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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

‘The Rest of Rachel’s Answer’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “The Rest of Rachel’s Answer”. Gail says, “Last week I started answering a question from Rachelabout getting more traffic to her medical site.  You can read the beginning of the letter on the other post . . . here is the rest of the story . . . . ******************* Rachel, once you’ve  . . . . 1. gotten your keywords set that you want to use and build pages around 2. have a Facebook profile (and other social sites too!) 3. have set up Google Alerts with your keywords”. The Rest of Rachel’s Answer PLR Health Wizard... [...]

‘The Analysis of Paralysis’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “The Analysis of Paralysis”. Gail says, “Whether you are paralyzed by analysis of your situation or analyzing the reason you are paralyzed by your inaction – it doesn’t make a difference. What does make the difference is what you do with the information. And, this is how to move past your particular fear”. The Analysis of Paralysis PLR Health Wizard Blog *This blog post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘Rachel’s Problem with Her Website’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “Rachel’s Problem with Her Website”. Gail says, “Last week I got an email from a reader who is having some troubles with her website. Her traffic ranges around 200 views per day right now – but at one point she was up to 800 views per day. She is also in the process of switching around her theme. ****** Hi Gail! I am relatively new to building websites and making money. In 2011 I made around $1200.00 from the site and in 2012 I did about the same. I haven’t been consistent with posting or working on building traffic and... [...]

‘Customer is King: HostGator Saves my Behind’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “Customer is King: HostGator Saves my Behind”. Gail says, “I messed up last week and lost all my data that runs my PLR-Health-Wizard membership. It was gone. I didn’t have a back-up on my hard drive because that database wasn’t showing up in the backup wizard. I was stuck. And from this I re-learned a very valuable lesson”. Customer is King: HostGator Saves my Behind PLR Health Wizard Blog *This blog post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘Angie Shares Her IM Challenges’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “Angie Shares Her IM Challenges”. Gail says, “Angie shares her challenges as a mother, entrepreneur and wife. Where in the world can she find time to build a full business marketing products or services online? I give her some answers that will probably help you too!”. Angie Shares Her IM Challenges PLR Health Wizard Blog *This blog post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘The Story of Your Success was Not Over Exaggerated!’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “The Story of Your Success was Not Over Exaggerated!”. Gail says, “I am so excited about how 2013 is progressing for you! After my last post I learned that some people are really anticipating the changes in 2013, while others are a bit stuck. Rod wrote about the strategies he’s using to conquer his goals this year. Thursday I’ll be answering Angie’s questions about what would work best in her situation. Want some help? Read the blog and write to me!”. The Story of Your Success was Not Over Exaggerated! PLR Health... [...]

‘How to Write Your Product into Reality’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “How to Write Your Product into Reality”. Gail says, “We all know that product creation requires writing, or at least putting your thoughts into video or audio.  Here is a process that many use to develop a cohesive product that pulls all the information into a product that your readers can understand and act on”. How to Write Your Product into Reality PLR Health Wizard Blog *This blog post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘THE Change for 2013’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog post is titled “THE Change for 2013”. Gail says, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Actually, this is a famous quote from Albert Einstein – but it is an accurate description that helps you to understand how the only way to see a difference in your results is to change the way that you are doing things. Let me ask – are you writing the same goals this January that you wrote in 2010 or 2011?”. THE Change for 2013 PLR Health Wizard Blog *This blog post was submitted by Gail Trahd.  [...]

‘Here is HOW 2013 Can be YOUR Year’ – ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “Here is HOW 2013 Can be YOUR Year”. Gail says, “The economy is rebounding . . . real estate prices are rising, more companies are putting on Christmas parties and there is definitely more hope in the air. 2013 holds promise that the previous 5 years have not.  Here is how you can take advantage without spending hours of your time or breaking your bank account”. Here is HOW 2013 Can be YOUR Year PLR Health Wizard Blog  [...]

‘This is Just Flipping Fun!’ – ‘PLR Health Wizard’ Blog

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “This is Just Flipping Fun!”. Gail says, “Flip it! It sounds so easy!  Build a site, put up some content, add affiliate products, drive traffic, publish your traffic metrics and sales – and list it on Flippa. Sell that site, make a few dollars for even less hours of work. But seriously – can it be that easy? Definitely . . . . ? It depends on your own perspective.  What’s easy and what isn’t?  But whatever your perspective – here’s HOW”. This is Just Flipping Fun! PLR Health Wizard Blog  [...]

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