Aaron Agius says, “Hit “Publish.” Your blog is out there in the world, awaiting the masses to read and share it. It’s an exciting time for any marketer. After all, you’ve spent hours crafting this post, pouring your knowledge and personality into its paragraphs. But, as you quickly learn, people won’t flock to your post just because you hit “Publish.” In fact, the real work begins once your post goes live. Everything else you’ve done up to this point has been preparation. Now it’s game time. If you want to get the most out of your blog content, you need to put in the... [...]
Archive for the 'Blogging Tips' Category
‘The After-Posting Checklist: 7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Blog Content’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog
Baer says, “You are wasting money on content that has little chance of success. Are you creating more content this year than you were last year? Almost certainly so. But, is that extra effort being expended efficiently and intelligently? In many cases, no. As I wrote about in my post “Are you thinking about your blog all wrong?” today’s content marketing success formula is different – a lot different – from the formula of 2013 and prior. Hitting singles and doubles on a consistent, daily basis doesn’t yield results like it once did. The competition is too intense, and the relationships... [...]
Rainmaker team says, “There really is no right or wrong way to create an About page. The only question is this: is it interesting? Remember, people will read a lot if it is interesting. However, there are a few best practices you can follow. Let’s look at those … In this 5-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover: The wrong way to tell an About page story (sure to bore readers to tears) What you must have if your About page is going to be short”. How to Craft an About Page that People Actually Read and Share ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
Chow says, “First of all. Happy 4th of July everyone! After today’s Dot Com Lunch, we’ll be enjoying the fireworks that’s going on all over the country. Second, do You Want to Get 25% More Leads and Double Your Sales? Then you will not want to miss this valuable live training. Higher converting links get up to 25% more leads Retarget your marketing for up to 50% more sales Plus much more to save time and increase conversions On July 6th, 6PM EST (3PM PST), I will be doing a LIVE training webinar with Successful Internet strategist John Reel and Internet marketing mogul, Cory Boatright. Together,... [...]
Rainmaker team says, “We know about the power of content marketing to build audiences, inform what products and services to develop, and ultimately connect the two together. And whether you call it blogging or not, text remains a cornerstone of the online content mix. Darren Rowse is one of Brian Clark’s favorite people. Darren has been an inspiration to Brian, they’ve been business partners, and the two remain good friends. At Digital Photography School, Darren’s built what amounts to a case study in digital commerce and community — and it brings in seven figures in revenue, as... [...]
Mike Fishbein says, “Guest blogging is an amazing way to get traffic, grow your email list, and increase your ranking on search engines. Attracting a relevant audience has become harder now that everyone and their dog has a blog. But by guest blogging on a site that already has your target audience, you can quickly reap the benefits of that site’s hard work“. How to Get Guest Posts Published on Top Sites Content Marketing Institute [...]
Chow says, “A topic that we’ve approached so many times on this blog already is how you can go about making money from blogging. There are countless ad networks that you can use to insert a variety of banner ads and display ads, as well as all the affiliate networks where you can promote a variety of affiliate offers to earn sizable commissions. That’s not what this post is about. You see, while joining a number of ad networks can be a good idea for any number of reasons, they all suffer from the same fatal flaw: the ad network has to make money too. What this means is that they will... [...]
Anca Bradley says, “Businesses these days have many avenues through which they can reach consumers with content: social media, videos, apps, in-person and online events and much more. One of them—blogging—has become a very powerful marketing tool, ranking as one of the top five most effective content marketing tactics, according to the Content Marketing Institute’s reports on B2C and B2B Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends in 2015. Writing in-depth articles and blog posts is now almost a necessity for businesses, as it not only helps drive traffic to websites but communicates the business’s... [...]
Kristen Vanstrom says, “In the world of internet blah, everyone wants to know the secret to viral content. How do you spike your blog traffic with just one or two incredible posts? That’s what we all want, right? If you’re a blogger, you know the worth of steady traffic. Great traffic can take you from hobby blogger to career blogger. Sure, how to guides and informative posts might bring in a steady flow of interest, but at the end of the day, there must be something more. In modern day media, a gasp can be worth a thousand words, so I always recommend drifting towards controversial... [...]
Jack Simpson says, “With high quality content playing an increasingly important part in search rankings, blogging has become a key part of almost any company’s marketing strategy. But writing interesting content is not enough in itself. You might have the best article in the world, but if it isn’t presented in a user-friendly format then nobody is going to read (or share) it. I may be inviting criticism of our own site (and this article), but I wanted to explore some of the key things to remember when it comes to creating a user-friendly blog page/post. 1. Use subheadings Break up... [...]