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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Archive for the 'Product Launches' Category

Jeff Walker’s 3rd training video and printable blueprint for Product Launches #ad

Jeff Walker released his third training video Friday. And he is offering a free downloadable blueprint for product launches along with the free video. Walker is getting ready for his new launch and he wants you to understand why, for training in product launches, he is the “go to” expert for dozens of industry leaders and well as hundreds of other internet marketers. Watch his third video and download his printable training right away; there’s a link right below the video. He usually withdraws is free information after he launches. And he launches the latest edition of Product... [...]

The “Sideways Sales Letter” and other marketing tools #ad

Jeff Walker released the first of several training videos Friday. In it, he explained how he uses the “Sideways Sales Letter” in his product launches. Don’t know what a Sideways Sales Letter is? We didn’t either, but he explains that, too. If you want to become known online for your expertise, and you want to use that expert status to have a successful business online, Walker’s training on how to launch products online will set you on the right footing. In the first video he shows you how to structure a product launch for maximum impact. He is releasing a second training... [...]

Core Elements of a Successful Product Launch #ad

When you want to launch a new information product on the web, particularly if you are new to the process, you seek out advice from people who have “been there, done that.” No one is more qualified by that criterion that Jeff Walker. He has studied product launches for years and has launched his own products using techniques he has found to work. He once sold $1 Million in a single hour. As a result of his research and his expertise, he has made a name for himself as the maven of product launches. His Product Launch Formula has become the most popular product launch training in recent... [...]

Professional product launch service for your next product #ad

Mohamed Hammad is a professional product launch manager. He was trained by well-known product launch expert, Jeff Walker, and has practiced his trade for clients in weight loss and dating niches. Now he is offering his Professional Product Launch Service for your next product launch at a bargain price of $77, although the price is rising. In his role as launch manager, Hammad will: 1-Create your sales page, with graphics and text, for the sales copy you provide 2-Set up your payment process using your choice of Digiresults, JVZoo or WSOpro. Also he can set up your Clickbank. 2Checkout, PayDotCom... [...]

Guru Launch Magic: How you can launch your new product with flair #ad

The internet is full of new products; even in the internet marketing niche, dozens are announced daily. In an environment like this, it’s hard to get your product the attention it needs. Harith Bashir and Bertram Heath have created training he calls Guru Launch Magic, that shows you how to launch your products withe the same hoopla/ pizazz/ panache as the well-known “marketing gurus” use. For only $7.50 (but rising) you can get Guru Launch Magic, training that will show you: • A Pro launch sequence that builds buzz and anticipation • A launch funnel that attracts affiliates... [...]

The IM Elites: A new social network for information marketers #ad

Six well-known internet marketers are setting up a product development and launch social group called The IM Elites. The goal is a steady flow of marketing product announcements. The group of partners as a whole promotes the products and then shares the rewards. They plan to limit the size of the partnership group, but beginning today they are accepting applications. Richard Newton, Mike Merz, Todd Gross, Bill McRea, Mick Moore, & Vincent Inter. They are looking for partners, and even guarantee every partner will make money from their work together. They want this to be an “earn while... [...]

Guru Launch Magic: How to use the Product Launch method to increase your income #ad

Bertram Heath has just released Guru Launch Magic to show you how to get the most from your new product. You can try to sell it many ways, but a “product launch” is possibly the best. With a launch, you are doing what the major companies have found generates the most excitement and sales. Consider this: +Microsoft just did a product launch for Windows 8 +Apple did a product launch for the new iPhone +MacDonalds just did a product launch for a new menu item + Every so-called IM guru does product launches for their new products Why do they spend the time and money make a splash on opening... [...]

Product Launch Masterclass: Video Introduction to successful product launches #ad

Ian Mortenson & Mark Lyford have just released Product Launch Masterclass, a complete overview of what it takes to launch a successful information product. Successful product launches require detailed planning and excellent execution for best profits. This 9-part video series shows you the pitfalls to watch out for and the best practices to adhere to. One of the most important things you’ll discover in Product Launch Masterclass is how to find, manage and support good affiliates. Another important topic covered well is server crashes. They are typical with product launches. Without... [...]

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