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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

‘Should you submit your dirty laundry to the Google spam team?’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Should you submit your dirty laundry to the Google spam team?”. Schoemaker says, “In case you missed the news, Matt Cutts has solicited webmasters to submit their poorly ranking websites to them, so they can have a look exactly why your website isn’t ranking as well as should. No, that’s not a joke. Really. Matt Cutts had everybody aflutter when he tweeted “If there’s a small website that you think should be doing better in Google, tell us more here” Now, looking at the responses  it is clear I wasn’t the only one who thought... [...]

‘Killing It With Lead Gen – A Step By Step Guide’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Killing It With Lead Gen – A Step By Step Guide”. Schoemaker says, “If you are not familiar with the guys over at IMGRIND its run by a super affiliate and the owner of one of the successful affiliate networks out there.  They have a paid forum that contains step by step walk throughs and posts that honestly are priceless. This is not some promotional post and I am not being compensated in anyway other then them giving me the permission to make this post public.  In fact they currently have over 1500 members and as you can see on their... [...]

‘Email marketing with me and @copypress’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Email marketing with me and @copypress”. Schoemaker says, “Last thursday I did a Google Hangout with Nicole from Copypress. As you can tell it was super laid back. I lead off talking about my new company the PAR Program but we quickly go into a lot of questions that were mailed in. I give away a 4 email sequence that absolutely crushes it even if you just scan for that =P. We talk about many many various subjects some awesome questions. I loved it. I usually always get the same questions when I do webinars”. Email marketing with me and... [...]

‘Why Google should put their money into better AdWords reps and not upsell reps’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Why Google should put their money into better AdWords reps and not upsell reps”. Schoemaker says, “Now, I’m not a newbie when it comes to pay per click advertising. I’ve been doing it for years on a variety of platforms, and have a pretty good instinct when it comes to what works and what doesn’t, and when I’m not sure, that’s what A/B testing is for. That said, great AdWords reps are worth their weight in gold. If I know my AdWords rep is giving me get information, and is helping me improve my ROI, and not solely helping Google... [...]

‘FTC becoming more aggressive on misleading advertising practices’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “FTC becoming more aggressive on misleading advertising practices”. Schoemaker says, “Chances are you have never heard of the “Undertaking Spam, Spyware, And Fraud Enforcement With Enforcers Beyond Borders Act of 2006,” an addition to the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) enforcement statute known as the “SAFE WEB Act.” If you’re selling to consumers abroad via the Internet, however, or own foreign companies that are selling in the U.S., or have assets overseas that were derived from U.S. sales, then it’s time you and the SAFE... [...]

‘Email List Monetization Reinvented’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Email List Monetization Reinvented”. Schoemaker says, “AdStation Integrated is revolutionizing the email industry Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time looking at the various options available to mailers within the data monetization industry.  Unfortunately, almost all of the automated email marketing solutions out there have shown absolutely nothing in terms of innovation.  Honestly, at this point, AdStation, Adknowledge’s email channel, is really leading the way with their real-time campaign optimization system for mass email marketers.... [...]

‘FTC Gets Aggressive in June’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “FTC Gets Aggressive in June”. Schoemaker says, “June was a banner month for the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) aggressive campaign to hold non-marketers liable for the misdeeds of their marketing clients. No sooner had the ink dried on last month’s post in this space describing the FTC’s efforts to expand the liability orbit than the agency announced its latest action against a merchant processor, followed by another processor suit and a federal appeals court’s affirmance of an FTC judgment against a product developer who had no... [...]

‘Why are you spending so much time being pissed off at Google?’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Why are you spending so much time being pissed off at Google?”. Schoemaker says, “Hit up any search industry or affiliate conference and you can’t walk more than two steps without someone complaining about Google. Whether it’s “not provided” data missing from Google Analytics, the demise of the public AdWords keyword tool, getting hit with the ban hammer, or a suspended AdWords or Adsense account, there is always something for people to bitch about. Then think about this. What benefit does bitching or being pissed off at Google actually... [...]

‘Ronn Torossian – PR Guru On How To Optimize Hits’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Ronn Torossian – PR Guru On How To Optimize Hits”. Schoemaker says, “So many of our clients create websites, set up ad placement, and then look to generate traffic. There are hundreds of ways to promote a website and its content, from paying for sponsorship on a search engine to paying high-traffic sites to direct readers to you.  But the best (and cheapest) way to generate real traffic is the old fashion way; do it yourself. As any web guru will tell you, one-time hits are not good for long term success on the internet.  Making your site... [...]

‘10 Things I Look at in Outsourcing Graphics’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “10 Things I Look at in Outsourcing Graphics”. Schoemaker says, “People know me and know I talk about my experiences both positive and negative.  A lot of people find that of value.   Outsourcing content can be one of the most frustrating things. Here are 10 things to consider when choosing a web development company. Portfolio – Be sure they have professional experience Custom design Capabilities – Be sure they do not only use templates and they have professional artists on staff Cost – The quality of work should be on par with the... [...]

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