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Archive for the 'Twitter Marketing' Category

‘The Character Count Guide for Blog Posts, Videos, Tweets & More’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, ” When it comes to writing text for your blog and social media posts, many marketers wonder, “But what’s the character limit?” It’s never a simple question — sometimes, it’s answered by parameters established by certain channels. And on other occasions, it’s more a question of what’s ideal. For example, you probably know the character limit for a tweet is 140, but did you know that the ideal length is actually less than that? (Hold tight — we’ll explain why.) While we’ve written before about optimizing... [...]

‘Maximize your business’s Twitter impact’ – Marketing Land

Will Scott says, “Twitter is too often overlooked by growing businesses. While it may not rival Facebook in popularity, Twitter still has over 300 million monthly active users. What’s more, 50 percent of Twitter users are more likely to buy the products of brands they follow online. To create and manage an effective Twitter page for your business, keep the following tips in mind. 1. Put time into your profile The industry and size of your business will have a big impact on the tone and image of your Twitter profile. For example, medical professionals look relatable with a face picture... [...]

’10 Costly Mistakes Business Leaders Make on Twitter’ – Entrepreneur

Jonathan Segal says, “My profession affords me the opportunity to work and talk with many entrepreneurs and other leaders about social media. Just as important, I observe their use (or nonuse) of social media. Twitter remains one of the most popular platforms for people to exchange ideas, promote news and express opinions. I’m a social media enthusiast, but my work in employment law makes me all too aware of the risks inherent in these instant-post tools. My Top 10 list of costliest mistakes might surprise you. Its entries stem as much from underuse as from misuse. 1. Not using Twitter. Some... [...]

‘Twitter is adding pre-roll ads to Periscope’ – Mashable

Kerry Flynn says, “Twitter has opened up another place for video ads, the buzziest online advertising sector, as it looks to find more revenue for its flight to profitability this year. Starting Tuesday, select partners can apply to have ads run in front of Periscope videos. These pre-roll ads come at an important time for Twitter — though isn’t it always an important time (cc @realDonaldTrump)? The company, which Wall Street has obliterated for a lack of user growth and an utter loss of faith in leadership, is trading at record lows. Meanwhile, Snapchat is gaining the respect of... [...]

‘Twitter to bring pre-roll ads to Periscope videos’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “Twitter is chasing the money, and Periscope is their next target. Per an announcement today, Twitter will soon allow publishers and creators to monetize their Periscope content with support of pre-roll ads within video. With pre-roll ads, viewers will receive the same user experience that is seen within Twitter videos, just now extended to Periscope. This enables brands to engage with viewers with their marketing message before the actual video is viewed. Just scroll through the Periscope feed, and all videos (live and replay videos) will start with an ad. This is a... [...]

‘How to Create a Twitter Moment: A Step-by-Step Guide’ – HubSpot

Sophia Bernazzani says, “Sometimes an event is so remarkably big that it completely takes over social media for a few hours, or even days. Think back to the last awards show, sporting event, or viral meme — how many tweets about it popped onto your Twitter timeline? When more than 9,000 tweets are published per second, it can be hard to find great content on the platform. So in 2015, Twitter rolled out Twitter Moments — curated tweets revolving around a single topic or story, all in one place. Initially, only Twitter and its editorial partners, such as BuzzFeed and The New York... [...]

‘Popular Twitter Hashtags to Promote Your Small Business Every Day of the Week’ – Small Business Trends

Antony Maina says, “Hashtags can be a great tool for organizing tweets, joining conversations and promoting your business. They are also a great way to get your content and brand in front of new audiences. While trending hashtags keeping on changing all the time, there are some that tend to trend consistently for each day of the week. Popular Twitter Hashtags Here are 35 popular Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) hashtags that you could use to promote your business. Monday Hashtags #MusicMonday Use this hashtag to showcase your customers or employees musical talents. #MilitaryMonday Show your support... [...]

Instant Tweet Cash: How to use Twitter in Marketing #ad

Leon Tran just released a new training course, Instant Tweet Cash, that shows you how to use the power of Twitter to reach millions of Twitter users. Some of those users surely want your product or service. You need to know the ropes of twitter marketing and take advantage the techniques that give you an advantage. Here’s what you are going to discover in Instant Tweet Cash: Video Module 1: Introduction To Twitter Marketing Video Module 2: Successful Twitter Page Video Module 3: 7 Steps To Twitter Marketing Success Video Module 4: Creating Your Twitter Page Video Module 5: Customize Your... [...]

‘How to Build Your Business by Connecting with Influencers on Twitter’ – Entrepreneur

Penny C. Sansevieri says, “Every business owner seeks to boost their market share and find new audiences for our products and services — it’s how we stay profitable. One of the best ways to reach new people is to connect with an influencer who can share with their followers. And Twitter offers a unique way to do this — it can help you build great connections, and ultimately grow your business. So with that in mind, here are my top tips for connecting with Twitter Influencers. 1. Find the right people to follow. If you already have someone specific in mind, use the search box... [...]

‘How to Build Your Business by Connecting with Influencers on Twitter’ – Entrepreneur

Penny C. Sansevieri says, “Every business owner seeks to boost their market share and find new audiences for our products and services — it’s how we stay profitable. One of the best ways to reach new people is to connect with an influencer who can share with their followers. And Twitter offers a unique way to do this — it can help you build great connections, and ultimately grow your business. So with that in mind, here are my top tips for connecting with Twitter Influencers. 1. Find the right people to follow. If you already have someone specific in mind, use the search... [...]

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