Planning has a special space in the marketing process. Effective campaign management can be achieved by developing a feasible marketing agenda and a plan to achieve it. When holidays are here you need to utilize all the marketing tools for better ROI and email plays a vital role in the brand promotion. AWeber contributor Li Willits has shared a checklist that email marketers can use during this holiday season. Willits says, “There’s a simple way to launch a flawless email campaign this holiday season: Check your list and check it twice. Your holiday email marketing campaign checklist, that... [...]
Archive for the 'email marketing tips' Category
Email marketing needs to be done in such a way that you are not seen as an unwanted guest in the inboxes. Privacy is a sensitive thing in today’s customer-centric world and you need to respect it. AWeber contributor Tom Tate has shared three email marketing rules that marketers should follow this holiday season. Tate says, “Plan to send emails this holiday marketing season? Stay off your subscribers’ naughty list by following these 3 email rules. They’ll help you reduce unsubscribes, increase your sales, and get the right message into the right person’s hands. Let your subscribers... [...]
Email marketing needs to be consistent as the consistency of your email campaigns can result into improved sales. But without a striking offer and email contents it is difficult to drive in more customers. Entrepreneur magazine contributor Reshu Rathi has shared six email marketing mistakes you should avoid. Rathi says, “Despite many years of predictions that cold emails would die or fade away, that day has yet to arrive. In fact, cold emails remain one of the most effective ways of reaching prospective customers. But, over time, this medium has lost its shine, and there are very few businesses... [...]
Email stands tall as one of the most reliable tools for marketing. Also it has been one of the most practiced marketing trend. With changing times and increasing prospects it is high time we put the email marketing on automation so that we could reach out the subscribers in real time. Content Marketing Institute contributor Dennis Shiao has shared six ways to help marketers improve their email automation efforts. Shiao says, “Brands earn $38 for every $1 they invest in email marketing programs, according to Email Marketing ROI: The Factors That Lead to Better Returns, a research report published... [...]
Email segmentation leads to personalized email campaigns that can result into improved business performance. The Practical Ecommerce team has published a video recording of a webinar on ‘Email Segmentation Strategies for Multichannel Merchants’. Practical Ecommerce team saus, “When marketers segment an email list, they have the opportunity to provide recipients with more relevant content, which may provide better value and could lead to higher conversions and more profit. In this 30-minute online seminar, which first aired on Jan. 23, 2018, we’ll recommend specific email list... [...]
Your email marketing campaign success depends on the way it is being designed and the time at which it is deployed. HubSpot’s Lindsay Kolowich has shared three elements that make your email marketing campaigns successful and help you earn more business. She has also shared nineteen examples of successful email campaigns. Kolowich says, “Effective email marketing campaigns need to be cleverly written to attract attention in busy inboxes. Here are three things your next email campaign should have. Personalization and Imagery Marketing emails need to be personalized to the reader and... [...]
The Recode team has published a podcast on ‘Social media makes us angry and unfocused. Is email the answer?’ featuring Chris Best. Eric Johnson says, “Once upon a time, people had to work to find things to do and media to consume. These days, the inverse is true: We’re all desperate to get back the free time and ability to focus we used to have. “Attention is your last finite resource,” Substack CEO Chris Best said on the latest episode of Recode Media. “You’re not looking for things. You’re never bored. You’re always constantly addicted to things. Now the next... [...]
Email marketing, though a successful form, is one of the most challenging ones as it requires a blend of creativity, timing, offer and quality. It is a difficult thing to get your emails opened and even more difficult to inspire an action with your email content. Entrepreneur contributor Sujan Patel has shared five tips to help marketers get their emails opened and read by the subscribers. Patel says, “Email inboxes, in fact, have become prime real estate for businesses. MarketingSherpa found that 72 percent of consumers it surveyed said they preferred to communicate with businesses... [...]
In email marketing click-through rates help you measure the performance of your campaigns. Also the clicks give you an opportunity to get more sales done. Business 2 Community contributor Kaitlin Wernet has shared five ways to help marketers improve their email click-through rates. Wernet says, “While the end goal for your email marketing may be to improve your click-through rates, remember that the best way to get there is to concentrate on your customer and what they’d most like to receive in their inbox. Focus on the following five areas as tried-and-true ways to increase subscriber... [...]
The holiday season is coming closer and you need to sharpen all your weapons to win at the game this year. We use multiple channels to reach out the customers and get more sales done. Email is one of the most preferred channels for this. The AWeber contributor Liz Willits has shared seven ways to help marketers create a successful Black Friday Email. Willits says, “U.S. retailers earned a record $7.9 billion on Black Friday in 2017, according to Adobe Analytics. That’s an increase of nearly 18% from the prior year! A Black Friday email campaign is a great way to cash in on all this spending.... [...]