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Sunday, February 23, 2025

‘The Amazing Power of Incremental Steps’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “The Amazing Power of Incremental Steps (And Why It Develops Client’s Skills Rapidly)”. A few weeks ago I  went for swimming classes It’s not that I can’t swim, but I’ve only ever learned the breaststroke. And if you’re a swimmer, the breaststroke doesn’t get you anywhere in a hurry. And so I went to learn freestyle. Except that’s when I ran into a whole lot of trouble. Why would you run into trouble, you may ask? There’s nothing to freestyle. You... [...]

‘Three Core Elements of Testimonials’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “Three Core Elements of Testimonials”. Most testimonials are sugary sweet. Sickening, even. They go on and on, and on about the wonders of the product or service. And amazingly, these testimonials work. They still continue to sell products or services, no matter where you look. And yet there are harder-working testimonials. Testimonials that stop the reader in their tracks. Testimonials that command attention. And you have to ask: Why do they have this inordinate power compared with the average... [...]

‘The Similarity Between Talent And Email-Clutter’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “The Similarity Between Talent And Email-Clutter”. Imagine you had a friend who said to you, “I have 140 emails in my in-box”. What would you say next? I’ll tell you what. You’d be a little surprised, and you’d say, “You get 140 emails a day?” “No, not a day”, this friend would answer. “I get just 20 emails a day.” But I check my email weekly. At this point, you want to hold back, but you can’t help yourself. “Why don’t... [...]

‘How To Cope With Increasing Information–And Win’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “How To Cope With Increasing Information–And Win (Well, Kinda)!”. “I’m never going to another place until I see Paris completely” said my fictional friend. I don’t talk to fictional people that often, but this time I decided to have the conversation. “You mean you’re going to pass up everything else on the planet, just because you haven’t seen all of Paris yet”, I asked, in my mocking tone of voice. But my fictional friend was serious. “Yes, I’m... [...]

‘Why Resistance Detests Groups’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “Why Resistance Detests Groups”. Resistance loves a loner. Because loners have limited energy. They start out on a project, all excited about what’s about to unfold. Then, for some reason or the other, they lose their way. And that’s when resistance gangs up on the loner big time. It’s not much of a fight. The loner is already exhausted. One tiny tap on the head from resistance, and the loner falls into a heap on the floor. But this miserably one-sided bout could be avoided with the... [...]

‘The Myth of Time (And Why Most People Will Never Have Time)’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “The Myth of Time (And Why Most People Will Never Have Time)”. People often say they have no time. They shouldn’t say that. The truth is they have no ability. Let me explain It used to take me two whole days to write an article. And when the article was complete, I wasn’t sure it was even good enough for publication. I had, as you probably know by now, an article graveyard. But if anyone asked me to do something on those two days of the month, I’d say:  “I have no time.” What... [...]

‘Pricing Too High’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “Pricing Too High: How do you get out of a sticky situation?”. On June 29, 2007, Apple brought out the iPhone–and then promptly cut back the price by a third as December approached. That was a chunky $200 off. And buyers got mad. Especially when you consider Apple’s situation where early adopters are more rabid than the usual rabid fans. These early adopters would have slept out on the sidewalk and eaten clammy sandwiches just to get their hands on the phones. In the minds of the customers,... [...]

‘3 Core Reasons Why The ‘About Us’ Page Matters’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “3 Core Reasons Why The ‘About Us’ Page Matters”. 3 Core Reasons Why The ‘About Us’ Page Matters When you land on a website, you often are like a shopper wandering into an unknown supermarket You have no clue what you’re specifically looking for, and you stumble from aisle to aisle hoping you’ll find what you need. And in these situations, you tend to look for the signs. The signs tell you whether you’re in the bread aisle or the baby food section. In the same way,... [...]

‘How The Identity Factor Affects Memberships’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “How The Identity Factor Affects Memberships”. How The Identity Factor Affects Memberships $250 vs. $250 So a client has two sets of $250. One says $250. The other says $250. Do they look exactly the same to you? They do, don’t they?  But how the client spends the $250 on your business is what’s crucial. If they spend one type of $250, they may consume a bit of it and never come back, or come back infrequently. If they spend another type of $250, they come back over and over, and then spend... [...]

‘Why Time Management Is Less Powerful That Efficiency Management’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article

Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “Why Time Management Is Less Powerful That Efficiency Management”. Why Time Management Is Less Powerful That Efficiency Management Keira is my niece My sister in law teaches her daughter Keira the names of every one in the family. She does this by getting Keira to recognise the photos and call out the person’s name. So Keira learned everyone’s name. And now at two, she says 90% of the names (except the really hard ones like ‘Renuka’) with perfect pronunciation. And the difference... [...]

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