers. This coming year will continue the trend, with an added twist“. 2014: The Year of the Rainmaker ‘Copyblogger’... [...]

Dupizer Plugin: Make sure Google gives you credit for your content #ad

IM NewsWatch has a problem. Several other sites copy our content wholesale (without asking permission). We noticed it because they try to get us to backlink to their copy, which we never do. In ordinary times Google scans our site for new content frequently, so it knows we are the original source. The imitation copies probably give the culprits no SEO benefit, because Google doesn’t like duplicate content. Sites like these get what they deserve, a cold shoulder from Google. This is a result of the most recent Google algorithm changes, Penguin 2.1, also known as Hummingbird. But what about... [...]

Locate Press – Build a powerful online city directory #ad

It used to be that the Yellow Pages was the directory everyone in a city used to find a business when they needed repairs or home improvement or any other service. Today, people search online, and when they find a good online directory for their city, they make it one of their frequent stops on the web. Well-known WordPress developer, Maulana Malik has created a WordPress theme that makes it simple to build an attractive directory for your town, where you can sell listings to local businesses. Malik’s Locate Press – Business Directory Portal theme lets you build a hub where an entire... [...]

‘How Becoming an Authority Can Even Save Your Life’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How Becoming an Authority Can Even Save Your Life”. Anthony Sills says, “Imagine you’re 30,000 feet in the air. You and the Copyblogger team are flying to SXSW, listening to Brian Clark talk about the upcoming presentations and everybody’s pumped up. But before you land at AUS, the plane crashes and everyone’s stranded in the middle of nowhere. As the CEO and content marketing expert, everyone looks to Brian for direction“. How Becoming an Authority Can Even Save Your Life ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘How to Succeed Online (Even if You Aren’t a Rock Star)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Succeed Online (Even if You Aren’t a Rock Star)”. Sonia Simone says, “Yesterday on Google+, Charlotte Pierce made a very sensible remark. By the way, does everyone have to be a hotshot, guru, or a rock star? How about just quietly excellent? I’m with Charlotte. In fact, I’ve just about lost my patience with the parade of internet-famous quasi-celebrities. Maybe being a rock star isn’t so awesome“. How to Succeed Online (Even if You Aren’t a Rock Star) ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘6 New Rules for Becoming a Google+ Hangouts Hotshot in 2014’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “6 New Rules for Becoming a Google+ Hangouts Hotshot in 2014”. Demian Farnworth says, “Gary Vaynerchuk has achieved notable success through content marketing, and he sometimes says the unbelievable. His crime this time? In his new bookJab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook he argues that Google+ is worthless. In Gary’s defense, I think he simply has not given Google+ a fair shake. In an interview with Marie Forleo, he shares a list of specific things to post — andhow to post them — on specific social networks. He names all the usual suspects:... [...]

SaleJunction: The WP theme for e-commerce #ad

There are many WordPress products created each week to improve internet marketing. But few of them address the needs of a marketer wanting to do e-commerce, building a store where you can sell physical products. Neeraga, a marketer from India whose specialty is creating WordPress themes (he is the president of has created a new theme, called the SaleJunction Theme, specifically aimed at making it simpler to create an e-commerce site. This new (and attractive) theme is compatible with the popular WooCommerce platform and with the Easy Digital Downloads platform. Get a copy of whichever... [...]

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