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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Archive for the 'Blogging Tips' Category

‘How To REALLY Be Successful As A Blogger’ by John Chow

Chow says, “There are a few blog sites out there that seem to really stand above the rest as far as traffic and content goes.  Ok, now read that last sentence again. Did you catch what I did there? TRAFFIC and CONTENT go hand in hand. Lots of content, and lots of GOOD content. Whether or not your blog is the whole point of you being online, or if it is just a small piece of your business online, there is a huge difference between a good blogger and a bad one. If your blogs represent 2 AM thoughts while drowning in Mt. Dew and Video Games, listen up”. How To REALLY Be Successful As A Blogger John Chow’s... [...]

‘Before and After: The Transformation of One Business Blog’ – HubSpot

Marc Herschberger says, “Our marketing agency Revenue River’s blog was boring. Scratch that. It was boring and ineffective. As an inbound marketing company that specializes in creating custom, beautiful websites for our clients in HubSpot’s COS, we were embarrassed when we looked at our blog compared to the designs we had implemented for others. When we looked at the old design, all we saw was: An outdated, generic layout that didn’t match the quality of content that we were posting on it Too much of a focus on CTA’s in the right column instead of promoting what the reader wanted-... [...]

‘How to Write a Blog Post: A Simple Formula’ – HubSpot

Rachel Sprung says, “You’ve probably heard how paramount blogging is to the success of your marketing. Without it, your SEO will tank, you’ll have nothing to promote in social media, you’ll have no clout with your leads and customers, and you’ll have fewer pages to put those oh-so-valuable calls-to-action that generate inbound leads. Need I say more? So why, oh why, does almost every marketer I talk to have a laundry list of excuses for why they can’t consistently blog? Maybe because, unless you’re one of the few people who actually like writing, business... [...]

‘How to Create a Successful Blog Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide’ – HubSpot

Will Blunt says, “Today, age and experience no longer necessarily determine your credibility. Instead, people care about your ideas, your generosity, and your willingness to take risks and learn from mistakes — those are the kinds of things that can give you a voice in the conversation. We’ve witnessed a blogging revolution over the past fifteen years, where individuals have become famous on the back of 500-word snippets or rants that resonate with some online audience. Many of the thought leaders of our time became well-known because of their blogs. But as more people... [...]

‘Top 5 Paying Industries to Blog About For Money’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Unless you’re getting paid a decent salary to run a company blog, most of us bloggers could use some extra cash. Most of the time we’re doing all this blogging for kicks or as a way to promote a scrappy up and coming business. In short, any sort of additional income would be a welcome perk. While there are many ways to raise some quick cash, one of the more lucrative and intriguing options is earnings per click. If you’ve never heard of the term, it’s simple and powerful metric that’s used by affiliate networks to determine your earning potential. So, whenever a company... [...]

‘3 Tried And True Ways To Fill Your Blog Publishing Calendar’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Emily Fager says, “What would you do to gain more leads than 40 percent of your competitors? The answer is much simpler than you might think: build a business blog. According to Hubspot, 60 percent of businesses who blog acquire more customers. Considering blogging is free, unlimited and has a practically eternal lifetime value, it should be a no-brainer, right? Well, not quite. They key to building a good business blog is doing it consistently. Whether you publish once per week or daily, you must commit to maintaining that schedule in order to see real results. This unfortunately means answering... [...]

‘How To Write A Business Blog That Actually Gets Read’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Liz Murphy says, “Okay, so we’ve told you why your business needs a blog, reinforced the importance of writing well and even shared some sweet hacks on how to streamline your blogging process. But let’s cut to the chase – just like your fancy sushi lunch doesn’t count unless you Instagram it, what’s the point of putting time and energy into a blog if no one is going to read it? Duh. There isn’t a point. So if you want your blog to capture attention, there are three critical factors you need keep in mind before you put your virtual pen to paper. Those factors are content, presentation... [...]

‘How to Choose the Right (and Legal) Images for Your Blog Post’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Captivating blog post images can help keep your visitors from straying from your site. Check out these tips for choosing the right images and avoiding copyright issues. “The quality of your images reflects the quality of your blog, so when choosing images, make sure you look for ones that are high quality,” suggests the following WhoIsHostingThis infographic. What’s a high-quality image? It’s one that has good exposure and lighting, clear and crisp details, good composition, and bright colors. And it has not been used on your other blog... [...]

‘How to Optimize Blog Images for Social Sharing: An Intro to Open Graph Tags’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “We’ve all been there before. You’ve written a great blog post, and you’ve plopped a featured image in there to represent the post on social media, your blog’s main page, and so on. Then, you hop on your social media accounts and paste the link into a new post. You’re all ready to share it with your network when you notice one glaring issue: The social networks are pulling the wrong thumbnail image! Or worse, none at all. Talk about a pain in the neck. Not only is this annoying — you were so close to being done — but... [...]

‘How to Streamline Your Blog Creation and Generate More B2B Traffic’ – HubSpot

Lucy Jones says, “Are you struggling to stay afloat when it comes to blog creation? You’re certainly not alone. 66% of marketing professionals cite a lack of time as their greatest challenge when it comes to content marketing, and an additional 46% have difficulty producing enough content. There are few shortcuts to creating blogs that drive traffic, and cutting corners on quality certainly isn’t the answer. However, taking the steps to streamline your process can change everything. With sufficient organization, you can improve your quality and volume through standardization”. How... [...]

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