Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I’m proud to announce the launch of myConfidence Class series, starting with today’s release – volume 1, which is all about Balancing Your Work and Home Life (and the confidence it takes to achieve your goals while doing this). This volume covers the following specific topics”. Confidence Class for Online Entrepreneurs – Balancing Your Work and Home Life Tiffany Dow’s Blog [...]
Archive for the 'Affiliate Marketing' Category
Lots of people buy and use pressure washers. You can be the one to sell them. These 10 video reviews highlight Amazon’s most engaging pressure washers. And the reviews come with a custom designed website (including header and footer images), bonus graphics, articles about pressure washers (use them as blog posts if you like) and keyword research. These videos of Amazon’s top sellers in the category each video is around 60 to 90 seconds in length. They even include a call to action so you don’t have to waste time adding your own text. All the reviews are in three formates: Flash,... [...]
As always you need to distinguish your marketing from that of your competitors. Being distinct comes in many forms. You can make your product distinct, your target audience distinct, your communication media distinct distinct, etc. Dan Lew tackles two of these dimensions in AZ Crusher. Lew’s new product consists of two distinction-generating pieces of software: – The Long-tail Domain Finder – The Affiliate Site Builder Enter a product-related keyword and the first program finds available domain names that relate to the keyword in a long-tail fashion, so you will be branding your... [...]
Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Example of Someone Taught Online Marketing All Wrong”. Dow says, “Oh my heart aches for this person. I won’t put their name in here, or their websites, but I will share with you my reply to someone who went about things all right but it turned out all wrong. Scenario: A retiree, looking to launch a work-at-home career, invests money in products and tools to learn online marketing. Learns the technical skills like you wouldn’t believe. A real go getter – implements advice, doesn’t just read about it”. Example of Someone Taught... [...]
Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Product Creator Pro Test Drive Results”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I have to give you the backstory real quick about how I came to review Product Creator Pro – because it’s perfect timing and proves how GOOD people and GOOD products get rewarded. I had emailed Nicole Dean (a great lady) about being one of the people I review in an upcoming PLR pack that reviews the top PLR providers. I love that Nicole asked me who was on the list to be included with her – because she didn’t want to be part of it if there was anyone seedy”. Product... [...]
Jamie Charles ha released new research package for Amazon affiliates: 198 Amazon products for the summer season. Products for recreation, vacation, summer sports and more. The products he highlights have a review rating of at least 4 out of 5 (and have been reviewed at least 5 times) and are priced at $99 or more. So the potential commissions are noteworthy. For each of these products he provides 3 banners to advertise them He also includes spreadsheets to tack your marketing results and a review template that lets you quickly crank out a product review. If you want to be successful in the summer... [...]
Your Amazon affiliate site can be a major help to someone facing a new situation. Tell them, for example, what they need to send to college with their son, and if they like your list, they will probably buy the necessities from your affiliate site. Azon Pro Shopping List plugin helps you build a shopping list for any niche you choose that your visitors can use to identify and buy what they need. This plugin updates the product list automatically and allows people to add items to their shopping cart (with a 90 day cookie so they can come back after a break.) The plugin chooses the bestselling products... [...]
Jamie Charles has created a package of niche product research in the massage niche, finding 45 Amazon products worth while to promote, giving you the keywords that would be good to target, including 3 unique banners for you to use on your site and finally a review template to aid you in writing articles or reviews for any products you choose to promote. In summary, he gives you: * 45 top-rated products selling for over $99 * For each of the 45 products, three banners you can use (135 in all) to promote the products (and you also get the PSDs) * 20 spreadsheets chock-full of buying keywords * A... [...]
Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Tell Us How to Mind Map – You Might Win a Free Subscription!”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I was so thrilled the other day when I made a mind mapping tutorial and many of you had been using this sort of system yourselves – either using a tool online, one you download, or a simple pen and paper option. So I thought what might be great is if we all shared one of two things – and those who share are going to be entered into a drawing to win a free mind mapping subscription, courtesy of Mind Meister!”. Tell Us How to Mind Map – You... [...]
Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Dump a Few Marketers Today – Make THEM Try to “Save the Relationship.””. Dow says, “Hi everyone! This is the thread I posted over at Warrior Forum but it got deleted after 7 good positive comments and several thanks. No clue why. Too good I guess. Anyway, my good palJohn Collins had it opened when it got the boot and he grabbed it for me! Thanks, John and everyone else – enjoy! Have you counted how many marketers’ lists you’re subscribed to right now? Are you one of those people who blocks everyone out, preferring to go read... [...]