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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Themes' Category

Video Effects WP theme sale continues, but price rising daily #ad

Mark Dulisse and Todd Gross have collaborated to release a new visual WordPress theme that is particularly useful for opt-in pages, but also can play a role in sales pages, as well. Their Video Effects Press WP Theme will let you center your video or other content on top of a moving video background This helps hold people’s attention long enough to build their interest in what you have to say. On the sales page are links to 7 demo pages made with this plugin. The bad news is that in the 2 days it has been live, its price has risen several times, and will rise again If you need a compelling... [...]

Last chance to get Health website for low price #ad

The price on HealthClone Amazon affiliate websites almost doubles Sunday. If you want to get into the high-value health niche, today is the time to get started. With this store all you have to do is sell the products; Amazon takes care of the warehouse and the delivery. You get an Amazon affiliate site that you can customize so yours is different from all the others. Your site will have: ■ Over 1000 top best-selling products for sale, each with product pictures, product descriptions, customer reviews and ratings ■ Full automation. The site maintains itself as products come and go. ■ 1-click... [...]

Video Effects WP Theme Early-bird discount until 8 AM EDT #ad

Video Effects WP Theme is live #ad Mark Dulisse is released Video Effects Press WP Theme this morning. It’s a visually attractive full-screen background WordPress Theme. (like the ones used by major news sites). He is pricing it at a reasonable price (currently, $14 for an unlimited personal license and just $3 more for a developer’s license. Watch Todd Gross‘s video to see the effect (the whole page) this theme supplies, and get the best price. (It is rising every few hours, so don’t delay.)/p> Video Effects Press WP Theme comes with 5 background videos, and another 15... [...]

Video Effects Press WP Theme with Dramatic Video Backgrounds #ad

One of the hottest video trend is full-screen video background landing pages. Take a look at the Paypal landing page, as an example, and there are plenty of others. Big companies are moving in this direction because these pages relax the website visitor, or conveys a message, or puts them in a buying mood. Unfortunately, the software to create these attractive pages has been expensive, so many of us small businesses have been left out of the revolution. but tomorrow that all changes because Mark Dulisse releases software to create this effect “for the rest of us”. He calls it Video Effects... [...]

Start an Online Health Store #ad

If you haven’t investigated HealthClone, do it before the price rises. It’s the latest Amazon affiliate store from Coolice. As usual, he has chosen a hot niche for his new store you can clone. There are over a billion people around the world with a burning desire to improve their health, in general, or to cure a particular disease. In the US alone, people spend $40 billion a year on weight loss products, not to mention dozens of other diseases and medical conditions. Globally, you can at least double that amount to create an estimate of total sales. People will always want improved... [...]

HealthClone gets your health website running quickly #ad

Coolice‘s new Amazon affiliate website was released yesterday morning, and in less than 24 hours sold over 100 copies. People know the health niche is a huge niche that is filled with eager buyers. Yesterday, over 100 people saw that potential and wanted to be a part of this growth industry instantly by getting a copy of this new software. If you want to have your own health store that combines the selling power of Amazon with the biggest names in the health care industry, then you need to investigate HealthClone. For a niche to be really profitable, the market has to have desperate buyers.... [...]

HealthClone: Your pro website for the health niche #ad

At 11 AM EDT, Coolice is releasing his latest niche WordPress site, HealthClone, to quickly get you up and running in the lucrative health niche. This site is filled with thousands of Amazon products of all kinds, all focused on the health niche. Vitamins, supplements, toothbrushes, books and more can fill your affiliate site with the kind of products people are buying. Promote your site, get traffic to it, and affiliate profits should follow. So with HealthClone you can sell the latest and most popular health products for men, women and children of all ages. These products include items in hundreds... [...]

WpPinReview Theme: Give your site the look and feel of Pinterest #ad

The rising popularity of Pinterest demonstrates the power of images to hold people’s attention. That same attraction can now build the traffic for your own site with the new WpPinReview Theme. This theme could be used for an affiliate site. For example, if you’re an Amazon affiliate, insert product pictures to create back-links to your affiliate review pages using the powerful of WordPress and Pinterest combined. In fact, for any niche site, you can create powerful affiliate review pages using the simple page wizard built into WpPinReview Theme and guarantee your review is designed... [...]

HTML-Press: Responsive website templates, private label tights #ad

Earl Smith has created 6 beautiful designs for websites and, in HTML-Press, is offering them to you in both WordPress and HTML formats. These themes are fully responsive to screen size and may be edited so you can customize them any way you like. Smith knew that many of his potential buyers are not programmers, so he made them easy to use. And he created detailed tutorial videos to assist you in any parts you find puzzling. Along with these WP themes and their HTML counterparts, Smith is including a plugin for collecting contact information, and it works with any autoresponder you may be using. And... [...]

‘A blogger’s guide to setting up a WordPress site: customising your template’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “A blogger’s guide to setting up a WordPress site: customising your template”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “This is the fourth in a series of posts discussing how to set up and run a WordPress blog from a relatively experienced expert, which will feature many helpful and hopefully relevant tangents. In the first article I discussed the first few steps involving sign-up, the difference between and, and your social media presence. Then I looked at writing your first post using the WordPress... [...]

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