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Saturday, March 8, 2025

‘The Unexpected Side Effects of Making Money’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Michael Masterson says, “My life changed when I decided, one day, that “make a lot of money” would be my number one goal. Focusing on that goal and making it a priority changed my income, from about $50,000 a year to seven-plus figures. It changed my business status from that of a nameless employee to that of an employer of hundreds. It changed my lifestyle from one of making minimum payments on credit card statements to the kind happy movies provide for their heroes. But it also had two negative consequences: I... [...]

‘Three Words That Will Change Your Life’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Alex Green says, “Talk about a model prisoner… In 1985, Fleet Maull began serving a 14-year sentence for drug trafficking. During his incarceration, he completed a Ph.D. in Psychology, authored a well-received book, became an ordained priest, founded a prison hospice program and launched the Prison Dharma Network, a non-profit organization that supports prisoner rehabilitation through contemplative spirituality. Today Maull works as a peace activist and personal effectiveness coach, lecturing at leading universities,... [...]

‘The Most Important Choice’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Jason Leister says, “I still remember the feeling in my stomach when I saw the grade I had gotten. The details are a little bit fuzzy now, but I’m pretty sure it was in the B- range. There I was, sitting in 7th or 8th grade, feeling my world crash down around me. All of a sudden, I got all hot and my heart started racing. Everything seemed to fade away and I was left there just staring at the page. Mr. Straight A student had just bombed a test. I don’t remember anything much about the test. All I remember... [...]

‘Ask Yourself These Three Questions’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Bedros Keuilian says, “Everything you know about marketing a business is wrong. Forget everything you’ve heard about systematically marketing, strategically building a list, ruthlessly promoting yourself and writing out your marketing calendar 12 months in advanced. That stuff is anxiety provoking. Marketing (relationship building and value adding) is not a robotic process… it’s art, it’s instinctual, and it’s the equivalent of – dare I say it – love making. There’s... [...]

‘How to Decide Between Two Equally Good Things’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Michael Masterson says, “Number Three Son had narrowed down his summer internship choices to two. But he was stuck. Where should he go? The office in Mumbai or the one in Melbourne? Each had its benefits and drawbacks. India was more exotic, but Australia was more familiar. India might offer him more challenges, but Australia would give him a more personalized mentorship. India had more resources, but Australia was focused on what he wanted to do. How do you choose between two good options when they are so evenly... [...]

‘Is Pleasing Your Customer Your First Priority?’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Harry Gordon says, “Back in the mid ’80s I obtained a job working for a swimming pool builder near Daytona Beach, Florida. I was 20 years old, eager to work and wanted to learn as much as I could. The fact that I would be working outdoors in beautiful Central Florida around swimming pools didn’t sound too bad either. I had visions of working on my tan while being paid to build and service pools around bikini clad women, and backyard barbecues with ice-cold drinks on hand, but then reality set in. I started... [...]

‘How to Fix the Economy’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, “This is the type of article that will either send you to the “Unsubscribe” button or will finally wake-and-shake you into action. The right action. I’m seeing a disturbing trend in stores, restaurants, among business owners, and even in our Virtual Mastermind forum. There’s a lot of action and a lot of “busy work”. But not as much real progress and revenue driving as there should be. Kind of like the old saying about the man down in Texas who is “all... [...]

‘Getting Momentum on Your Side’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, “I was personally offended. It felt like I had been punched in the gut and as though someone had dishonored my family name. That sounds harsh, so let me give you a little background… Matt Smith and I were sitting in the offices of the old Early to Rise in Delray Beach, Florida. It was July 18th, 2011, and we were there to look at the numbers of the business. Needless to say, it wasn’t what we had expected. The monthly expenses matched the monthly revenue. There were 15 people... [...]

‘How to Earn Money from an Amazon eBook without Writing a Word’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Vic Johnson says, “Joe Konrath was turned down by every publisher he contacted so he decided to self-publish his book as an eBook at the Amazon Kindle store. He started in April 2009 and by January 2010 was making $2,300 a month. A year later, in January 2011, he jumped to a whopping $34,000. In the first three weeks of January 2012 he had already done a mind-blowing $100,000! And he’s just one of many of the new breed of successful self-published authors. Fine and good you say, but there’s no way for... [...]

‘The #1 Thing in Your Day’ – ‘Early to Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. Craig Ballantyne says, “Everything was going according to plan. I was 30 minutes early and the film crew was all ready to go. We had six short scripts to record along with one long PowerPoint-based presentation. I was going to be done early, or so I thought, before, of course, things went wrong. You’ll discover the full story in a moment. But first, you need to realize that what you’re about to discover is a really simple tip. However, it’s also one of the most important concepts to follow every... [...]

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