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Friday, March 7, 2025

‘How to Be Miserable?’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Alex Green says, “At a conference in Las Vegas a couple months ago, I had the opportunity to meet and chat with Dr. Joel Wade, a psychotherapist who has dedicated his career to discovering what it means to live well.  As a life coach, his practice is about helping people create and embody a truly extraordinary life. His lecture was “Mastering Happiness: Practical Skills and Ideas for Living Well.”  When Dr. Wade uses the word happiness, however, he isn’t talking about more parties, laughter or... [...]

‘Two Simple Money Rules Everyone Should Know’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Porter Stansberry says, “For the young folks out there, the single most important thing you can learn at your age has nothing to do with investing. It’s simply this: Live beneath your means Do not borrow money If you just go to work every day, try your best, build a career, save money (20%-25% of your income) and don’t get into debt. By the time you are 35 years old, you will be well ahead of the game”. Two Simple Money Rules Everyone Should Know ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter  [...]

‘The One and Only Way to Communicate’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, ““Your ETR emails are the most positive thing I read all day,” my friend Beth said to me at dinner. We were sitting in a Tapas bar in downtown Asheville, where we were spending a few days at a retreat for fitness experts. The food was delicious, but what I’ll remember most about the night is what Beth said next. “The article about your rules changed my life. It made me realize that I was being too critical of others – not in a mean way, but just in the way I observed things –... [...]

‘Are You One-Dimensional?’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Ryan Murdock says, “The way you live has a profound influence on the choices you make. I learned the hard way that it’s easy to hide weaknesses, and they usually exist in areas you’re overlooking. I’ve always been a disciplined person, and I’ve never had difficulty sticking to a training plan, putting in long hours to meet writing deadlines, or following a reading schedule to broaden my mind. But it was only after a friend passed me an Anthony Robbins book that I sat up and realized I’d... [...]

‘Adventures in Income’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Susan Fujii says, “I put much more stock and focus on the importance of earning more income (and investing that income wisely) than I do on clipping coupons and “not spending” money. Don’t get me wrong, both skills are vital to your financial future, but you will get a lot more bang for your buck by growing your income rather than sacrificing that latte you love. This past Sunday, I decided to put my money where my mouth is, and did something I absolutely dreaded and thought for sure would be... [...]

‘What You Must Resist’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, “What you’re about to read goes against practically every message that you hear each day. You see, you live in a world surrounded by mediocrity, and worse, the promotion of it. Country and Western songs tell you to kick-back and relax, don’t worry about working, and just enjoy a beer while playin’ hooky to go fishin’. Television advertisements entice you to plunk your butt down in front of the boob tube for hours on end, and have your ‘vote’ about who gets... [...]

‘How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, “Each afternoon at 4:45 p.m., just before I stop working for the day, one of my final tasks is to review a set of daily inspirational and motivational documents. I call these my “Daily Guiding Documents”. One document that has been in the rotation for over four years of this habit has been The Kekich Credos, by Dave Kekich. It’s a list of 100 mantras for life and business. The first Credo might be the most important. It starts, “People will do almost anything to stay... [...]

‘From Pool Boy to Entrepreneur’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Mark Ford says, “The average Nicaraguan is born in a shack with a dirt floor and earns less than $60 per month. Enrique, my handyman/gardener in Nicaragua, does better than that. He makes about $150 per month in salary and another $50 or so in tips and side jobs. In the United States, Enrique could earn that much in two or three days. In fact, the kid who does the same work for me at my home in Florida makes $2,000 per month. This disparity in compensation is one of the reasons why, despite the dangers and difficulties... [...]

‘The Best Thing You Can Do for Others’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, “In a period of just four days we had been all over the Eastern side of Germany. Our travels had taken us on a car racing adventure at Porsche in Leipzig, and then Oktoberfest celebrations in Munich, followed by more driving skill training at a secret BMW test track in the countryside (none of the driving fell on the same day as Oktoberfest, of course). It was excellent male bonding experience for Matt Smith, myself, and a dozen other guys (plus two great women, as well). So, what better... [...]

‘Why You Should Always Try Something New’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Bedros Keuilian says, “Most people really like routine… Eating the same types of food each day, wearing the same style of clothes, and doing the same workout program. I guess it’s natural to not want to try something new. But sometimes trying something new will get you hooked on something much, much better. For me, it was this really exotic fruit that I had never heard of before. I was almost six years old when my pops decided that it was time for us to defect from communist Armenia (then governed by... [...]

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