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Monday, October 7, 2024

Archive for the 'Facebook marketing' Category

Facebook Expands Monetization Opportunities on Instant Articles

Facebook has opened its ad placement project in Instant Articles to all publishers. Initially,  under Facebook Journalism Project, the company had started testing ad units in the related articles section at the bottom of Instant Articles. According to Facebook Product Manager Harshit Agarwal, this new initiative of Facebook will help publishers increase their advertising revenue. More details are available in Facebook’s developer documentation. On combination of advertising and quality content, Agarwal says, “As always, our goal with ads in Instant Articles is to maintain the best... [...]

81% Marketers Optimize Social Videos for Mobile Audience

An Animato survey has revealed that more and more marketers are turning to video for meeting with their goals. 64% of the survey respondents stated that Facebook marketing video influenced their a purchase decisions. More findings from the Animato survey: 92% of marketers make videos with assets they already have 81% of marketers optimize their social videos for mobile audiences 39% of marketers create square and/or vertical videos 48% of marketers create 4+ videos every month 27% of them create 6+ videos every month. State of Social Video: Marketing in a Video-First World  [...]

Instagram Placement for Click To Messenger Ads Available Now

Facebook has announced the launch of Instagram as a placement for Click To Messenger Ads. This will serve “ads that take people directly into a Messenger conversation with businesses or brands that matter to them”. According to Facebook, 1.2 billion people use Messenger every month and 20 million active Pages use messaging each month. This is how the Click To Messenger Ads work: “Click to Messenger ads can be placed on both Facebook and Instagram to further extend their reach. Instagram click to Messenger ads are available via Ads Manager, Power Editor and the API—in image,... [...]

Here is How You can Connect with Your Prospects on Facebook

According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound report, 91% marketers prefer to use Facebook to connect with their prospects as against 78% using LinkedIn. HubSpot’s Aja Frost has shared four tactics marketers can use to to connect with their prospects on Facebook. On using Facebook as a touchpoint, Frost says, “Because Facebook’s search is less powerful than LinkedIn, consider using Facebook to build rapport with a buyer after you’ve identified them as a potential fit. For example, perhaps a lead downloads one of your content offers. You email them and offer to answer any questions;... [...]

Facebook Publishes ‘Principles for Publishers’ for Improving Integrity of News Feed

In its drive to provide meaningful and relevant content in the News Feed, Facebook has published ”Principles for Publishers’ guiding publishers to publish content that can improve the integrity of news feed. In a Facebook announcement, company’s News Feed VP Adam Mosseri states that people need meaningful and informative stories in the news feed and publishers should address this concern. Facebook has encouraged the publishers make their content meaningful, informative and more Focusing on meaningful content, Mosseri says, “When ranking News Feed based on how meaningful... [...]

HubSpot Lists 24 Facebook Advertising Myths

Today, social media marketing and advertising play an important role in product and service branding. Facebook’s advertising solutions allow businesses to promote custom ads for a specific audience. Facebook ads appear in your target audience’s News Feed or right column of Facebook. Facebook advertising can help marketers increase social following and boost the reach of their organic posts. HubSpot’s Kate Taylor Mighty has listed 24 common myths about Facebook advertising from the 24 Facebook Marketing Myths guide. Explaining Facebook page like and post engagement, Kate says, “As... [...]

Facebook Updates News Feed to Reduce Clickbait Headlines

Clickbaits are creating hurdles for online marketers and advertisers by attracting attention and encouraging visitors to click on a link to a particular web page. Facebook News Feed is also facing a challenge due to Clickbait and in a drive to make people’s lives easier, the company has updated its news feed. Facebook has announced three updates. Arun Babu says, “Today, we are making three updates that build on this work so that people will see even fewer clickbait stories in their feeds, and more of the stories they find authentic. First, we are now taking into account clickbait... [...]

48% Businesses Have Facebook Page for Business

Manta has published results of a survey that covered 4712 small business owners. There are some significant findings on how SMBs use Facebook for business. Here are the key findings: 48% businesses have Facebook page for business 49% feel that they have done right by investing in Facebook 15% spend 1-2 hours a week for Facebook marketing and 57% spend less than an hour for Facebook marketing activities Only 7% publish 1-3 times a day on Facebook 62% SMBs aim at getting new customers useing Facebook and 44% aim at getting more web traffic. Explore more findings on how businesses use Facebbok for... [...]

Facebook Uses AI to Penalize Sites with Offensive Ads

Facebook, in its mission to penalize the sites with offensive and spammy ads, has started using Artificial Intelligence in the news feed. It includes posts and ads that link to sites with duplicate content and annoying ads. Jiun-Ren Lin and Shengbo Guo say, “Starting today, we’re rolling out an update so people see fewer posts and ads in News Feed that link to these low-quality web page experiences. Similar to the work we’re already doing to stop misinformation, this update will help reduce the economic incentives of financially-motivated spammers”. According to Facebook, these... [...]

HubSpot’s Step-by-Step Guide to Use Facebook Live

Facebook’s Facebook Live video streaming service allows its users to broadcast from their mobile devices straight to their Facebook News Feed. Most Intenet marketers are using this service to connect with their customers in real time. Acording to Social Media Examiner, 16% of marketers used broadcasting it in 2016. HubSpot has published a step-by-step guide to help marketers sse Facebook Live in the right manner. This guide offers a detailed note on usgin Facebook Live. Sophia Bernazzani says, “Why are marketers getting so excited about Facebook Live? Because it’s a fun and... [...]

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