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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Guest Blogging Tips' Category

How to grow your blog audience with guest blogging

Content rules over the Internet and so blogging is one of the most important ways to market online. Just maintaining a blog doesn’t help, one has to keep spreading the content around so that more and more people turn to your blog. Guest blogging is one way that can be beneficial for your site or blog especially in getting more links and visitors. Entrepreneur contributor Syed Balkhi has shared four ways to grow your blog traffic through guest blogging. Balkhi says, “The founder of Mob Is It, Silvio Porcellana managed to grow his website search traffic by 20 percent using guest... [...]

‘3 Data-Driven Insights to Boost Your Guest Content Strategy’ – Convince & Convert

Kelsey Meyer says, “It’s every content marketer’s dream to have a perfect company blog. Imagine your site filled with a variety of content that shares unique and thoughtful insights, from exceptionally written articles to interactive infographics to professional videos. It’s enough to make any marketer swoon. Unfortunately, even this stellar blog of your dreams isn’t enough on its own to get your brand in front of your full audience. It’s unlikely that your entire target audience already visits your blog regularly, so by posting only to your own site, you miss out on reaching those... [...]

‘3 Tips for Successful Guest Blogging’ –

Melissa Burns says, “Guest posting is one of the primary ways to attract traffic to your blog. However, many bloggers still have only a rather vague understanding of how to use this method. If you find yourself stumbling about for the right approach, here is some advice. 1. Understand what high-quality content is A good guest post is supposed to do its job – both for you and for the target blog. It may sound obvious, but it is amazing how many bloggers forget this essential truth. The post should be attractive for target blog’s audience. This is achieved by choosing a topic reflecting... [...]

‘5 Ways to Not Write a Guest Blog Post’ – Entrepreneur

George Chilton says, “Imagine that you’re on a date. He’s tall, dark and handsome — your dream guy — but soon enough things start to go wrong. He lies about everything, exaggerates his achievements, jumps from one topic to the next without pause or logic and, even worse, whips out a briefcase of fake Cartier watches and tries to sell you one. You’ll be asking for the bill before you even get to dessert and then uploading him straight to Tinder horror stories, right? Well, that’s how commissioning editors feel when they start to read a promising article, and it’s... [...]

‘Make It a Must-Read: 8 Tips to Help You Fix a Broken Company Blog’ –

Genia Stevens says, “Brands that run a successful blog will have a community of readers who are engaged with their content. Having dedicated readers can increase traffic, generates leads, boost SEO rankings, generate revenue and even assist in brand management. The Bleacher Report is a good example of how a blog can evolve into a brand. The Bleacher Report went from a standard sports blog to a full-fledged company with a brand that has a cult-like following. Forbes contributor Aaron Kwittken says, [t]he site, which covers sports from all angles, has grown to reach more than 60 million unique... [...]

‘Does Guest Blogging Still Work?’ –

Matthew Toren says, “The simple answer is, “yes and no.” The entire concept of blogging has changed. Back when blogging made the transition from its roots as an online journal to a respected means of communicating on a broad scale with a target audience, it was primarily just that: a communications tool. Some of the key benefits of blogging were the ability for an audience to interact through commenting and the opportunity to build an audience through blog subscription. Both were highly prized attributes of the biggest and most successful blogs out there: they had large, enthusiastic... [...]

‘Should You Publish Guest Blog Posts on Your Website?’ – Copyblogger

Stefanie Flaxman says, ““Come sit down, Child. Gently put your hands on my crystal ball,” I say, directing you into my dimly lit fortune teller studio. I’m wearing a Stevie Nicks-inspired black lace shawl and gold hoop earrings. “You’d like to know if you should publish guest blog posts on your website, yes? Let’s ask.” My long, blood-red fingernail taps on the glass, as a thick fog swirls underneath the surface of the orb for several minutes. “Looks like I can’t help you. Good thing you paid in advance.” And with a swift kick in the rear, you exit the studio without... [...]

‘26 Ideas to Get More Traffic to Your Blog Using Guest Posts’ – Aweber Blog

Lynette Young says, “Traffic makes the web go ’round. There is a lot of talk about converting your website blog traffic into email list signups, but the catch is you need to have a good amount of traffic (people visiting your website) in the first place to drive email list signups! While there are many ways to entice people to visit your website such as your email list, search optimization, paid advertisements, social media and even in-person signage, one of the best ways is to get your message in front of other people’s audiences. How do you accomplish this? By writing and publishing articles... [...]

‘Guest Posting Best Practices From Copyblogger’s Guest Post Gatekeeper’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, “Many years ago, when I began developing my personal guest posting strategy, Copyblogger sat atop my “Where I Want to Guest Post” list. Five years later, I achieved my goal. So, how did I spend the time between making my list and May 23, 2013 when my first blog post appeared on Copyblogger? Rigorously practicing my writing, of course. Although I had high hopes of guest posting for Copyblogger during the early stages of my online copy editing business, it was my rejection from Copyblogger that shaped my subsequent guest posting success”. Guest Posting Best Practices... [...]

‘Guest Blogging is (Really) Dead! 4 Things to Do Instead’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Chipper Nicodemus say, “It wasn`t too long ago, (a year or so) that nearly everyone working in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) would suggest using “high quality” guest blogging as part of a link buildingstrategy. Well, in January of this year, Matt Cutts, Head of Webspam at Google, put a dagger in the heart of guest bloggers, calling it, “the decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO.” In March, Google took action against several guest blogging sites in the form of a manual penalty. In June at SMX Advanced, Cutts said again, “some people still don`t get it [that... [...]

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