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Friday, October 18, 2024

Copyblogger Shares 101 Ways to Make More Sales Online

Copyblogger’s Sonia Simone has published an article highlighting 101 ways to make more sales online. She says, “Here are 101 fixes — some small, some big — for making more sales online. Does your product or service solve a problem people actually care about? How do you know? If your basic offer doesn’t appeal to your prospect, you’re sunk before you begin. Make sure you’re selling something people want. Let prospects know they’re buying from a human being. Keep your language personal, friendly, and (for most markets) informal. Sound like a person, not a pitching machine. Tell... [...]

How to Make More Sales in 2020

In a continuously increasing competitive environment it is difficult to get new customers on a regular basis and increase your sales. You can find more and more prospects and try to convert them using different digital channels. Entrepreneur magazine contributor Imran Tariq has shared four strategies to make more sales in 2020. Tariq says, “You know funnels have the ability to bring in customers for your business on autopilot and turn your customers into loyal repeat buyers, but how do you make your sales funnels stand out and actually grow your bottom line? Here are four proven... [...]

‘The Top 5 Ways To Increase Sales’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Top 5 Ways To Increase Sales”. Taylor says, “Want to know the real secret to attracting more customers and sales this year? You don’t need a course on selling, you don’t even need a book on selling. All you need to ramp up your sales this year is”. The Top 5 Ways To Increase Sales Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The Secret to Getting People to Buy – Even In a Recession’ by Lee Smith

Lee Smith’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Secret to Getting People to Buy – Even In a Recession”. Smith says, “A little over 10 years ago, I started a new chapter in my life. I sold women’s shoes. Now, it may not seem glamorous, but it taught me an incredible lesson about the buying behavior of people”. The Secret to Getting People to Buy – Even In a Recession Marketing for Success  [...]

‘7 Unforgivable Sins of Web Design’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “7 Unforgivable Sins of Web Design”. Taylor says, “A few months ago I got the distinct impression that people didn’t like me or my business any more. The first sign was way more people were leaving my site, once they found it, than sticking around to read it. The problem was”. 7 Unforgivable Sins of Web Design Marketing for Success  [...]

‘The Secret To Sales You’re Ignoring’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Secret To Sales You’re Ignoring”. Taylor says, “Everyone knows the answer to attracting more clients, retaining them and increasing sales – but you’re not using it. The simple secret to more sales is so basic that you apply it every day in your life, but hardly anyone uses it in business but they could simply by”. The Secret To Sales You’re Ignoring Marketing for Success  [...]

‘9 Easy Ways To Increase Loyalty and Sales’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “9 Easy Ways To Increase Loyalty and Sales”. Taylor says, “Over the last few weeks, several clients have asked me to consult with them on starting an online community. Most of these inquiries come from either industrial B2B organizations or associations”. 9 Easy Ways To Increase Loyalty and Sales Marketing for Success  [...]

‘3 Ways To Sharpen Your Focus and Dramatically Boost Your Profit’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “3 Ways To Sharpen Your Focus and Dramatically Boost Your Profit”. Taylor says, “Did you ever stop and think about what’s behind a mission statement? I have clients who are starting online businesses that serve a market niche, but don’t really have a mission statement”. 3 Ways To Sharpen Your Focus and Dramatically Boost Your Profit Marketing for Success  [...]

‘5 Ways To Avoid A Dull Marketing Message’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “5 Ways To Avoid A Dull Marketing Message”. Taylor says, “In a perfect world, everybody will do what we want them to. Our kids will brush their teeth the first time we ask them to, do their homework, keep their rooms tidy, and keep their curfews; our parents will listen to our advice; our friends will stop their horrendous habits; our spouses will remember their promises”. 5 Ways To Avoid A Dull Marketing Message Marketing for Success  [...]

‘5 Ways to Profit From Your Landing Page’ by Ivana Taylor

Ivana Taylor’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “5 Ways to Profit From Your Landing Page”. Taylor says, “Is it me or am I the only person that thinks that landing pages are the greatest invention since sliced bread? I’m reflecting on this as I prepare to pull together an on-the-fly landing page for an industrial client that they’re going to use at a trade show. When the client approached me a few days ago and told me that they were going to a trade show in about two weeks and needed marketing materials, I jumped... [...]

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