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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

‘Why Old SEO Strategies Don’t Work on the New Internet’ by John Chow

Chow says, “When I first started out writing content on the Internet, I didn’t even know that it was a possibility for the average person to make some decent coin that way. When I first started out, I had a really basic mailing list consisting of mostly friends and family and I would manually send out my articles to them. When I did finally get around to having an actual website, it was powered by Geocities and it had one of those strange categorized URL structures where my website was effectively located on a subfolder of a subfolder of a subfolder under the Geocities domain. At the time–this... [...]

‘Why You Shouldn’t Forget About Pinterest’ by John Chow

Chow says, “As an online entrepreneur, Internet marketer or professional blogger, you’ll oftentimes find yourself on a variety of different websites, networking both with like-minded individuals and with your “tribe.” While it’s certainly debatable whether or not you should care about Ello, it’s pretty obvious that the bigger social networks deserve your attention. Building up your audience on social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter only makes sense, but then there’s Pinterest too. Many people, mostly male, have immediately dismissed Pinterest as a site for women... [...]

‘5 Keyword Tips to Drive More Traffic in 2015’ by John Chow

Chow says, “It goes without saying that we all want to have more traffic for our websites and, regardless of the other sources and tactics that we may use, search engines like Google will always play a prominent role. Good search engine optimization requires dedication, a willingness to adapt, and the right set of tools. If you are looking to grow your web traffic in 2015, you’ll want to keep some of these quick keyword tips in mind”. 5 Keyword Tips to Drive More Traffic in 2015 John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘How To Increase YouTube Income by 60%’ by John Chow

Chow says, “On this episode of Driving with John Chow, I give you stats on what happens when you increase and decrease your content levels. As many of you know, I am in the middle of a 90 day video challenge. I’ve been doing a video a day since the challenge started. This is significantly more than one to two videos a week that I normally do. What did this additional content do for my traffic and income? How about a 60% increase in YouTube income? Watch this episode of Driving with John Chow to get the full details”. How To Increase YouTube Income by 60% John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘Will Google PageRank Still Matter in 2015?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Measuring the relative importance and popularity of a website has always been a rather tricky affair and several different metrics have emerged over the years to quantify this kind of quality. The thing is that the nature of the Internet has continued to change and evolve, arguably reducing the relevance of these metrics. Seriously, aside from a handful of networks and the random inquiries of some media buyers, when was the last time that you had someone bring up an Alexa ranking in any sort of real meaningful conversation? And sure, some people will argue that Alexa is still relevant... [...]

‘Your #1 Internet Marketing Question Answered’ by John Chow

Chow says, “The upcoming holiday season will be the biggest shopping time of the year. As Internet marketers, our job is not to join the crowd of shoppers at the mall or flood the bandwidth of Amazon. Our job is to be the ones making money off those shoppers! With the above in mind, I used this episode of Driving with John Chow to answer the number one Internet marketing question. I get this question on a daily basis, and the truth of the matter is, it’s the wrong question. I will give you the right question”. Your #1 Internet Marketing Question Answered John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘5 Social Media Strategies You Must Avoid’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Social media marketing is a powerful tool and you can generate huge amounts of traffic if utilized properly. The problem with using social media networks these days is that spamming has become a major issue. Social networks are changing the interface completely and you need to tweak the way you use them to generate a buzz and traffic to your blog. If you’ve been experimenting with social media strategies and are unable to produce solid results, the chances are your using tactics that no longer work. Let’s look at 5 social media strategies that won’t produce the same type of... [...]

‘Top 25 Affiliate Marketing Minds of 2014’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Affiliate marketing is celebrating its 20th year anniversary this month and to honor the industry, the good folks at GeoRiotare honoring those that have shaped and continue to shape the industry in some big ways. It seems I’m kinda of a big deal. I’m #3 on the list. The industry has come a long way since the wild west days of the Internet 20 years ago. We like to think that these 25 game changers have a lot to do with that”. Top 25 Affiliate Marketing Minds of 2014 John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘Misconceptions About Sponsored Posts’ by John Chow

Chow says, “It goes without saying that the Internet is supported by advertising. The reason why you are able to upload and stream all of those videos on YouTube is because Google populates the site with various forms of advertising. The reason why you are able to socialize with your friends on Facebook is because that social network has advertising too. And yes, part of the reason why you can continue to read posts like these on John Chow dot Com is because John makes money from this site, both directly and indirectly, too”. Misconceptions About Sponsored Posts John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘How To Set Up a PPC keyword List’ by John Chow

Chow says, “There are basically three types of guys that do PPC from what I have been able to see.  The first type we run across starts building their account without doing a keyword search, as that is a simple easy way to do it.  Your next average person will create a list of generic keywords, which made the account a bit stronger than the first guy.  The third type, is going to spend time on his website, determining and increasing relevant keyword variations, finding his target market, and using keyword research tools, making him far ahead of the first two PPC guys. Which type of PPC guy... [...]

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