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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Affiliate Marketing' Category

‘If You Run WSOs Don’t Do These Two Things’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “If You Run WSOs Don’t Do These Two Things”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! (Hi Jim – can’t wait for you to chime in here LOL). Today I browsed through the Warrior Forum for a bit. Just seeing what’s new. I saw two things that bugged me – one is someone who was a real turd to me making a compliment about me in one of his posts. Two-faced – ick. Another was a WSO situation where I want you to learn two things NOT to do if you run Warrior Special Offers. Here they are”. If You Run WSOs Don’t Do These Two Things Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Now Wait Just a Second – Which Is It?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Now Wait Just a Second – Which Is It?”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I had to laugh just now. But not really. I’m actually kind of pissed off about something. Okay let’s just spill it out right here: 1. In today’s post here, I talked about an article written by “someone” who is bashing people who sell PLR and basically saying PLR is dangerous and worthless, right? 2. That article I was referring to in my blog post is right here”. Now Wait Just a Second – Which Is It? Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Mind Mapping Tutorial for Marketing’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “What Do You Put on a Ghostwriter “Mind Mapping Tutorial for Marketing”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! So someone asked for a tutorial on mind mapping. I decided to pair Craig Desorcy’s input with my own ideas and make a video showing you how I make a mind map and use it from start to finish. Personally, I’m using the unlimited version Mind Meister. The personal version is $4.99/month or you can do what I did and pay $44/year.  They DO have a FREE version but you only get 3 mind maps. I quickly realized I needed more”. Mind Mapping Tutorial... [...]

Amazon Video Profits in the Pole Saws Niche #ad

Jeff Pettit (aka Jeffster) has released his newest sales tools for Amazon affiliates. He is targeting the pole saws niche this time; profitable, evergreen but not in the mainstream of power tools. He includes 10 Video Reviews, a custom designed website, header and footer images, 300+ word articles and Bonus Graphics & Keyword Research These 10 pole saws reviewed in this material are all top sellers and have lots of reviews to back up their quality. You can get in on this niche with this new material to get you going quickly. Besides the videos and website, you get Camtasia source files and... [...]

Amazon has 320 Million visitors each month. You can get a share of that revenue #ad

Just by getting people onto Amazon through your affiliate link, you’ve got a much higher shot at making commissions than most any other affiliate marketing. The difference between making a side income and cashing big as a full time Amazon affiliate marketer is being able to attract the focused visitors (who are wanting to buy) in the most profitable niches. that’s what Chris Sorrell helps you do in Amazon Niche Nuke. Amazon Niche Nuke provides a proven, effective set of strategies to dramatically increase buyer traffic, sales and conversions in easy to follow and copy steps. Take the... [...]

A “Membership Thief” Earns Passive Monthly Payments From Other People’s Sites #ad

Membership sites can earn a steady monthly income but come with a lot of headaches: content creation, customer service, technology maintenance, etc. All these headaches can be avoided if you earn your money from other people’s membership sites, rather than yours. Membership Thief reveals over 300 membership sites seeking affiliates and offering residual recurring payments, sites in many niches, such as health, business, sports, music, relationships and more. Included with Membership Thief is a bonus product Fast Cash Freedom, 7 strategies to earn fast cash. Get the whole story here.  [...]

Your Amazon Product Reviews, Articles + Report, Every Month #ad

Nathan Devlin just announced a monthly membership program for Amazon affiliates interested in the appliance niche. Every month, you get PLR website content on an appliance category. For April, it’s coffee makers. You monthly content includes: * A Buying Guide for the category- a 2000 word report explaining what consumers should look for when buying in this category * 15 Premium Heavily-Researched Home Appliance Product Reviews * 10 Supporting Articles Each month, you get content for a site, plus a downloadable report you can sell or give away. Think of how much this will distinguish you... [...]

‘PLR Usage Warning’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “What Do You Put on a Ghostwriter “PLR Usage Warning”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Yesterday someone (a scumbag) emailed me in a real blatant scumbag manner asking me a question. It was one of things where, I hate to bring it up because then it teaches more thieves how to be a thief. But at the same time, it needs to be addressed to help you prevent theft! The email I got was from someone who wanted to know WHY he should buy my PLR when all he had to do was just look at the titles in my PLR article packs, do a search for them and find them... [...]

Michael McKay, maker of many Amazon PLR packages, releases Amazon hunting/fishing niche PLR #ad

McKay’s Amazon review videos are available for many niches. These video reviews help affiliates earn more Amazon commissions because they increase click-throughs. Now he turns his attention to the hunting and fishing niche. As always, he provides:* Hundreds of exact match keywords for hunting and hundreds more for fishing,* Hundreds of exact match domain names in each category so you can get a domain that will do well for you * Most important, 50 high quality product video reviews for the hunting/fishing niche* Bonus articles, themes and more Even includes a PLR e-book on hunting for you... [...]

Sell music on the internet #ad

MusicClone is a script to set up a WordPress site as a fully developed, monetized iTunes affiliate website which runs on autopilot as a part of the iTunes Affiliate Program. Thus, you can offer a big selection of music albums, songs and videos to a massive, hungry market for instant sales. MusicClone is a state-of-the-art music store that is populated from RSS feeds by the iTunes store. Six scripts power its: * Now Playing Music Selections * Featured Albums and Exclusives Finder * Featured Artist Search * Top Songs, Albums and Music Videos Analyzer * Music Archive * Top Charts Feed With this full-function... [...]

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