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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Twitter Marketing' Category

‘Twitter, Vine extend video lengths and hint at new video revenue’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Twitter and its six-second video app Vine are both extending their maximum video lengths to 140 seconds. Vine is also starting to look at new ways to make money for itself and its creators, and Twitter has new a video discovery tool that could also open up a revenue stream. But first the new video lengths. On Twitter it’s pretty straightforward: videos won’t be cut off at 30 seconds any longer. Advertisers and certain publishers working directly with Twitter can still post video ads and videos, respectively, that are up to 10 minutes long. The new video length works... [...]

‘Twitter advertisers to get stats on video performance’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “A partnership of Twitter and video company Innovid is giving advertisers more useful data on video performance as posted on the microblogging site, it was announced today. Innovid will be serving data analytics for ad performance on both mobile and desktop, inclusive of video views, viewability, engagement, time spent and more. This partnership recognizes Twitter’s emphasis on video, something that is being embraced heavily as of late. The new arrangement will give Innovid’s customers access to rich video analytics data. In time, it is suggested that Twitter may... [...]

‘Emojis gone wild: Twitter unveils emoji targeting’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “Thanks to adtech and big data, marketers have more ways than ever to target consumers in digital channels. But Twitter is taking targeting to a whole new level with the announcement that it is letting advertisers reach out to consumers based on the emojis they use. Marketers can access emoji targeting through six of Twitter’s ad partners – AdParlor, Amobee, HYFN, Perion, SocialCode and 4C. According to Twitter product manager Neil Shah, 110bn emojis have been tweeted since 2014, and that is apparently a gold mine for marketers”. Emojis gone wild: Twitter... [...]

‘Twitter advertisers to get stats on video performance’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “A partnership of Twitter and video company Innovid is giving advertisers more useful data on video performance as posted on the microblogging site, it was announced today. Innovid will be serving data analytics for ad performance on both mobile and desktop, inclusive of video views, viewability, engagement, time spent and more. This partnership recognizes Twitter’s emphasis on video, something that is being embraced heavily as of late. The new arrangement will give Innovid’s customers access to rich video analytics data. In time, it is suggested that Twitter may... [...]

‘Twitter will let brands target ads based on the emojis people use’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Today is June 15, not April 1, which means this is a real thing that’s happening. Twitter is going to let brands target ads based on the emojis that people include in their tweets. This means that if you tweet, retweet, like or reply to a tweet that includes 💩, you might end up seeing an ad for Charmin. No joke; I hope that happens. And if you’re a brand that wants to do that kind of thing, you can. You just have to buy your Twitter ads through AdParlor, Amobee, HYFN, Perion, SocialCode or 4C. Again, these are real things now happening. This all sounds ridiculous,... [...]

‘4 Lessons Every Salesperson Can Learn from Periscope’ –

AJ Agrawal says, “Periscope is all about exploring the world through someone else. It’s about being able to see someone else’s world. There are so many different streams available to choose from. Salespeople can learn a lot from the success of this live streaming platform. You are going to learn some crucial lessons that salespeople should take away from the success of Periscope. 1. Taking Advantage of the Trends Do you know why Periscope has become so successful with more than 10 million registered users? It took advantage of a growing trend in marketing. Video become popular and live... [...]

‘Twitter is testing carousel ads again, but a different type’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “A little more than a year after Twitter began testing carousel ads that could include multiple app install ads, the company will now start experimenting with carousels that can include normal tweets, including possibly yours. Twitter’s latest carousel ad format lines up an array of tweets — text, photos or videos — into a horizontal slideshow, not unlike Facebook’s, Instagram’s and Google’s versions of the format. Brands can include up to 20 tweets in a carousel, but Twitter recommends they limit themselves to around five or seven. Brands can pick one of their... [...]

‘Twitter’s throwing the doors to its pre-roll video ad biz wide open’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Twitter is making it easier for advertisers to spend their digital video budgets on the social network. After opening up its pre-roll video ad marketplace in October 2015, Twitter will now make it easier for advertisers to buy these ads, which play before videos posted by top publishers like BuzzFeed, Complex Media, The Young Turks and Tastemade. Previously, the easiest way for an advertiser to buy these pre-roll slots was to manually log into Twitter’s system and select content categories that it wanted to run ads against. That’s easier than having to call up a Twitter... [...]

‘7 New Twitter Features You May Have Missed’ – HubSpot

Meghan Keaney Anderson says, “In an industry fixated on rapid growth, any slowdown in user acquisition or monitization sounds alarms. And Twitter, whether it likes it or not, has been sounding a lot of them lately. Not only is it facing stagnant monthly active user growth, but the revenue generated from those users has disappointed a market accustomed to steady tech progression. In the face of a negative narrative, the company has been quick to take action and has focused predominantly on changes geared toward the user. Over the last six months, Twitter has made a collection of changes, small... [...]

‘Report: Bye bye Twitter “Buy”’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “Twitter’s “Buy” button project is being stopped, a report from BuzzFeed indicates. The development of this social commerce component appears to be past tense, with most of the 25-people “Buy” team either having left the company or having been assigned to teams devoted to customer service or dynamic product ads. What’s with this decision? It’s suspected that social commerce is simply not as popular as once suspected. As a source tells BuzzFeed, “people are not buying on social media right now.” If so, it doesn’t justify the continuation of development... [...]

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