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Archive for the 'A/B Testing' Category

‘A/B Testing: Ecommerce site’s 3,000 positive comments show why you can’t trust just one test’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “You could describe me as a drooling, babbling, incoherent person who can’t find his mouth with a fork and drags himself along the floor to get from point A to point B. But (except for a mistake or two in college), I’ve changed significantly since I was a six-month-old baby. And so have your customers. You test. You learn. You know. But … A/B or multivariate tests are just a snapshot of customer behavior at one moment in time So to really understand your customer behavior, you must continually test and not think you know the answer because something worked in one... [...]

‘A/B Split Testing: How to use the right test progression to get customer discoveries and results’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

David Green says, “Throughout the year, I talk to a lot of people who do A/B and multivariate testing to increase conversion rates. Even in very large companies with well-known brands, it’s not uncommon to hear stories of many tests without a lot of lifts.  Often, when they first started testing, there were easy wins. Now, not so much. These companies have all the tools necessary to test but lack one or more key ingredients necessary for sustained success.  In this blog post, I will share one of those key ingredients: testing progression. What to do after you’ve plucked the low-hanging... [...]

‘5 Easy Ways to Help Reduce Your Website’s Page Loading Speed’ – HubSpot

Gregg Crystal says, “The adage “patience is a virtue” doesn’t apply online. Even a one-second delay can drastically reduce pageviews, customer satisfaction and drop conversions. The speed of your site even affects your organic search rankings. Since 2010, Google has been accounting for a site speed in its algorithm. So what’s the biggest factor contributing to your page speed? Size. It takes browsers time to download the code that makes up your page. It has to download your HTML, your stylesheets, your scripts and your images. It can take a while to download all that data“. 5... [...]

‘An Inside Look at the Importance of A/B Testing in Paid Search’ – ‘’ Blog

Shayna Marks says, “he Internet is a vast maze of content, products and entertainment—you name it, and it has a home online. Now that just about every business entity has at least one place where their business “resides” online, the challenges of getting found by your target audience are needle in haystack-like stats. Enter search engine marketing, and more specifically: paid search. According to IAB, Internet marketers spent $42.8 billion on digital advertising in 2014, of which paid search accounted for 50 percent, or $24.6 billion. And understandably so—ninety-three percent of online... [...]

‘4 Genius Tactics for Increasing Ecommerce Sales’ – HubSpot

Morgan Jacobson says, “Nothing about running an ecommerce website is straightforward and easy. The goal is, of course, to present a product, entice buyers to purchase, and then process the payment. This is how even the most basic ecommerce site should run. For those that really want to increase sales through the use of psychology and maybe even a little wheedling, there are some other tactics you can adopt. A/B Testing Absolutely every aspect of your site could be tested for improvement, including images, headlines, product descriptions, and even the overall design. Even if you think you’re... [...]

‘The Importance of Customer Centricity in Evolving A/B Testing’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kayla Cobb says, “When we talk about A/B testing, we often think about it on a test-by-test basis. While this singular focus is beneficial, it overlooks testing’s role as an ongoing system for optimization. At MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015, Courtney Eckerle, Manager of Editorial Content, MarketingSherpa, sat down with Lauren Wagner, Senior Manager, and Tessa Srebro, Lead Generation and Marketing Associate, both of VolunteerMatch, to discuss how to utilize A/B testing to constantly evolve programs. Lauren and Tessa’s company, VolunteerMatch, is a nonprofit organization that is the... [...]

‘How to A/B Test to Avoid the Frankenstein Effect’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “It would be great if there was a handy tool that could tell you what tweaks to make to your landing page to get more leads, more shares, and more customers. But until that day, marketers still need to test, test, and do more tests to figure out what changes will result in better results. It can be attractive to test two completely different landing pages or to make a ton of small tweaks, but the best way to improve your landing page conversion rates is to change one thing at a time. While it might be a slower process, in the end you will have a better understanding of... [...]

‘How to Recover from Failed A/B Testing’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kayla Cobb says, “Back in 2003, a little blue fish taught us to, “just keep swimming.” Much like Dory, Ryan Hutchings, Director of Marketing, VacationRoost, taught us that even when we aren’t gaining the results we want, just keep testing. Ryan was one of the presenters at MarketingSherpa MarketingExperiments Web Optimization Summit 2014, where he discussed his marketing experience at VacationRoost — an ecommerce vacation rental wholesaler. During his session, Ryan shared how he and his marketing team were able to: Increase the company’s total conversion 12% Run more than 50 tests... [...]

‘Web Forms That Convert: Five Things to A/B-Test’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Alexandra Recasan says, “Contact forms, request-a-quote forms, market research forms, newsletter subscription forms… yeah, so many kinds of forms out there. If only you had a silver bullet for easily crafting a form that perfectly converts. But there isn’t one. And, anyway, it’s better to not chase after a unicorn flying over the rainbow. Chances are you won’t find it. The discussion around designing the perfect Web form has sometimes put many of us in a confusion loop. One time, you might want to increase the number of fields in your form, since you feel like asking... [...]

‘Here’s Why Most A/B Testing is Boring and Not Really Worth the Trouble’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Paul Cheney says, “Do a quick Google search on “things to a/b test on a website,” scan the results for a moment, then come back and read the rest of this article. Most of you reading this are marketers, so you know I’m taking a big risk by telling you to go do something else before you read my article. In fact if you’re reading this now, you’re probably one of the very few who made it back from that incredibly distracting activity I had you do. Thank you. You are exactly the person I want to be reading this. The others can go on their merry way. They are not the ones who need to hear... [...]

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