The search engine optimization strategies need constant update so that you can cope with the changing search algorithms. The new year is almost here and by knowing how the SEO could change, you can better prepare to face the situation. iPullRank contributor Aleks Shklyar has shared five SEO predictions for 2020. Shklyar says, “Though no one knows with full certainty what the world of organic search has in store in the upcoming year, there are hints SEOs are picking up on. Some of these observations are based on topics that keep arising in the SEO space (see BERT), and others can... [...]
Archive for the 'SEO Tips' Category
To run your business smoothly and successfully you need to keep your SEO strategy updated. With the algorithm update announcements, you should update your SEO strategy for coping with the search engines. DealerOn’s Kelcey Drapp has published a new video ‘How will SEO change in 2020?’ to shared the new year’s SEO trends with you. Drapp says, “The decade is almost over, and with each new year has come many changes. In her final Wednesday Workshop video of 2019, Kelcey discusses some big changes coming our way for SEO in 2020. Welcome back to another Wednesday... [...]
Pay-per-click (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) go hand in hand as both the tactics are used to get more web traffic. Your customers can find you easily if you are using these two marketing techniques. Know Agency contributor Jane Phelps has shared five benefits of using PPC and SEO together. Phelps says, “These 5 benefits of using PPC and SEO together underscore why an all-or-nothing approach to just SEO or PPC won’t get you the best possible search results. 1. Share Keyword Data Keywords are the words, sentences, and questions people type or ask of Google.... [...]
The MOZ team has published ‘Spectator to Partner: Turn Your Clients into SEO Allies’ video featuring Kameron Jenkins in the ‘Best of Whiteboard Friday’ series. MOZ team says, “Are your clients your allies in SEO, or are they passive spectators? Could they even be inadvertently working against you? A better understanding of expectations, goals, and strategy by everyone involved can improve your client relations, provide extra clarity, and reduce the number of times you’re asked to “just SEO a site.” In today’s Whiteboard Friday,... [...]
A strong search engine optimization (SEO) strategy enables you not only to attract new visitors but also in improving the user experience and usability of your website. SEO helps you in expanding your organic reach and building trust and credibility too. Distilled contributor Annaleis Montgomery has shared five useful tips to start your SEO journey and improve marketing performance. Montgomery says, “They say learning SEO is like learning a new language. With such a skill, comes hours of pouring over educational materials and practising it until it comes with ease. But if you don’t... [...]
With search engine algorithm updates, the SEO landscape continues to be dynamic. There will be several things that will remain the same but in addition to them, we are going to face several new updates as far as SEO in 2020 is concerned. Search Engine Journal contributor Danny Goodwin has shared 10 important SEO trends for 2020. Goodwin says, “It’s time to take our annual look at what’s ahead for SEO professionals in 2020. What SEO strategies and tactics will work and help you dominate in the SERPs and earn more revenue in 2020? This is the question we ask every year... [...]
An effective SEO strategy helps you to reach more people online. Especially during the holiday season, a well-defined SEO plan is highly essential. Searchmetrics contributor Jordan Koene has published a new podcast episode ‘How to Prioritize and Categorize SEO Holiday Topics’ featuring Tyson Stockton. Koene says, “When it comes to last minute SEO optimizations, knowing where to start and what to prioritize is key to winning the optimization battle. Join host Ben and Searchmetrics’ Director of Services Tyson Stockton as they continue their Holiday Triage week discussion reviewing... [...]
Nowadays most businesses have realized the importance of SEO and they work to improve their search engine presence. However, while developing an SEO strategy you need to consider several elements which help you to score well in the SEO game. From selection of keywords to the title tags you write for your pages, every element has its own importance. To help you create a better SEO strategy, Go Fish Digital contributor Candice Lyna has shared an article highlighting common mistakes made by businesses while launching a new website. Lyna says, “Time and time again, I see “SEO” considered... [...]
A well-written, self-explanatory copy is one of the most essential elements of your content marketing strategy. It helps you to attract the search engines and also works well for your target audience. WordStream contributor Conor Bond has shared nine important rule to for SEO copywriting in the coming year. Bond says, “Throughout this post, I’ll share a few examples of good work being done by folks around the marketing community. Without further ado, here are nine essential SEO copywriting rules to help you flourish in the year 2020: 1. Understand (and match) keyword intent For the... [...]
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are confusing concepts to grasp. SEM is internet marketing that increases a site’s visibility through organic search. SEO is one of the parts of search marketing tactics. To help you better understand SEO and SEM, Ahrefs’ Joshua Hardwick has published a video called ‘SEO vs. SEM: What’s the Difference and Why You Should Care’. Hardwick says, “What’s the difference between SEO and SEM? When should you be using them? In this tutorial, you’ll learn the difference, plus when and where you should... [...]