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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Guest Blogging Tips' Category

‘Guest Blogging: From Overused Loophole to Untapped Opportunity’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Grant Draper says, “The kind of wake-up call nobody wants: 6 AM on your day off; builders have started drilling, and they’re not stopping any time soon. Some SEO practitioners likely had a similar feeling when Google’s Matt Cutts published his “The decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO” blog post in January 2014. So long, guest blogging. Oh, and Happy New Year! Blogs started no-following their links, and some stopped accepting guest posts altogether. But here’s the thing, Cutts was doing everyone a favor. Poor content began to be culled, and companies refined... [...]

‘Never Fear Google Again: The Smart Person’s Guide to Guest Blogging’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Never Fear Google Again: The Smart Person’s Guide to Guest Blogging”. Uttoran Sen says, “It’s simple really — at least in theory. You run a blog and want new material. Others out there want some new exposure. You offer would-be contributors a chance to share their material, and in return you get fresh content, expert insight. Maybe even a day off. But there are shadows behind the glossy exterior of guest blogging. When you open up your blog for guest posts you might be immediately swarmed with spammy offers”. Never Fear... [...]

‘Google ‘takes action’ against major guest blog network’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google ‘takes action’ against major guest blog network”. Graham Charlton says, “Earlier this year, Matt Cutts announced the ‘death’ of guest blogging for SEO, declaring it finished as a link building tactic.  Now, following a tweet by Cutts announcing that action has been taken on a ‘large guest blog network’, it seems that, though Google hasn’t confirmed it, MyBlogGuest is the ‘victim’. It no longer ranks for its own brand name, a classic sign of a Google penalty,... [...]

‘Five Traits of Guest Content That Audiences (and Editors) Can Actually Use’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Five Traits of Guest Content That Audiences (and Editors) Can Actually Use”. Alyce Currier says, “Guest article or post submissions can be a great asset to a publication, but they can also be an excuse for bad content to slip through the cracks. Editors as well as guest-post writers must therefore take special care to ensure that they do not lower their usual standards. I was spurred to write this article after reading a blog post about what makes for a great guest post: Kate Morris’s “The Anatomy of a Great Guest Post”... [...]

‘What’s the Deal With Guest Blogging? Deconstructing Matt Cutts’ Post’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “What’s the Deal With Guest Blogging? Deconstructing Matt Cutts’ Post”. Rebecca Churt says, “On January 20, Google’s Matt Cutts blogged about “The decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO.” Cutts’ position? If anyone is using guest blogging as their primary way to gain inbound links, they’re abusing the system. “If you’re doing a lot of guest blogging,” he noted, “then you’re hanging out with really bad company. … Ultimately, this is why we can’t have nice... [...]

‘Time for Guest Blogging With a Purpose’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Time for Guest Blogging With a Purpose”. Jennita says, “Dear Readers, before getting to the meat of the post about how to make guest blogging work for you and not end up looking like a spammer, I’d like to tell you a little story. A story about when Matt Cutts single-handedly changed the course of my day. The story goes a little something like this“. Time for Guest Blogging With a Purpose MOZ Blog  [...]

‘Is Guest Blogging Dead?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Is Guest Blogging Dead?”. Allison Howen says, “Content consumption is at an all-time high thanks to today’s digital world of social networks and mobile devices. Unsurprisingly, this has resulted in enterprises spending more resources on content creation in order to keep up with demand. To achieve the best performance from content initiatives, enterprises must not only publish content on a regular basis, but also publish quality content based on audience preferences. This can be difficult to do, as writing blog posts, designing... [...]

‘Matt Cutts declares the death of guest blogging for SEO’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Matt Cutts declares the death of guest blogging for SEO”. Graham Charlton says, “Matt Cutts made his strongest statement yet on guest blogging, declaring it dead as a linkbuilding tactic. This does seem to be a broad statement and, as Editor of a blog which accepts (and values) guest posts, Google’s policing of the internet can be irritating. Still, there’s no doubt that guest blogging has been hammered as a link building tactic, to the extent that we’ve become tired of guest blogging approaches. So... [...]

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