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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

‘19 Ways to Promote Your Ebook’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “19 Ways to Promote Your Ebook”. Wakeman says, “Ebooks are a tried and true method for getting the word out about your expertise as well as creating a nice flow of income. However, a big obstacle for many ebook authors is finding the best way to get the word out and promote their fabulous ebook. This comes up time and time again with clients and readers. Recently in the survey Ellen Britt and I conducted about digital publishing, one of the top questions online entrepreneurs had was about marketing, promoting and selling ebooks”. 19 Ways to... [...]

‘Seth Godin Taps His Tribe to Publish His Next Book – The Icarus Deception’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Seth Godin Taps His Tribe to Publish His Next Book – The Icarus Deception”. Wakeman says, “I’ve been a Seth Godin fan for many years and own all his books. I follow his blogs and buy just about anything he recommends. Why? Mostly because he is an innovator and a big thinker and I want to study and learn his strategy and tactics.  For 25 years Seth Godin has been exploring how to better make and promote books. Today, he moves his quest forward by a big leap as he introduces a crowdfunding project on Kickstarter to demonstrate a new way... [...]

‘Digital Publishing – How to Write Ebooks That Sell [Infographic]’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Digital Publishing – How to Write Ebooks That Sell [Infographic]”. Wakeman says, “Seems everywhere I turn online these days, the hot topic is digital publishing: ebooks, ibooks, Kindle books, video magazines, podcasts, you name it. Whether you call it content marketing or self-publishing, digital or multi-media publishing is becoming an important element for every business to consider including in their marketing strategy. We’re familiar with using blogs and video and audio as a way to create visibility and get our message out to our... [...]

‘Business Blogging – Build Visibility, Authority and Sales’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Business Blogging – Build Visibility, Authority and Sales”. Wakeman says, “Nearly every day I have a conversation either online or in person with a business owner who questions the value of business blogging. Either they are not blogging (yet) or don’t intend to because they don’t see the value or don’t want to spend the time.  If this describes how you feel about blogging for your business, I want you to read this post by Brian Clark of Copyblogger fame, written originally in 2007 and updated in 2012: Are You Someone’s... [...]

‘Boosting Your Online Visibility – Open Mic Throw Down [video]‘ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Boosting Your Online Visibility – Open Mic Throw Down “. Wakeman says, “What would you say about your business if you had 60 seconds on stage and it was being filmed? That was the challenge at Andrea J. Lee’s Wealthy Thought Leader Conference…an opportunity to get a one minute video to use however we wished. This was a huge benefit to attendees especially getting a video of one speaking on a stage in front of an audience. I found it fascinating to watch what people did with their precious opportunity”. Boosting Your Online... [...]

‘Content Marketing System – Jeff Herring’s Webinar Replay’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Content Marketing System – Jeff Herring’s Webinar Replay”. Wakeman says, “Were you able to attend the content marketing webinar workshop I hosted with Jeff Herring? If not, the good news is you can watch the replay… Jeff Herring’s Content Creation Workshop – The Trick To Content That Practically Creates Itself!    If you were on the live workshop webinar, you know we had a good time and many people created the draft for an article in real time and got feedback from both Jeff and me”. Content Marketing System... [...]

‘Profitable Content Creation’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Profitable Content Creation – How You Can and Should Create Your Own Content for Prospects and Profits”. Wakeman says, “This is a guest post by Jeff Herring at Content creation and content marketing are a great method for building your prospects and your profits. But you don’t have to get that news just from me – a recent issue of Entrepreneur Magazine had this to say about content creation and content marketing: When it comes to marketing strategies, content marketing has just been crowned king, far... [...]

‘Building Community on Your Blog’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “Building Community on Your Blog”. Wakeman says, “Are you actively building community on your blog? “Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” ~ Rollo May ~ Blog community has been on my mind as I developed a webinar for Social Media Biz School and on the same day read a fabulous post by Marcus Sheridan, The Sales Lion, about using blog comments to build community. Initially, I think most bloggers don’t consider the value of community building. They’re focused on... [...]

‘How to Use Annotations with Out-of-Date YouTube Videos’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “How to Use Annotations with Out-of-Date YouTube Videos”. Wakeman says, “While on a webinar with Online Video Expert Lou Bortone, for the Social Media Biz School, a question came up about deleting out-of-date videos. Yes, you can delete your old videos from YouTube, but what if you don’t want to? Here’s the solution I came up with… [click here if you cannot see the video below] Got a YouTube video tip? Post it in the comments and if your tip is a video, include the URL so we can watch your video too!”. How to Use Annotations... [...]

‘5 Awesome Tools for Pinterest Power Users’ by Denise Wakeman

Denise Wakeman’s latest blog post is titled “5 Awesome Tools for Pinterest Power Users”. Wakeman says, “Are you a Pinterest Power User? I confess. I’m really getting into Pinterest. While I’m mostly focused on using it as a business tool – to find and share great blogging and marketing content – I do enjoy spending a few minutes a day browsing through the images of food, jewelry and gorgeous places. I also make a conscious effort to go beyond business and share a bit of my personal tastes, what inspires me, where I want to travel, and recommended reading”. 5 Awesome... [...]

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