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Archive for the 'A/B Testing' Category

‘3 Important Questions to Ask Before A/B Testing Your Calls-to-Action’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “3 Important Questions to Ask Before A/B Testing Your Calls-to-Action”. Mike Lieberman says, “If you’re practicing inbound marketing then you know that it’s much more of a science than an art. Part of the science comes from the ability to test different elements of your program, evaluate the data and make smart decisions on how to optimize the performance of your program over time. This always results in more visitors to your website and more leads for your business. As one of the only Chief Marketing Scientists, I have been... [...]

‘”5 Things Many Marketers Forget When Running A/B Tests’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “5 Things Many Marketers Forget When Running A/B Tests”. Joe Lazauskas says, “In 2014, the buzzword game has changed. “Data” is the new “synergy.” “Let’s A/B test it” is the new “Let’s circle back on that.” Overall, this is a good thing. Synergy and circling back usually only result in the appearance of doing work, while intelligently testing techniques and generating actionable data actually helps you accomplish your business goals. But the key word there is intelligently, since... [...]

‘Landing Page Optimization: Radio buttons vs. dropdowns’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Landing Page Optimization: Radio buttons vs. dropdowns”. John Tackett says, “Radio buttons or dropdowns? The question is arguably on the borderline of arbitrary, but as we discovered, this choice is far more important that one might think. During a recent Web clinic, Austin McCraw, Jon Powell and Lauren Pitchford, all of MECLABS, revealed the results of an experiment that put button options to the test. So, let’s take a closer look at the research notes for some background information on the test. Background: A large people search... [...]

‘Email Marketing: How A/B testing raised $500 million for Obama for America’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Email Marketing: How A/B testing raised $500 million for Obama for America”. Erin Hogg says, “At Optimization Summit 2013, attendees had a chance to gain a behind-the-scenes look at the one of the biggest marketing efforts ever. The result of this effort alone generated $500 million in donations, just from the email campaign. The best part about this Summit presentation? All of the key takeaways can be applied to your own marketing efforts. The 2012 presidential election was the chance for the team at Obama for America to apply A/B... [...]

‘75% of strategic marketers use A/B testing to learn about customer behavior’ – MarketingSherpa Article

MarketingSherpa has published an article titled “75% of strategic marketers use A/B testing to learn about customer behavior”. Daniel Burstein says, “‘Why do customers buy your products? Or bounce from your landing pages? You could simply ask them. But will they tell you the truth? Do they even really know? In this week’s chart, we’ll take a look at the data to see which types of marketers are using A/B testing and website optimization tactics to answer questions like these and learn more about customer behavior“. 75% of strategic marketers use A/B testing... [...]

‘How to avoid an A/B testing nightmare’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Horror stories: how to avoid an A/B testing nightmare”. Ian McCaig says, “A/B testing has undoubtedly become the buzzword of the marketing world. It has the potential to transform your marketing approach and fundamentally enhance the way you do business online. It is the only reliable way of establishing cause and effect. In fact, 75% of the internet retailing top 500 are using an A/B testing platform. While 61% of organisations are planning to bolster testing services in the next 12 months. And yet: poor A/B testing methodologies... [...]

‘Content Marketing: How A/B testing email content generated $500 million’ – MarketingSherpa Video

MarketingSherpa has published a video titled “Content Marketing: How A/B testing email content generated $500 million”. MarketingSherpa team says, “At Optimization Summit 2013, two marketers took the stage to tell the story of how digital marketing efforts led to $500 million in donations. Toby Fallsgraff, Email Director, and Amelia Showalter, Director of Digital Analytics, came to the audience at Summit to give a behind-the-scenes look at how Obama for America implemented A/B testing in President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, and reveal the dramatic results and... [...]

‘Email Marketing: 3 letters to drive subject line success’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Email Marketing: 3 letters to drive subject line success”. Allison Banko says, “It’s tried and true: Personalization works in marketing. You know this already – approach your consumers as individuals and reap compelling results. However, tailoring campaigns can call for plenty of pain and patience along the way due to the journey of implementing new technology and complex techniques. But the attendees in the General Session Room of the Aria Resort & Casino Las Vegas atMarketingSherpa Email Summit 2014 learned that there’s... [...]

‘Online Testing: 3 test options, 3 possible discoveries, 1 live test from Email Summit 2014’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Online Testing: 3 test options, 3 possible discoveries, 1 live test from Email Summit 2014”. Selena Blue says, “Executing tests live from Summit has become a MECLABS tradition. It’s a great way to give the audience a glimpse at real-world online testing, while also involving them in the process. At this week’s MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2014 in Las Vegas, the MECLABS live test team is shaking things up along with the test’s sponsor, BlueHornet. Typically, the team picks one research question and then creates multiple treatments... [...]

‘How To Set Up An Email A/B Test’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “How To Set Up An Email A/B Test”. Andy Curry says, “Some of the easiest tests you can set up in your Internet marketing involve email. You would be shocked at the subtle differences in email marketing that affect profitability. As I’ve written in other articles, including “Testing Words on your Website to Gain Clients,” the one thing that can generate the most changes in profitability is testing words. In our testing experience, words have been and continue to be the top reason for profitability increases or decreases. It’s... [...]

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