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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Twitter Marketing' Category

‘How to Build a Memorable Personal Brand on Twitter’ – HubSpot

Wendy Marx says, “Imagine that you’re within 140 characters of connecting with a customer, prospect, or influencer. How can you afford not to reach out? We’re talking Twitter, of course: the 300-million strong whirlpool of information that has emerged as a personal branding, relationship-building nirvana. Twitter pros have found ways to use the platform to score business and media deals — they’ve even built relationships through developing successful Twitter personal brands. Yet, too many people have joined the community simply because they know they should be there, not... [...]

‘Ranked conversations have arrived to the Twitter mobile experience’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “Does your Twitter timeline look different to you on your mobile device? Don’t be shocked; this is Twitter’s new conversation ranking feature that groups responses by sub-conversations and by ranking, not by chronology. With this update, the mobile experience has caught up with the desktop experience where this has been available since June 2015. It’s high time that Twitter updated this change, which also includes a reply count. Perhaps they have been grappling with the idea to offer the feature, as it’s not exactly easy to follow conversations now when displayed... [...]

‘5 Tips to Build Loyalty with Your Twitter Fans’ –

Rich Drees says, “Twitter has changed how personal and business brands engage with their followers and fans. Social media has opened the path to a more personal, sustainable and unfiltered interaction between a brand and its customers or followers. Twitter, seeking to continuously increase its market share, is inventing and adapting new technology to further their platforms goal of being a prime-time communication hub. As Twitter comes out with more automated and paid features to improve social engagement, exposure, and interaction with its millions of users; it is essential to consider... [...]

‘Get Maximum Followers on Twitter for Free. Here’s How’ – Entrepreneur

Saumya Kaushik says, “Twitter, the famous micro-blogging website that allows an individual from all stripes to reach out to a million people all at once is an internet sensation since its very inception. But, the question is – How do you reach out to these million people in just one go? The answer lies in the fact that one should possess a healthy amount of dedicated followers over the platform. But, how do you get these followers? Twitter has proven itself with time to be an important medium to keep in touch with people from diverse industries and is also a platform to get the know-how... [...]

‘Twitter is adding new bot-like customer service options’ – Mashable

Patrick Kulp says, “Twitter is following Facebook into the automated customer service game. The social network just rolled out new welcome message and dropdown response features for advertisers that are reminiscent of Facebook’s recent branded bots push. The former allows brands to add an introductory message to any direct-message conversation that will set the terms of the customer service exchange before a user makes the first move. The latter feature, called “quick replies,” supplements those messages by giving customers a cookie-cutter list of possible responses when... [...]

‘How to Use Twitter Polls to Engage Your Audience: 13 Examples From Real Brands’ – HubSpot

Bethany Cartwright says, “It’s been a year since Twitter polls became an option for users to engage, entertain, and survey their social media audience. And just recently we’ve found ourselves asking, “Are there any brands out there that are really using Twitter Polls well?” In the not-so ancient past, Twitter users used to tweet out makeshift polls and use likes, retweets, or replies to get their “results.” It was a way of engaging with followers over timely events, random questions, and product promotions. Yet, without real-time voting options and results, these makeshift polls... [...]

‘What marketers think of Twitter’s harassment problem: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Apparently, the brands looking to buy Twitter the company are way more concerned about the social network’s longstanding but recently highlighted harassment issues than the brands looking to buy its ads. Quick recap: Over the summer, “Saturday Night Live” star Leslie Jones came under attack from a mob of racist trolls on Twitter and temporarily left Twitter because of the abuse. Then BuzzFeed published a series of reports investigating Twitter’s inability to curtail the harassment happening on its platform. These high-profile examples of Twitter’s harassment... [...]

‘How to Get More Twitter Followers: 10 Expert Tips’ – HubSpot

Ellen Bartolino says, “Unless you’re a celebrity or a household name brand, it’s really difficult to build a substantial following on Twitter. Maybe you’ve made it to a couple thousand followers but can’t seem to bump it up any more. Frustrating, isn’t it? The good news is that HubSpot put together a helpful kit — How to Get More Twitter Followers — filled with everything you need to know about increasing your brand’s following and generating business from your Twitter account. In the kit, we’ll share a couple big levers you can... [...]

‘Legal Warnings for Small Businesses Using Periscope’ – Small Business Trends

Kelley Keller says, “Periscope is the hot topic among businesses and marketers these days and for good reason. Since Twitter acquired Periscope in March of 2015 for $120 million (before it actually launched), it was obvious that live video streaming wasn’t just a fad. It was here to stay. Fast forward just 10 months and it’s even more obvious that live streaming is a force to be reckoned with. This month, IBM announced that it would acquire Ustream for an estimated $130 million (a bargain compared to Amazon’s acquisition of video game streaming site Twitch in 2014 for $970 million).... [...]

‘Twitter now lets brands advertise only to potential site visitors likely to become customers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tim Peterson says, “If you’re an advertiser who wants to run ads on Twitter to get people to do something specific on your site — like buy a product or schedule a test drive — but don’t want to pay for people that visit your site but leave without doing anything, now you can. Twitter has opted to let advertisers decide whether they want their ads to simply get people to visit their sites or to specifically visit their sites and perform a certain action. Put another way, Twitter is separating its two-year-old Website Clicks or Conversions ad objective into two separate objectives:... [...]

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