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Friday, September 20, 2024

‘Know What Your Competition Doesn’t’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Know What Your Competition Doesn’t”. MacPhearson Says, “Welcome to Day 10 of the Internet Marketing Makeover! Your metrics are the core of your business.  Knowing how well your site is performing in a variety of ways will help you improve it’s performance.  Without this knowledge”. Know What Your Competition Doesn’t Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Internet Marketing Makeover: Your Niche Is Evolving – Are You?’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Internet Marketing Makeover: Your Niche Is Evolving – Are You?”. MacPhearson Says, “Welcome to Day 9 of the Internet Marketing Makeover! What’s the old saying – “The only thing that doesn’t change is change itself…” Everything is in flux, including within your marketplaces.  There’s breaking news, innovation, product launches, trends, and even general human fickleness!”. Internet Marketing Makeover: Your Niche Is Evolving – Are You? Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Internet Marketing Makeover Week 1 Recap’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Internet Marketing Makeover Week 1 Recap”. MacPhearson Says, “Welcome to Day 8 of the Internet Marketing Makeover! Today is a recap day if you’ve not finished any of the past week’s assignments.  If you have, it’s a rest day – enjoy! DAY 08 OBJECTIVE Catch up on any #31DIMM assignments you’ve not yet finished! DAY 08 ASSIGNMENT Review the previous Internet Marketing Makeover”. Internet Marketing Makeover Week 1 Recap Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Adsense Blending: Higher CTR’s?’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Adsense Blending: Higher CTR’s?”. MacPhearson Says, “Ever since I started with internet marketing in 2005 I’ve heard people saying that by blending your Adsense ads you increase your CTR (click through rating). Here’s what blended Adsense ads look link on Mashable”. Adsense Blending: Higher CTR’s? Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘What Panda Looks Like (And How To Fix It)’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “What Panda Looks Like (And How To Fix It)”. MacPhearson Says, “This is what Panda looks like. I’ve owned the site who’s stats you see pictured above for about 5 years. It’s been my test site for just about everything, from spammy link building to auto-generated content. I’m surprised it lasted in the index as long as it did!”. What Panda Looks Like (And How To Fix It) Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Internet Marketing Makeover: Look Ma! It’s the FTC!’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Internet Marketing Makeover: Look Ma! It’s the FTC!”. MacPhearson Says, “Welcome to Day 4 of the Internet Marketing Makeover! Today we tie up another set of loose ends that we sometimes overlook, because building sites and generating traffic is way more exciting than dealing with administrative and legal mumbo-jumbo, isn’t it?! But, for safety and functionality”. Internet Marketing Makeover: Look Ma! It’s the FTC! Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Internet Marketing Makeover: If Deleting Hurts, You’re Doing It Wrong’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Internet Marketing Makeover: If Deleting Hurts, You’re Doing It Wrong”. MacPhearson Says, “Welcome to Day 3 of the Internet Marketing Makeover! In the same spirit of preventing our attention from being spread across too many projects, to-do’s and tasks as yesterday’s “Cull the Herd” assignment, today we’ll continue ditching mental clutter by getting rid of computer clutter”. Internet Marketing Makeover: If Deleting Hurts, You’re Doing It Wrong Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Internet Marketing Makeover: Cull The Herd’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Internet Marketing Makeover: Cull The Herd”. MacPhearson Says, “Welcome to Day 2 of the Internet Marketing Makeover! In August of 2009, Stanford University released a study on the productivity of heavy multitaskers.  Here are some choice findings”. Internet Marketing Makeover: Cull The Herd Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Your Internet Marketing Makeover Begins Today!’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Your Internet Marketing Makeover Begins Today!”. MacPhearson Says, “Lemme take a couple of wild guesses here…  Do any of these sound like you? It’s ok, and it’s pretty typical!  As an internet marketer, part-time or full-time, you’re really an entrepreneur to the core.  And with being an entrepreneur comes lots of ideas and ambition”. Your Internet Marketing Makeover Begins Today! Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

‘Internet Marketing Makeover: Take Your Inventory’ by Michelle MacPhearson

Michelle MacPhearson’s latest blog post is titled “Internet Marketing Makeover: Take Your Inventory”. MacPhearson Says, “Welcome to Day 1 of the Internet Marketing Makeover! Woo-hoo, you’re here! (This could’ve been called “Extreme Makeover: Internet Marketing Edition” except for the lawsuits that’d follow! When you follow the steps released each day, you’ll end up ready to jump into what’s coming in IM head first (instead of running away), with a new”. Internet Marketing Makeover: Take Your Inventory Michelle MacPhearson’s Blog  [...]

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