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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Archive for the 'Facebook marketing' Category

‘How Email Marketers Can Prepare For Inbox By Google’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tom Sather says, “In late 2014, Google announced “Inbox by Google,” update to the nearly ten-year-old Gmail interface that is essentially a re-imagined email client for Gmail, but focused on helping people manage their busy lives. The effort takes the best ideas from products like Google Now and Gmail as well as from upstart email apps like Mailbox. The invite-only revamped inbox also aims to make an inbox experience that is more relevant in today’s mobile world, as its interactivity relies strongly on touch-screen-like movements like swipes. In a Reddit Ask Me Anything, Inbox’s... [...]

‘Facebook Shares More Evidence That Facebook Video Is Really Big’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “By now there’s no doubt that Facebook is a major player in the online video world. Every day Facebook users watch more than a billion clips on the social network. There’s evidence that Facebook is closing in on YouTube as the No. 1 place for marketers to post their videos. In October, comScore reported that on desktop Facebook has surpassed Google’s platform in monthly video views. Today, Facebook added a bit more evidence, reporting a 75% increase since last year in the number of videos being uploaded on its network. That figure is higher in the United States, 94%,... [...]

‘Cosmo Magazine Reports Facebook Video Engagement Rates Climbed 200% Year-Over-Year’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Cosmo Magazine is joining the long list of brands experiencing significant results with itsFacebook video content. After seeing a swift increase in video engagement rates on the social network last year, the brand launched Hacksmopolitan, a Facebook-exclusive video series. “We know our millennial reader is checking Facebook regularly, and so we wanted to create short, funny, and shareable videos tailor-made for her to watch right in her News Feed,” claimed’s editor Amy Odell in a post on Facebook’s media blog. According to Odell, Cosmo’s Hacksmopolitan... [...]

‘Marketers Get Aid In Promoting Facebook Videos Off Of The Network Thanks To New Service From Virool’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “Looking to boost the exposure of your brand videos on Facebook? A new one-of-a-kind service from Virool has been launched today that helps brands market your Facebook videos off of Facebook completely. The benefit to brands are the engagement and views to the Facebook specific content. This announcement comes on the heels of reports showing that 80% of all video interactions on Facebook are occurring with Facebook video and the announcement that 1 billion video views are occurring everyday on Facebook. Other studies have shownthat Facebook’s video platform drives higher... [...]

‘How Does Your Facebook Strategy Compare to that of the Top Brands?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As brands place more and more importance on utilizing social media, they must first understand how the most successful brands generate consumer engagement with their posts. Simply Measured, a social analytics platform, has released the findings of its Q3 2014 Facebook Study that measured brand activity on the popular social network using the Interbrand Top 100 Global Brands over a three-month period. According to Simply Measured, the companies included in the study have garnered a total of 1.1 billion fans on Facebook, with 77 percent of the companies having individual audiences... [...]

‘More Brands Uploading Video Directly To Facebook Vs. Posting YouTube Videos On Facebook Pages [Report]’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Social media analytics company SocialBakers is throwing more fuel on the fire that is the Facebook video versus YouTube video showdown. Two months after forecasting the number of videos uploaded directly to Facebook would exceed the number of YouTube videos, SocialBakers says its prediction has come to pass. SocialBakers evaluated 20,000 Facebook pages belonging to brands, media outlets, celebrities and entertainment companies to determine how content marketers are implementing video content on the social media site”. More Brands Uploading Video Directly To Facebook... [...]

‘Facebook Says Redesigned Right-Rail Ads Are Performing Better’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Last April, Facebook retooled its long-neglected right-rail ads, boosting their size and reducing the number of ads that appeared for desktop users. Today, the social network released details about how the new format is performing. Not surprisingly, Facebook reports, the news is positive. In an eye-tracking test, Millward Brown found that the new ads were more effective at attracting and maintaining people’s attention than the previous format. Compared to the former ads, they are: 29% more effective at attracting views (noticing the ad) 50% more effective at driving... [...]

Comment Maximiser nurtures your Facebook fans, improves engagement #ad

Aravindh Sridhar has found a way get the hottest traffic on Facebook and he does it for free. If you think Facebook marketing is complicated, Sridhar may be able to help. There’s a lot of jargon surrounding Facebook, but if you strip it all away, it just comes down to engagement with your fans. Sridhar says that the more you engage with your audience, the more sales you make.. In fact, he made $632 with Facebook, using a really simple (and free) engagement strategy. He interacts with the people who comment on his fan pages because these people are the hottest leads you can get. They’ve... [...]

‘Facebook Launches Call-to-Action Buttons on Business Pages’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Great news, marketers: Facebook just announced a feature that can help drive more traffic from your Facebook Page to your website: a call-to-action button. While this feature isn’t available to everyone just yet, it’ll roll out in the U.S. over the next few weeks and worldwide starting in 2015. So if you don’t see it on your Page yet, rest assured that it’s coming. In the meantime, you can catch up on all the feature’s details in this post. Here’s How a Facebook Page Call-to-Action Works Page admins can choose one CTA button... [...]

‘Facebook cozies up to publishers with new tools’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “Facebook is already the most important platform for online publishers. Now, the social network also wants to be the favorite. Facebook launched a new set of publisher tools on Wednesday that provide greater ability to target posts and promote timely content, as well as greater automation. The move comes at a time when publishers are basking in the massive amount of traffic that Facebook sends, while also voicing some concern about increasing reliance on the social network”. Facebook cozies up to publishers with new tools Mashable  [...]

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