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Friday, September 20, 2024

‘How To Finally Achieve Your Goals for Your Business This Year’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “How To Finally Achieve Your Goals for Your Business This Year”. Schefren says, “It can be hard for new entrepreneurs to put together realistic goals for their businesses. In this episode, Rich Schefren will unveil an easier way to make a plan and achieve your goals for your business”. How To Finally Achieve Your Goals for Your Business This Year Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘It’s Not Just Luck All Successful People Do These Same (Weird) Things’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “It’s Not Just Luck All Successful People Do These Same (Weird) Things”. Schefren says, “Decades of research tells us that successful people reach their personal and professional goals for a reason. It’s not simply because of who they are — more often than not, it’s because of what they do. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will introduce you to the specific, abnormal things that successful people do that leads to their success”. It’s Not Just Luck All Successful People Do These Same (Weird) Things Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘The “Aha” Moment that Can Revolutionize Your Marketing’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “The “Aha” Moment that Can Revolutionize Your Marketing”. Schefren says, “This “Aha” moment originally led to a quarter of a million dollars in sales, simply by redesigning a marketing piece. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will walk you through the specific questions you need to ask yourself to redesign your own sales pages, or any other marketing piece in your funnel”. The “Aha” Moment that Can Revolutionize Your Marketing Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘A Leak From My Free Report: Create Value that Pays for a Lifetime’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “A Leak From My Free Report: Create Value that Pays for a Lifetime”. Schefren says, “I had another late night last night. I was at my office until the early hours of the morning connecting the concepts and ideas inside my upcoming free report with one of the best writers on my team – Chuck Dolce. For those of you in Founders Club, you know Chuck as the Membership Director. He’s also the writing power behind my newsletter, One Step Ahead and many of our Founders Club promotions”. A Leak From My Free Report: Create Value that Pays for a Lifetime Rich... [...]

‘Your Sweet Spot: It’s Important and What to Do if You Can’t Find Yours’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “Your Sweet Spot: It’s Important and What to Do if You Can’t Find Yours”. Schefren says, “Your “sweet spot” is the unique value you can provide to your marketplace. Specifically, it’s the place where your strengths, your passions, your talents, your experiences all come together to give you a unique competitive advantage. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will explain why your sweet spot is so important and what to do if you can’t find yours”. Your Sweet Spot: It’s Important and What to Do if You Can’t Find Yours Rich... [...]

‘My First Free Report in Five Years, The Best Burger in Years, and Why Both Can Boost Your Profits’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “My First Free Report in Five Years, The Best Burger in Years, and Why Both Can Boost Your Profits”. Schefren says, “What I’m about to share with you is not only my biggest announcement in years, but it’ll also be a HUGE marketing breakthrough for you in your own business. But first a quick story
 A few weeks back, my Content Director, Kat was in Cincinnati for the weekend”. My First Free Report in Five Years, The Best Burger in Years, and Why Both Can Boost Your Profits Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘What an Advanced Traffic Strategy Looks Like in 2012’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “What an Advanced Traffic Strategy Looks Like in 2012”. Schefren says, “As I’ve been saying in my last few posts
 “Getting traffic” is more than just driving people to your site. It’s about making sure the right potential customers — the “qualified leads” — find your site. And eventually want to buy your products. These days, the easiest way to do that is to use multiple channels to guide your potential customers. A few months back, my traffic guy, Justin Brooke created a mindmap for his clients to show how this works”. What... [...]

‘What You’re Procrastinating and How to Get Things Done’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “What You’re Procrastinating and How to Get Things Done”. Schefren says, “It’s no secret why entrepreneurs procrastinate. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by everything on your to-do list. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will explain how he works through projects step-by-step to ensure the important things get done”. What You’re Procrastinating and How to Get Things Done Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

‘The Key to Making Your Website Traffic “Work” for Your Business’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “The Key to Making Your Website Traffic “Work” for Your Business”. Schefren says, “All traffic has value. I told you that in my last blog post. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t get it. Instead, most people in the online business world view the topic of traffic as little more than
 Traffic = Money Now don’t get me wrong – more eyes on your products can lead to more sales. But it has to be the right kind of traffic that leads to more sales”. The Key to Making Your Website Traffic “Work” for Your Business Rich... [...]

‘The One Question You Need to Move Your Business Forward’ by Rich Schefren

Rich Schefren’s latest blog post is titled “The One Question You Need to Move Your Business Forward”. Schefren says, “All the great, profitable answers start with the right question. In this podcast, Rich Schefren will help you find what’s the right question for you to move your entire business forward”. The One Question You Need to Move Your Business Forward Rich Schefren’s Blog  [...]

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