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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Free Webinar on tools & training that built Kevin Fahey’s 7 Figure Business #ad

Million dollar marketerKevin Fahey is offering to share his success secrets. He is offering free training in an on-demand webinar that you can access 24/7, here: Kevin Fahey’s VIP Training. Fahey has observed that many new marketers are confused and sent in multiple directions at once by the many training products and software products being offered daily. He created his training to lead you away from confusion and toward a process leading to a long-term successful business. He urges you to stay away from “loopholes” and “quick fixes”. They never work long-term, and... [...]

SEO Checklist: There’s a science to good SEO #ad

What do you need to know for effective Search Engine Optimization? Well, here are the most important things: 1. Which is better for SEO, 301 redirects or 302 redirects? 2. How to check Domain Authority and Page Authority 3. How to Do Keyword Research and Analysis 4. How To Find Out if You’ve Been Hit by Negative SEO 5. How To Do Off Page SEO 6. How to Understand Searcher Intent and Use It to Boost your SEO Rankings 7. How to Find Out your site’s Page Speed and improve its performance 8. The Small Business Owner’s Guide To Conquering SEO 9. How to Track and Monitor your SEO Results 10.... [...]

18 ways to earn a living online #ad

A lot of people are earning their living online, and they do it in ways that fits their time available, their skills, and their personalities. Here’s a list of 18 possible ways to join the ranks of successful internet entrepreneurs: 1. Make Money Online With Blogging 2. Make Money Online Selling Ebooks 3. Make Money Online Creating Videos 4. Make Money Online Selling Photos 5. Make money online with Tutoring 6. Make Money Online Freelancing 7. Make Money Online With Etsy 8. Make Money Online With Craigslist 9. Make Money Online With Surveys 10. Make Money Online With Voice Overs 11. Make... [...]

New PLR Bundle for the health niche #ad

PLR gives you a quick way to get your site up and running. Professional writers create content you can use as though you had written it. You turn it into blog posts, articles, even downloadable reports and premiums as incentivs for optin into your mailing list. Kevin Fahey, a marketer who frequently releases PLR for other marketers has just released a large bunde of health-related PLR for you to use any way you like in your business. Look at all you are getting in this bundle: • 10 High Quality Written Reports on Health Topics • 50 Compelling Health-related Articles • 10 Engaging Health Videos •... [...]

Another IM Checklist from Kevin Fahey #ad

Since the end of 2017, Kevin Fahey has been releasing checklists for best online marketing practices. Today, he rleeases volume 6, IM Checklists: Canva. If you aren’t familiar with Canva, it’s a prpular tool for creating all kinds of graphics. There is a free version as well as upgraded versions for a fee. What you’re getting in Fahey’s IM Checklists: Canva is a collection of 32 step by step checklists plus 32 training videos showing you how to design professional-looking graphics for every project you can imagine. From social graphics, logos, posters, flyers, resumes, presentations,... [...]

Expert training by Kevin Fahey for online marketing success #ad

No one can promise you that after Kevin Fahey‘s 10 week training course, IM Coaching Series, you’ll have $100K sitting in your account, but Fahey says that if you follow his training you’ll have the chance to build a significant online business, maybe earning you that much or even more. If so, you wouldn’t be the first and won’t be the last to profit big from his training. His IM Coaching Series is one of the best coaching programs for online marketers. At the price he offers, it’s hard to beat. You see, it’s that time of the year again. Every year for the past 4 years, 7... [...]

Just 24 hours to get Kevin Fahey’s free internet marketing training #ad

Kevin fahey is offering you 20 minutes of powerful training today. (it’s a follow-up lesson for the two lessons he released earlier this week.) Don’t read the rest of this ad. Just watch This Video now. It won’t stay up for much, longer and it (and the two earlier videos) are free. Fahey is sharing his perspective on what it takes to have a successful online business launch and then how to reach 6 figures in just 10 weeks. Fahey knows what he is talking about. He took his own business from zero to a multi-million dollar online business . In these free videos, he is paying it forward... [...]

Training from a master internet marketer #ad

Later this week, Kevin Fahey is offering you a chance to receive his expert coaching in online marketing. To give you a taste of what’s in store for you, he has prepared three videos. One has already been released. One is being released at 8 AM today. And the third is being released tomorrow. For years Fahey has been marketing online and training new marketers in getting their business online, too. This upcoming IM Coaching Series is the culmination of all his experience and his teaching. If you think you might be interested in his upcoming training, here’s a summary: • Live Training... [...]

New IM Checklists available- Harness the power of video #ad

Today, Kevin Fahey & Mark Laxton are opening the doors at 9 AM EDT to the new volume 5 of the IM Checklist series. The topic of this latest collection of checklists is video marketing. Kevin has successfully used video marketing for years and has generated millions online using videos. Mark, his partner for this volume, is a YouTube Marketing expert and has a depth of YouTube knowledge that can improve the success of anyone at any level. Especially, he can provide you with a massive boost to your ability to get free viral traffic to your video. Don’t overlook the importance of video for... [...]

Internet Marketing doesn’t have to be hard #ad

Kevin Fahey, an experienced online marketing trainer familiar to readers of this newspaper, is committed to producing products and training that will help beginners in internet marketing get their bearings, so they will not waste time doing things that don’t make sales. Today, he releases his new training program that specifically aims at helping brand new beginners to get started right. He calls it IM Newbie. Before we give you any details, we want to give you a quick warning. His pricing on this is a little crazy. The doors open at just $4.95 and the price increases $0.10 every single sale. Fahey... [...]

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