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Monday, March 3, 2025

‘Content Curation Tools: The Ultimate List’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Content Curation Tools: The Ultimate List”. Meg Sutton says, “The Ultimate List of Content Curation Tools, and accompanying map, is comprised of both business grade tools that can support organizations’ content marketing strategies, as well as personal curation tools that can be used by individuals for hobbyist or organizational purposes. Content curation is when an individual (or team) consistently finds, organizes, annotates and shares the most relevant and highest quality digital content on a specific topic for their... [...]

‘How to Define Actionable SEO Analytics to Accomplish Organizational Goals’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How to Define Actionable SEO Analytics to Accomplish Organizational Goals”. Genia Stevens says, “Digital marketers need more than just data; we need data we can use to drive business decisions.    Merely analyzing collected data isn’t enough.  Digital marketers need to first understand organizational goals, then use the data collected to move the organization closer to those goals. Study actions, not just keywords. Digital marketers should determine what happens on their website when visitors land on the website... [...]

‘Why Branding is Important for Every Marketing Campaign’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Why Branding is Important for Every Marketing Campaign”. Jonathan Long says, “Using an online marketing campaign in order to build a business is crucial these days. In fact, one would be insane to not utilize online marketing because failure would be imminent if the online space was ignored. There are several components that come together to create a successful online marketing campaign and all of them need to focus around building the brand. The “brand” can be the actual company name or some businesses will brand... [...]

‘Top Content Marketing Strategies That Google Loves’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Top Content Marketing Strategies That Google Loves”. Keith Eneix says, “Working in online marketing is like stepping into a world that, on the outskirts, looks very small, but in truth is bigger on the inside than most consumers imagine. There are SEOs, crawlers, tags, keywords, and other jargon which you probably know by heart now if you’ve worked in the field for some time. However, trying to turn jargon into reality is difficult, and even more difficult is knowing which techniques to use, and which to avoid. Right... [...]

‘Social Media Tips: 50 More Tweetable Social Media Tips for You and Your Business’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Social Media Tips: 50 More Tweetable Social Media Tips for You and Your Business”. Roxanne Roark says, “Welcome back to another edition of tweetable social media tips! If you haven’t read it, my first tweetable social media tips article is here: 50 Tweetable Social Media Tips for You and Your Business. Sharing Social Media tips and tricks is my main goal for this blog, and so here are 50 more tweetable social media tips for you to use and share! Just click the “Click to Tweet” text at the end of the tip you... [...]

‘Want to Drive More Website Traffic? Start Thinking Like Your Customers’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Want to Drive More Website Traffic? Start Thinking Like Your Customers”. Keely McGroarty says, “What a customer thinks about matters to your brand and business, but it also matters to your overall marketing efforts. As most owners who rely on their website to generate business, driving and retaining quality traffic is the initial objective – and quality traffic derives from optimizing your website with the right keywords your potential customers are already searching for, offering and effectively communicating your... [...]

‘How #FirstTweet Reveals the Evolution of Social Media Marketing’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How #FirstTweet Reveals the Evolution of Social Media Marketing”. Sharmin Kent says, “Twitter celebrated its eighth birthday last week by taking its users on a trip down Memory Lane. The microblogging platform done more than provide another way for people to connect online; it’s become a 140-character storefront for brands. And as Twitter became more popular, more brands jumped on the tweeting bandwagon. Whether to hawk their wares or to field customer service questions, brands now respect the power of Twitter to connect... [...]

‘2013: The Year SEO Just Became Marketing’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “2013: The Year SEO Just Became Marketing”. Spencer Frandsen says, “Google’s algorithm changes have kept online marketers on their toes. We chased links, and then we ran from them. We stuffed any and all keywords, and then we turned out nose up if they weren’t of the long-tail variety. We created content, and then Matt Cutts yelled at us. What worked and what didn’t was a constantly moving, ever changing, target. And, if you were too heavily invested in any one tactic, a change by Google could throw an entire... [...]

‘Twitter Followers: 10 Ways To Grow Your Following’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Twitter Followers: 10 Ways To Grow Your Following”. Bridget Willard says, “A friend said, “I am having trouble getting followers for a new client.” Though she was general in her tweet topics (not just self-promotional, she was at a loss. Here were my suggestions, generalized and tweaked as to not identify the asker. Make sure you have a completed profile, avatar (logo), header photo, and background. Your Twitter background shouldn’t be clouds. Most of us are choosy and won’t follow eggs. See: “Baby Steps to... [...]

‘How to Start a SEO Business’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How to Start a SEO Business”. Scott Taft says, “Each month millions of websites are launched all over the world. Thanks to DIY website platforms like WordPress, WIX, and SquareSpace, that number dramatically grows each day. Owning a website that makes money is the new “American Dream”. In fact, I would billing will to bet it’s now a “World Dream”, not just an American dream. That’s where you come in. 90% of these websites are not properly optimized, and therefore are performing very poorly in search engines.... [...]

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