Social Media Power is an e-book (about 40 pages long) with PLR rights. You get the original MS Word DOC file so you can change it as you need to and can add your own name to it, as author. The e-book contains 200 powerful social media tactics for increased opt-ins and sales. Besides the e-book, you get a mini-site to sell it from, including the sales page, squeeze page and download page. And you get Photoshop e-cover templates you can use to modify this e-book (or use them for any other e-book you create.) Tjin is known fo the quality of his PLR. Check out his latest here: Social Media Power [...]
Archive for the 'PLR for Sale' Category
Lucas Adamski has just release a package of five PLR packages for you to sell. Four are in the Internet marketing niche. The other is “Get Your Ex back.” You can sell these five reports as your own and earn all the proceeds for yourself since there is no onging royalty. What you can you acquire the resale rights Marketing reports are on topics: -Article marketing – Link Building – Offline Marketing – Laws of persuasion You can uses these reports nearly anyway you like (“get your Ex Back is a bit more restrictive than the others) from selling to giving away,... [...]
Who else wants “20 Secrets To Dieting Success”? If you have been online for any amount of time, you know that Weight Loss is a huge niche, with eager buyers, wanting to find some product that will help them if a life goal of losing weight. Now you can be a part of their solution with this new PLR. 20 Secrets To Dieting Success. Besides the e-book to sell, you get a minisite to use in selling it and several banners to use in advertising. This is one of the hottest markets ever, and now you can be a part of the solution with this new PLR. Go here to see more: 20 Secrets To Dieting... [...]
The Cardio sub-niche in the personal fitness niche is an evergreen source of affiliate sales. All around the world people want to improve their cardio-vascular fitness, and they turn to the internet to find products that will help them do it. You can promote the cardio equipment on Amazon with the Amazon Essential PLR: Cardio Equipment Product Reviews, including: – 20 PLR articles about cardio equipment – Reviews of 10 top cardio products – 10 Comparison reviews of similar cardio products “head to head” If this niche appeals to you, look ove the details of this PLR... [...]
Two new e-books, “Ab Solid” and “Dating Disasters” are available at a “dime sale” price. Currently under $11, but rising. Ab Solid explains the “quick response technique” which is said to develop strong abdominal muscles in record time. Dating Disasters is a guide book for how to have a happy first date switch someone new. Both come with professional content and professional graphic e-covers. Plus, you get a professional squeeze page so you can build a list by giving away the e-book. With these e-books, you have the start of two profitable businesses,... [...]
If you are an Amazon affiliate, this will get you movin’ on a new niche. You get 10 PLR product reviews of sewing machines have an average price of $240 and an average of a 4.6 star rating. These are beefy articles, all over 750 words in length. And they have three calls to action in each article; just insert your affiliate link. And, the reviews aren’t overhyped; you won’t be ashamed to publish them. As a bonus, he includes a list of available exact match domain names and a membership in his Amazon Artillery group. Find out more about this collection of Amazon review articles... [...]
You get ebooks for these five niches: Pinterest marketing (two e-books) Weight Loss with the babyfood diet Dealing with extreme heat How to make it in the music business There are lots of ways to use this PLR content, anything except: – Selling or giving away on the Warrior forum – Selling on Tradebit, Digital Point, Ebay or an auction site To get your own PLR e-book package of five books, go to Five Hot PLR EBooks [...]
You can get 10 ready to go niche blogs for $10 or less. This package is ten blogs for promoting Clickbank products with recurring commisions, all done and ready for you to upload to your server plus even more blogs at a discount price if you are interested). Scott Inman has been designing and selling blogs with content for some time now. He has blogs on 90 topics you can buy and use as though you had built them yourself. His latest 10 are all promoting products that provide recurring commissions: – Clickbank Marketing – Cooking for Fitness – Hypnosis – Internet marketing... [...]
Gears of War 3 is a hot video game, played by many thousands of people. You can have a website dedicated to these dedicated Gears of War 3 fans. On this site you will sell a Strategy Guide for Gears of War 3 players. You get: – The complete Strategy Guide with attractive graphics – The complete website with a sales letter and graphics – A swipe file from one of the experts in this game. Use it to write additional sales copy, article, etc to promote your business. – PLR rights to re-brand the book and use it any way you choose. Go here to learn more about the Gears of... [...]
If you have a photography website or mailing list, check out Digital Photography PLR Magazine. This monthly magazine with professional photos and articles can be branded as your own. It’s something you will be proud to associate yourself with. It will build your client list when you give it away. But its value goes beyond that. Not only can you put your website name at the top of the cover and include your logo or picture; you can also place your affiliate links at key spots in the ads, so that you profit when people buy from ads in the magazine. Find out about the expert creators of the... [...]