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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'WordPress Themes' Category

Your free access to SP TubeX will be removed shortly #ad

We have been telling you about Peter Garety‘s: • Free training webinar today • Offer to give you his SPTubeX recorded training • His upcoming new product. for several days now. Today is the culmination of all his preparation. His seminar is at 10AM Eastern, 7AM Pacific, today. If you see this notice before then, register and participate in his training. Garety says he and his associates ranked on the first page of Google for 610 keywords. On his webinar, he will talk about that achievement. Also on the webinar, he will tell you how to get the free SPTubeX training. Only get it if you... [...]

Video Curation can boost your ranking and bring you traffic #ad

We got word that Peter Garety is releasing a new software product on Tuesday. He calls it: P1 Video Magnet System. You choose a theme to build a website around (gardening, exercise, family camping, etc.) Then, with the help of this new software, you locate videos on YouTube, created by other people, and use them to provide content for your site. With the software, you just use the embed code that YouTube supplies to place the video on your own website page. (This is permitted by YouTube and by the people who made the videos.) P1 Video Magnet System automates this work for you. Your site is so rich... [...]

Local Theme Jack: Build websites for local merchants in 10 minutes #ad

When you price a service for a client, the fair charge is what the service is worth to them. What it costs you is only relevant as a “floor”; don’t charge less than it costs you or you’ll go broke. The other principle of pricing is that a service is worth what a willing buyer will pay. Auctions are built on that principle. The price isn’t a pre-determined amount; it’s what the final bidder is willing to pay. When a marketing consultant offers to build a website for a local client the price can be as much as the client thinks the site is worth to them. Usually... [...]

Putting groceries on their table can put profits in your pocket #ad

If you are looking to earn money on the internet, you need to be selling what people want to buy. If you are looking for the right niche, it’s good to know that the world spends billions on food. That’s an opportunity too good to pass up. Everyone needs groceries. We can profit from selling them. Of course, we don’t want to deal with spoiled bananas or bad checks. That’s why smart affiliates are taking advantage of the opportunity ptovided by Amazon’s affiliate program. Now that it is selling groceries, Amazon offers any affiliate the chance to make money in the... [...]

GroceryClone: Your online grocery store with no hassles #ad

Recently, Amazon has started selling groceries again. Affiliates who build grocery store sites will face very little competition because this is so new. CoolIce has created another of his famous clone websites for affiliates to help you take advantage of this new opportunity. Every one of his clone sites has sold in the high hundreds of copies; some have sold in the thousands. People see the value in what he creates, and there is a “land rush” whenever a new one is released. GroceryClone goes live at 11 AM EDT. All his clones get 100% positive feedback. This is likely to be the same. As... [...]

FASTAzon Theme plus 3 niche affiliate sites #ad

Shane Paxton and Mike McKay have built an interesting software package. They have a new WordPress theme they call the FASTAzon Theme. They have built 3 Amazon affiliate sites using this theme: 1. Home Improvement and Power tools 2. Fitness Gear 3. Solar Power In this low-cost package, they are giving you these three sites, plus they are giving you an unlimited personal license for the underlying theme on as many other sites as you want. FASTAzon Theme is an impressive theme. This theme is specifically built for Amazon product reviews. It combines the best professional theme features with Amazon-specific... [...]

‘Which of These New WordPress Themes is Right For Your Audience?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “Is your website’s design the right fit for the audience you want to attract? I urge you to do more than simply nod and say “yes.” Really think about it. Who are the people who make up your audience? What are their worldviews? And what specific design elements will allow your visitors to have a human experience on your website — the kind that lays the foundation for them to know you, like you, trust you, and ultimately join your audience?”. Which of These New WordPress Themes is Right For Your Audience? ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

How to Boost Leads by 550% or More #ad

List building is crucial to your business, but it is sometimes hard to do. You need a squeeze page, but not just any squeeze page; it needs to be professional-looking. Sean Donahoe is soon announcing drag and drop software that will make it simple to build pages that will represent your business well. He says they can improve your lead capture by over 5x. Donahoe has created a video that shows you how you can create “Better-Than-Guru” lead pages in just a few clicks. The software, called WP Profit Builder, won’t be available for sale until next week, but he is giving a sneak peek... [...]

AtomBiz WordPress Theme: Classic professional theme for all businesses #ad

It’s important that a business site look professional, not amateurish. How does your own site look? It can make a difference in your sales. If you build sites for other people, your expertise is judged by how professional the site you build looks. The majority of marketers who try to build a professional looking website fail. Starting with a professional WordPress theme makes your job a lot easier. Heri Rosyadi and his crew at Atom Labs have just released an elegant new theme that is ideal for your business site or for most professional sites you are called on to build for clients. AtomBiz... [...]

Get the e-commerce store of your dreams #ad

Suzanne Bucciarelli (known as The Domaining Diva) has just released a new software package for people who want to tap into the income potential of an e-commerce store. If you want to sell any product online, whether products you build, products you procure through drop-shippers or even niche affiliate products, you need an online store where you present what you have to offer. However, creating an online store can be a challenge. There’s a lot of software needed to take orders, charge the customer’s credit card, ship via UPS, Fedex, etc. Integrating all this software into a package... [...]

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