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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Archive for the 'Blogging Tips' Category

‘Blog Monetization Service Skyscraper Comes Out Of Closed Beta, Adds VigLink Integration & WordPress Plugin’ – TechCrunch

Frederic Lardinois says, “Skyscraper launched last year as a pretty straightforward blog advertising service with a focus on helping bloggers make money through direct ad sales. That’s still a main part of its business, and it is currently serving up more than 1.5 million ads every day, but as its co-founder Paul Burger told me last week, the company’s focus is slowly shifting to becoming a full-service blog monetization service that “covers all bases.” Until today, Skyscraper was only available as a closed beta, but it’s now open for all. Today, Skyscraper is also launching its... [...]

‘The State of Freelance Writing: Data on Pay, Bylines & Quality Content’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Writing blog posts and other content takes time — time you and your team might not feel like you have to spare. And yet, you keep reading that companies regularly publishing quality content to their blogs are reaping the biggest rewards in terms of traffic and leads. Better yet for those companies, those results continue to pay out over time thanks to search engines. How can you maintain a great company blog when you and your team are juggling so many other marketing responsibilities? For many marketers, the answer is hiring freelance writers. The demand... [...]

‘Case Study: The Trick that Tripled Blogger Emma Johnson’s Email Sign Ups’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Emma Johnson’s blog, Wealthy Single Mommy, is more than practical dating and finance advice for single moms. It’s a support community for women everywhere. “Nobody was speaking to me or my peers,” Emma said. “We have our own stories, challenges. I started a blog and I didn’t know what I was doing. It was a personal project. I thought I’d talk about money, but it went way beyond money.” Today, Emma has a loyal fanbase (an email list of 6,000 and 50K monthly website visitors) and makes regular appearances on CNN, NBC’s Today Show, and NPR, just to name... [...]

‘The Non-Designer’s Guide to Creating Better Blog Graphics’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “You may not be a designer by trade, but as a content marketer, it’s your job to make sure you’re creating content compelling enough to hit your traffic, lead generation, social sharing, and engagement goals. Adding images to your blog posts is one of the most important ways to get more readers, subscribers, and leads out of the content you spend so much time creating. After all, did you know that articles with images get 94% more total views than articles without images? Luckily, you don’t have to be a designer to create awesome graphics for... [...]

‘Quality vs. Quantity: A 6-Month Analysis of the Age-Old Blogging Debate’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “The marketing industry has always been obsessed with the quality vs. quantity debate. Should you create more content of a lower quality or less content of a higher quality? In an ideal world, the answer would always be less content of a higher quality. You’d spend lots of time researching and writing every post, then when you published it, the whole internet would notice. Thanks to this unrivaled quality, every post would generate massive amounts of traffic and leads. But that’s not how blogging works in real life. To grow a blog, you need to consistently publish... [...]

‘5 tips for writing a blog that people actually want to read’ – ‘Mashable’

Mashable team says, “What are Oliver Emberton’s tips for running a blog? Answer below by Quora user Oliver Emberton, Founder of Silktide. In my first year of blogging I was read over 4 million times, mostly through a cunning strategy I call “screwing everything up and learning.” Let me save you some time. Here are the five most surprising lessons I learned: 1. The world owes you nothing The cold, unfeeling universe does not give two sh*ts about you or your writing. Anyone can walk into a bookstore and pick from Shakespeare, Pratchett, JK Rowling and a million more. Tell... [...]

‘4 Simple Ways to Choose the Best Blog Topics for Your Audience’ – HubSpot

Neil Patel says, “Once upon a time, I had no idea what to write on my blog. Coming up with blog article titles was slow and painful. That was 10 years ago. Now, thousands of articles later, coming up with topics is easy. Not only do I publish articles on my two blogs, but I also publish hundreds of guest posts for dozens of publications. Wondering what happened along the way that made this process so much easier? I’m going to pull back the curtain on how I’m able to generate so many topics, and explain what it means to choose great article topics. I think you’ll find it helpful“. 4... [...]

‘How to Use Excel to Run a Blog Content Analysis’ – HubSpot

Rachel Sprung says, “Have you ever poured your heart and soul into a blog post only to see it completely tank? It doesn’t generate leads and barely sees any views, while that silly GIFs article that took you half the time and energy goes viral. Doesn’t that drive you crazy? To gain a better understanding of their audience’s interests — and ensure that their content is actually resonating — smart marketers are turning to the performance numbers of existing content to inform their strategy. Numbers like post views and leads generated from past blog articles can... [...]

‘8 Ways That Blogging Will Kickstart Your Startup’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Martin Zwilling says, “As the number of sites on the Internet floats around one billion, the challenge with every new startup is to be found and stand out. More important, if someone does find your site, the content better be enticing enough for them to come back. Blogging is one of the best ways to do this and build a brand, even before you have a product or service. In this age of relationships, you, the entrepreneur, are a very important element of your new brand, and it’s never too early to start marketing the value of your expertise, insights and ideas. A great solution is necessary,... [...]

‘How Marketers and Bloggers Are Working Together’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “How are marketers finding bloggers to work with? Which metrics are being used to measure the success of partnerships? Do bloggers most like to partner with brands, agencies, or third-party networks ? To find out, GroupHigh recently surveyed 4,000 bloggers who are regularly being approached by brands and agencies. Respondents were asked for feedback on their current marketing relationships and what they would like to see in the future. Below, key findings from the report. Vetting Bloggers 87% of the bloggers surveyed say marketers are asking for links to their social profiles... [...]

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