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Friday, October 18, 2024

Archive for the 'Lead Generation' Category

Copyblogger Shares 20 Call to Action Examples for Instant Leads

By creating a strong call to action (CTA), you can turn visitors into leads. An effective CTA should be appealing and persuasive to generate desired results. Copyblogger contributor Tim Stoddart has published an article highlighting 20 call to action examples that create instant leads. He says, “The CTA extends well beyond a buy button. The copy around the CTA will have a much more significant impact on the CTA’s success than the words on the button itself. The key to nailing the setup is to know what resonates with your audience. For example, if you’re selling CRM software, you might... [...]

How To Spy on Your Competitor’s Lead Generation Process [Video]

Your competitors are doing something right. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be your competitors. Most of your competitors are going to be set up to win. They’ll know how to get traffic to their website and they’ll know how to convert it when it arrives. Tim Cameron has published a new video ‘How To Spy on Your Competitor’s Lead Generation Process’ to help you check your competitor’s lead generation process. He says, “In this video, I’ll take you through the five areas I check on our client’s competitor websites to see how they convert... [...]

26 Ways to Earn 100 Leads a Day on Your Website [Video]

Exposure Ninja’s Tim Cameron has published a new video ’26 Ways to Earn 100 Leads a Day on Your Website’. He says, “Generating 100 high-quality leads a day sounds like something only large brands can do — but it doesn’t have to be a pipe dream for SMEs. The one thing you need to get to that number is a solid marketing foundation. We’re talking about a clear marketing strategy that meets these requirements: Isn’t overly reliant on any one particular channel Features a good quality high converting offer on your site that increases your conversion rate and lets... [...]

Strategies to Generate More Leads

A call to action (CTA) informs visitors about the action they should take next after viewing your content A strong CTA plays an important role in boosting your lead generation. Copyblogger contributor Tim Stoddart has shared 20 call to action examples that can help you to create instant leads. He says, “Your goal is always to have the visitor take action, so it’s no surprise that you should use verbs in your copy. For example, some of the most common CTA words include: Unlock Join Start Begin Provide instant gratification Many fantastic CTAs also provide gratification. For example, if... [...]

LSA Agency: Sell phone leads to local businesses #ad

Every business needs leads, people who are looking for the products and services they offer. The COVID-19 pandemic makes this need even greater, as businesses are shutting down for lack of customers. Today, Victory Akpos releases new software, LSA Agency, to make is possible for you to gather leads that local businesses are hungry for. Your marketing consulting business may grow as more and more businesses come to you fr leads. These leads are not just any leads; not the kind you get by copying from a phonebook or Chamber of Commerce directory. No, you can offer “ready to buy” leads... [...]

Five Ways to Boost Lead Generation with Content Marketing

Lead generation is the process of collecting contact details and then developing relationships with potential customers. Your content can play a pivotal role in generating more leads for your business. Content Marketing Institute contributor Ann Smarty has shared five ways to help you generate more leads with content marketing. She says, “Can content marketing help (or even drive) your brand’s lead-generation and nurturing strategy? It sure can. Let’s see how: 1. Match content to search intent Just about any website out there is optimized to generate Google organic traffic. In most cases,... [...]

Generating More Leads with Interactive Content

Lead generation is an important aspect of your business growth. With quality leads, you can continue to get more and more customers. Jeff Bullas has shared some useful tips to acquire, qualify and nurture leads with interactive content. He says, “Interactive content is going to make you question that! While these two ideas seem closely related, it is important to distinguish between them. So, let’s get you some answers! If you’ve ever taken a quiz like “Which FRIENDS character are you?” or used a calculator to find out your loan EMI, you’re already familiar with interactive content.... [...]

Five Ways to Segment Leads Using Interactive Content

Lead segmentation is the process of categorizing leads on the basis of different parameters like demographics, industry, geographical location, etc. Jeff Bullas has shared five ways to segment your leads using interactive content. He says, “Every company should segment their leads. They can be segmented based on different parameters, depending on what is most suitable for the company. Let’s see how interactive content can help you with this. 1. Consumer utility As a business, the primary motivation should be to provide your consumers with value. But as much as you’d like to, you cannot... [...]

Strategies to Generate More Leads

Lead generation is about informing people about your products and services and to drive them to take interest in it. Quality lead generation enables you to take you business to the next level. Business 2 Community contributor Beatriz Redondo Tejedor has shared three ways to generate more leads in 2020. Redondo says, “Generating more leads is the first step to increasing sales. If you’re looking for ways to increase the number of leads reaching your sales funnel, here are three proven strategies. Create specific landing pages A landing page is a dedicated page created specifically as part... [...]

‘How to Create (and Measure) Content for Lead Generation’ Webinar September 17 [Webinar]

Building a consistent content marketing strategy can be kind of tricky. Having a great piece of content is not enough. To make your content shine and accomplish business goals, you need to create a content marketing funnel, find out the most suitable content for each stage, get your content in front of the right audience, and make sure the funnel works. SEMrush is hosting a webinar ‘How to Create (and Measure) Content for Lead Generation’ on Thursday, September 17, 2020 featuring Andy Crestodina and Ilya Onskul. Attend this webinar to: What content best fits your BOFU, MOFU, and TOFU How... [...]

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