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Thursday, February 27, 2025

‘6 Easy Ways to Improve Your Blog’s Load Time’ by John Chow

Chow says, “You think you’ve got a great blog. You update it with killer content on a regular basis and you have this great-looking theme that really expresses what your brand is all about. You’ve worked on your monetization strategy, you have your social media channels in check and everything seems to be on the up and up. Unfortunately, your blog takes forever to load and this could be driving visitors away. They are quite literally taking their money and attention out the door and they might not ever return. Even if your blog isn’t the slowest site on the Internet, its page load time... [...]

‘How To Use PPC To Expand Your Business’ by John Chow

Chow says, “These days, there is almost no company out there that does not have a website. In order to stand out through the vastness that is the World Wide Web, PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns are a convenient, reasonably priced and effective way for a company to stand out among the crowd. Here are a few reasons why: 1. Whether a person clicks on the ad or not, they will still see it! This is a great way to catch readers attention, as well as create a want or need that they didn’t even know they had! Information is conveyed to readers before they even know they are missing out on it”. How... [...]

‘5 Critical Elements of Every Successful Blog’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Whether you take a look at larger, commercial blogs like Mashable or you turn your attention toward a “humble” personal blog like John Chow dot Com, you’ll find several key elements that all the successful blogs have in common. While these elements will hardly guarantee any sort of real success for any given blog, it becomes infinitely more challenging to rise to the top of the heap if you are missing any of these pieces to the puzzle. 1. Custom Blog Design WordPress is a wonderful and powerful platform. Better still, it’s completely free for you to download, install and use... [...]

‘How To Write a Better PPC Blog’ by John Chow

Chow says, “When it comes to PPC blog posts, there are new ones every day – some of which produce great content each and every time, some that hit great content like the luck of the draw, and others miss that content entirely. Here we have put together a list of six ways you can become a better PPC blogger! First, learn the basics of WordPress. By learning basic tags and functions, you will be more able to effectively and efficiently format your post”. How To Write a Better PPC Blog John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘How To Choose The Right Internet Products To Promote’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Normally, this would be a Driving with John Chow episode. However, I’m still inAtlantis Resort in the Bahamas and I have nothing to drive (except maybe a golf cart), so you’re stuck with Talking with John Chow. But don’t feel bad. This video is really good. On this episode of Talking with John Chow, I walk you through the through the thought process I use to decide on what to promote and what not to promote. I useMTTB as the main example since it meets all my requirements I have for being a right Internet product to promote”. How To Choose The Right Internet Products To Promote John Chow’s... [...]

‘7 Things Internet Marketers Can Learn from the iPhone 6’ by John Chow

Chow says, “By now, you’ve surely heard about the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Positive or negative, these new smartphones have very much become the talk of the town and you can’t flip over a Facebook rock without discovering another nugget of an iPhone post. Everyone has something to say about it. We all love our gadgets and technology has very much become a way of life, but they’re just toys and tools, right? From the perspective of the online entrepreneur”. 7 Things Internet Marketers Can Learn from the iPhone 6 John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘The Two Most Valuable Aspects of Making Money Online’ by John Chow

Chow says, “There are many reasons why you may be interested in becoming an Internet marketer or an online entrepreneur. Perhaps you’ve gotten tired of being at the mercy of your boss for forty (or more!) hours a week, every week. Maybe you want to take more ownership of the work that you do and reap the rewards of all the blood, sweat and tears. Maybe you’ve starting making money online as a side gig and you want to transition to having these online efforts replace your full-time income”. The Two Most Valuable Aspects of Making Money Online John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘The Secret To Getting Internet Traffic’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Ask new Internet marketers what’s the number one thing they want to know in order to haver a successful Internet marketing business, and nearly all of them will ask, “How do I get traffic to my offers?” Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how great your offer is, or how great your blog is, if it gets no traffic, then it’s not going anywhere. Traffic is the lifeblood of the Internet. Without it, you’re dead in the water. When it comes to online marketing, traffic = money. The more traffic you have, the more money you can make. Zero traffic = zero income”. The Secret To... [...]

‘How to Create a Better Excerpt RSS for Your Blog’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Some people will tell you that RSS is dead and that most people only rely on social media to get their stories. And these people would be wrong. Many of us still subscribe to our favorite websites and we sift through the posts in an RSS aggregator of our choosing, like Feedly or the Digg Reader. Way back in 2006, John wrote about why he offers a full feed RSSfor this blog and up until recently, I did the same for my blog too”. How to Create a Better Excerpt RSS for Your Blog John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘Increasing Web Traffic – The How To’s’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Everyone who runs a website has the same thought going through their minds at some point every day – how do I generate more traffic to my site?? Especially when it comes to a small business with a tight SEO/marketing budget! There are a few options that cost money – ie SEO, PPC and banner ads – however there are a few ways to generate traffic without spending any extra money. Let’s review those options! After all, why spend money when you don’t have to?”. Increasing Web Traffic – The How To’s John Chow’s Blog  [...]

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