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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

‘Email Marketing Best Practices – The Dos and Don’ts You Need To Know’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “New to email marketing? Or maybe you’re a seasoned pro looking to share the tips you’ve learned along your journey. Either way, yesterday’s #emailchat was the place to be. We asked the AWeber community to share their tips and guidelines for sticking to email marketing best practices. Josh, our Best Practices Manager, was there to share his expert advice with everyone. From subject lines to responsive email, we covered the spectrum. Missed out on the chat? Here are the 7 email marketing best practices that everyone should know: 1. There are lots of ways to grow... [...]

‘Understanding the Marketing Funnel: 5 Strategies to Improve Your Email Marketing’ – Aweber Blog

Liz Willits says, “Imagine spending hours writing the best email subject line in history but leaving no time to write the content of your email. That’d be bad planning, right? Although you have an amazing subject line, it doesn’t really matter. You’re missing a huge part of your email: the content. Without planning, this same thing can happen with your overall email marketing strategy. You could spend hours designing and writing a compelling email series that explains the amazing benefits of your product. But if you send your email series to subscribers that aren’t ready to buy your... [...]

‘Why Interactive Email is the One to Watch’ – Aweber Blog

Olivia Dello Buono says, “We’re calling it: Interactive email is the next big thing. Completely dispelling the idea that email is stale and outdated (their words, not ours), interactive elements deliver a fresh take on email marketing and invite subscribers to engage with your brand. In yesterday’s #emailchat, we asked the AWeber community to share their thoughts on this exciting new trend: what it means, where it’s going and why it’s so important”. Why Interactive Email is the One to Watch Aweber Blog  [...]

‘There’s No Magic Number for How Many Emails to Send’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “How often should you email subscribers? It’s an age-old question for anyone who sends email. You want to keep subscribers engaged, but you don’t want to give off that needy, stage-five clinger vibe. Nor do you want to get lost in the inbox. So what’s the magic number of times you should email subscribers? The answer is… It depends. I know, I know. That isn’t exactly what you were looking for. But let me explain. How often your subscribers want to receive emails from you depends on a variety of factors, including the people who make up your email list, the type... [...]

‘5 Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog Today’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “If you’re a blogger, hitting the “publish” button is one of the scariest actions you can take. Publish means there’s no turning back. All of those late nights, extra cups of coffee and agonizing over titles and image placement culminate with a single click. The only thing scarier than hitting publish is complete silence afterwards. No page views, shares or comments after all that hard work: a blogger’s worst nightmare. It takes guts to put yourself out there as a blogger, so don’t let your best work go to waste. Use these tips to maximize each piece of... [...]

‘The Three Problems with Buying an Email List’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “I know the feeling. You’ve got something of value to offer. Maybe it’s a new product that’s fresh from production and ready to be shipped. Or maybe you’ve finally decided to launch the consulting business you’ve always been thinking about. Regardless, you have a beautiful, problem-solving widget and you’re only lacking one small ingredient to catapult you to success…an audience. You’ve talked to a few companies that swear up and down that if you buy an email list from them, you’ll acquire only bona fide, opt-in email addresses. If you find yourself in... [...]

‘How do I convert subscribers into paying customers?’ – Aweber Blog

Tom Tate says, “Back again with another fresh episode of the Ask Me About Email Marketing podcast, the show where we’re talking about all things email marketing and no questions are off limits. For today’s episode, we’re stepping into the world of Jay Moore, one of our email marketing experts who has been working at AWeber for 8 years! Jay has seen the industry evolve quite a bit over the past decade and is has plenty of knowledge to drop. In this episode you’ll learn: What major changes have impacted email marketing over the years. How to convert casual subscribers into loyal paying... [...]

‘Time-Saving Email Marketing Tips to Take Back Your Day’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Strapped for time? Feeling frazzled? Wondering if you’ll even have time make it to the end of this blog post? (It’s ok if you don’t, you won’t hurt my feelings.) If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re the perfect candidate for email marketing. Email helps you make meaningful connections with your tribe using very little time. It sounds like a catch-22, doesn’t it? It’s not – as long as you’re spending your time wisely. But that doesn’t always happen. Try these time-saving email marketing tips the next time you find yourself wondering,... [...]

‘The Lean Startup Guide to Email Marketing’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “The truth is, email marketing is simple—and extremely effective—if done correctly. But the problem is, there’s way too much information that can get you stuck. This is especially true with startups, when you’re burning through cash and need to produce results as quickly as possible. Fortunately, the Lean Startup methodology works just as well with email marketing. (And even Fortune 500 companies can benefit from this approach.) In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know, distilled into four simple steps. These four steps allow you to learn from your... [...]

‘How Threddies Uses Email Marketing to Connect with Crafters and DIYers’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “As Elana Donmoyer slowly rolled her collection of handmade clothing and accessories around the parking lot of a Phish concert over a decade ago, she never thought her humble efforts to fund her trips to watch her favorite band would someday transform into a business that would help support her family. As a crafter and DIYer back then, Elana saw other crafters struggling to find hair accessories in the right colors and quantities. “Folks were buying basic styles at the drugstore or supermarket and adding on to them,” she said. “But there was no source for these... [...]

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