Now that Google is growing more and more suspicious of backlinks, how do you optimize your site? The on-page factors are critical. The C&C On-Page SEO Video Course (named for Caleb Lane and Carlos LaBorde, its creators) provides a concise but thorough video guide that condenses lots of information into 30+ videos of just over 3 hours, total. It comes with an Optimization Checklist to keep you on track. You also are getting a list of dozens of hand-picked external resources, including 10+ free time-saving WordPress plugins that are covered in detail. Go here to get the C&C Onpage... [...]
Archive for the 'Search Engine Marketing' Category
WP Tagizer automatically tags your posts with relevant keyword phrases. Not only that, it uses a master list of relevant tags to rotate tags for a post, so that the search engines see a constant stream of new information in the post. There is an elite version of WP Tagizer that checks Google searches for keywords related to your post that are actually being searched for. That way, your post is automatically in line for the search results for that keyword. You don’t have to quezz which keywords to use; you know what works. Even better, WP Tagizer keeps statistics on which of your tags a visitor... [...]
Proper on-site optimization is more important than ever. As widely reported, the Penguin update has devalued many external links. You can’t trust them to bring you top listings. You internal links play a much bigger role, as do your title and meta-tags. Get this internal SEO right, and you’re a long way toward top rankings. C&C On-Page SEO Video Course contains over 30 video tutorials that cover content, plugins, website speed, security internal linking, website structure, and many other relevant topics. It comes with an Optimization Checklist to quick start your On-Page SEO. Most... [...]
Leopard Seal SEO has proven to be a set of techniques that continue to work after Penguin. This PDF training is simple, to-the-point, and effective. It contains practical tips on SEO for the last half of 2012. He calls it Leopard Seal SEO because the leopard seal is the main predator of Penguins. No Penguin will take down these SEO techniques. Jonathan Heusman, the author of Leopard Seal SEO, says there are five key changes you need to make to your sites to adapt to the Google Algorithm changes in the Penguin update. Besides these newly important five, here are 10 other classic features your site... [...]
You may be hit by negative SEO, attacks by your competitors to make your site look spammy. But you don’t have to take it lying down. This free report, Negative SEO Revealed shows you how to protect your site. Google has been working on counter-measures, but they aren’t always protective, so you need to find personal measures to supplement what Google does. Read this report and discover (1) what all the fuss is about and (2) how you can stay out of the way of Negative SEO here. [...]
George Cha has released the Top Ranking Manual 2.0, a guide to SEO for the perplexed marketer. This blueprint, he says, can send your web pages to the first page of Google for the most competitive keywords. And, he says, it’s very easy. Top Ranking Manual doesn’t have a lot of fancy graphics, but it does show you the process steps you need to take to have success online (everything is indeed described step by step, all in terms appropriate for beginners): 1.How to find a niche and profitable keywords, with lots of examples and many resources 2.How to set-up a site: domains, themes,... [...]
For your videos to work for your marketing, you need targeted traffic to watch the, and you need engaged viewers who comment on them and help make them viral, and you ultimately need to get subscribers and buyers. That’s what Video Traffic Accelerator is intended to provide you. Angela Lin produced to show you how she gets targeted, interested traffic by using videos designed with specific structure and marketing techniques. She is in the “study skills” niche and created videos to attract her potential clients. Eventually, she perfected her method by trial and error and now shares... [...]
Tony Marriott has released Page One Infiltrator, software that he says can “read Google’s mind.” It’s not easy to get on page 1 these days. Google is vague about what it takes. But even though Google doesn’t say much, it does take action. By watching its actions and listening to the few things it says, and responding appropriately, page one can become a possibility. Marriott runs a network of 3000 blogs and he has carefully observed the effects of Google’s changes. His perspective has given him valuable insights and he has placed what he now knows in Page One... [...]
Lazy Google Dominator can rank a site in a high-competition niche and you don’t have to do a lot of work to make it happen. Like the author, you can choose the lazy path. Arvindh Shridhar takes you through how he ranked his site (he tells you its name; it’s a lowly .info) in the weight loss niche. He shows you the keywords he chose and, most important, he shows you day by day, what steps he went through to achieve his high ranking. He did all this ranking after Panda and Penguin, so the methods he used should still work. And he got into the top ten on Google in just 20 days from when... [...]
Jonathan Heusman has released an easy to follow guide, called Leopard Seal SEO, that shows you how to gain top rankings in Google (and other search engines) without having to fear being slapped. Leopard Seal SEO is a quick and powerful read teaching exactly what all site-owners need to know to survive and thrive after the Google penguin update In this guide, he delves into five changes you need to make to adapt your site to the new Penguin algorithms. He also explores ten classic SEO techniques that still are working even after the Penguin changes. Outside these 15 tools, he says, your so-called... [...]