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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Archive for the 'PLR for Sale' Category

Five PLR Packages for under $10 #ad

This PLR package is for you if you market in any of these Niches: – Embarrassing Personal Problems – Travel to London – Facebook Marketing – Personal Development- Self-Confidence – Internet Marketing-Video Sales PLR is now available for these five products, which have a good track record of sales, at over $40 (total) in the past. You get sales pages and other sales aids to make it easy to operate your business. See the details here.  [...]

Complete Senior Fitness PLR Package; e-book, articles and autoresponder messages #ad

This niche is more than evergreen. It is growing by leaps and bounds as baby boomers reach their senior years. If you miss this societal mega-trend, you will miss many marketing opportunities. The “Exercises for Seniors” e-book at the heart of this package reveals 25 low-impact exercises suitable for the aging population. With it you get 10 health and fitness articles for seniors on topics like cancer, heart health, diabetes, etc. These are topped off with an autoresponder series on diet for senior fitness. You get complete freedom in how you personally use all these materials; you... [...]

Amazon Affiliate Reviews on Photographic equipment #ad

Michael McKay has just released another of his famous Amazon video review collections, including 50 video reviews on things like: – Camera Bags – Lighting Equipment – Other photographic equipment With the reviews, as usual, he includes a host of aids: – Hundreds of exact match keywords for each type of equipment – Hundreds of exact match domain names for each category – Six professional banner graphics And he provides bonus PLR for articles, ebooks, WP Headers and much more. See it all here.  [...]

List Building that really works #ad

Justin Stowe just released List Building Lion, a fresh look at building a list of names and emails for your online business. Stowe says 90% of marketers (who follow the advice to give away cheap PLR to collect names and emails) are doing it wrong. This isn’t the best way to build a list; selling a product is. List Building Lion shows how to take this profitable approach to list building. Don’t give away a product; sell it. You could say Stowe is following his own advice by selling this report. He wants buyers on his mailing list. But he is going farther. He is including resale and PLR... [...]

Aurelius Tjin releases “It’s All in the List” #ad

New e-book addresses the issue of hot to start and build a highly-responsive email list. The 40 page book is filled with tips on building a list of eager buyers. Besides this helpful book, you get resale rights and private label rights. This means you cn easily recoup the cost of your purchase by selling one copy. AQlong with these rights you get a mini-site you cn use to sell the book. Infact, you get a complete opt-in funnel based around the book. Tjin has been doing PLR products for quite a while and has developed a good reputation. Ckeck out his new It’s All in the List here.  [...]

Ken Sar’s Memorial Day Special expires Thursday #ad

Ken Sar has created a “business in a box” special offer that expires right away. Five PLR products with complete sales page and (this is rare) an affiliate sign-up page so you can build your business through traffic sent by affiliates. Plus for each product you get a report to give away as opt-in bait and a squeeze page where people can opt-in. To top it all off, you get a WordPress custom theme for each of the products. What are the products? – Social marketing Exposed – Email Cash Secrets – Fast Cash Strategies – 60 second Backlinks – Work from Home Secrets You... [...]

Earl Smith’s Audio Video Platinum, vol. 3, Just Released #ad

High-quality audio and video can be expensive and hard to find. Earl Smith has released his latest selection of 15 audio tracks and over 60 high-quality video backgrounds (all in WMV, MP2 and QuickTime) that you can use for all your projects. Now you don’t need to hire an expensive outsourcer. In addition, Smith includes his previous audio and graphics products and a new mini-site template you can use to sell these, yourself, or for any other project you have Find out more here.  [...]

Amazon Affiliates: Get PLR reviews and articles on Barbecue and Grilling #ad

80% of US homes cook out in the back yard and need equipment to do it. They naturally turn to Amazon for their equipment. But you can build an authority site on barbecue and grilling. On your site, you can offer equipment as an affiliate. You can use these PLR reviews and articles as a draw to get people interested and send them to Amazon for purchase. Your commissions on the popular equipment in this review package can be substantial because these cookers (Weber, Coleman, Cuisinart and other premium cookers) aren’t cheap. You get reviews for 12 grills total, plus lists of related keywords... [...]

“Commission Kickstart” shows how to get an affiliate business up and running quickly #ad

Gerald Soh’s Commission Kickstart contains three audio courses he created, plus PLR rights to sell them: – CPA Cach Siphon – Viral E-book Marketing – Make Money Online with Physical Products You can learn all he reveals and find your investment was well-rewarded, or you can go farther and offer these products to others and reap the profits, keeping them all for yourself. The price is so low that you don’t have to resell it to get your money’s worth. But with the included sales page and delivery pages, you can easily recoup your investment by selling just one... [...]

New Evergreen Amazon Product Reviews for Cribs #ad

As long as the world continues, there will be babies, and Amazon will continue selling cribs. With these new reviews on your site, you can send customers to Amazon and earn commissions. Experienced marketer, Joe Piercey has created reviews of 10 popular cribs. These are substantial (750+ words) articles written in a conversational voice (without any hype) and closing with a call to action. Along with the articles, you get a spreadsheet with a lot of background information about each product being reviewed. Plus, you get a list of available domain names that fit in this niche. You also get a membership... [...]

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