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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

‘Tell-Tale Signs Your Employee is Overworked [INFOGRAPHIC]’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Tell-Tale Signs Your Employee is Overworked [INFOGRAPHIC]”. Lauren Hockenson says, “Are you stressed at work? You’re not alone: A recent Gallup poll indicates that on-the-job pressure is the top reason for employee dissatisfaction in the American workforce, and nearly half of American workers say their job is “very or extremely stressful.” And whether you notice it or not, you’re broadcasting clear signs that should indicate to your employer that you are overworked and need a change of pace”. Tell-Tale Signs... [...]

‘Pinterest Users: Find Out When Your Items Are on Sale’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Pinterest Users: Find Out When Your Items Are on Sale”. Lauren Indvik says, “Want to know when items you pin on Pinterest go on sale? Now you can — up to a point — thanks to a new feature launched this week at a site called Lyst. Lyst, a London-based startup, is a little like Pinterest. The site invites you to follow designers, stores, bloggers and your friends, from which it creates a feed of clothing and accessories you can add to your own “lyst.” If an item on your lyst is discounted, you’ll be notified by... [...]

‘In-App Ads: Balancing the Needs of Advertisers and Publishers’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “In-App Ads: Balancing the Needs of Advertisers and Publishers”. Lauren Drell says, “In Mashable‘s new video series, Behind the Launch, we’re taking cameras behind the scenes at Vungle, an in-app video advertising startup. New episodes air every Monday and Wednesday, but we’re running bonus footage throughout the series to provide a deeper look into the startup experience. This week, Vungle hired David Oh as director of business development. Now, David and Colin Behr — who joined Vungle as “the closer” a few... [...]

‘‘Privacy Is Awesome’ Campaign Aims to Kill CISPA’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “‘Privacy Is Awesome’ Campaign Aims to Kill CISPA”. Alex Fitzpatrick says, “Fight for the Future, a nonprofit with the self-described goal of protecting the Internet, has launched an informational campaign designed to kill off the Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) once and for all. The campaign, called “Privacy is Awesome,” says that CISPA’s been tucked into the Senate’s Lieberman-Collins cybersecurity bill, which enjoys bipartisan support in that chamber and the backing of the White House”. ‘Privacy... [...]

‘3 Deadly Sins of Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Groupon, and Pinterest’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “3 Deadly Sins of Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Groupon, and Pinterest”. Augustine Fou says, “Social media marketing is what most chief marketing officers (CMO) have at the top of their lists for spending increases this year and next. Indeed, social media holds the promise of wild viral effects, socially infused search results, and virtually infinite possibilities for targeting. But as many marketers dive into using social media, some are learning lessons the hard way; some lessons are costly and others may cause irreversible... [...]

‘Yahoo Launches Web Browser Axis, Makes Searches More Visual’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Yahoo Launches Web Browser Axis, Makes Searches More Visual”. Emily Price says, “Google isn’t the only search engine in town with it’s own web browser. Yahoo announced its own new browser Wednesday evening: Axis. Working seamlessly between your iPhone, iPad and desktop computer Yahoo is aiming to streamline your searches and connect your experience across devices by giving you access to the same information no matter what device you’re accessing it on”. Yahoo Launches Web Browser Axis, Makes Searches More Visual ... [...]

‘Microsoft: 500 Million People Will Use Windows 8 By Next Year’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Microsoft: 500 Million People Will Use Windows 8 By Next Year”. Samantha Murphy says, “Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said during a speech at the Seoul Digital Forum in South Korea that 500 million users are expected to have a device powered by not-yet-released Windows 8 software at the end of 2013. According to an Agence France-Press report, Ballmer believes that its highly-anticipated Windows 8 series will usher in the “rebirth” of Microsoft’s operating systems. He dubbed the upcoming Windows 8 product as the company’s... [...]

‘Facebook May Unfriend Nasdaq, Hook Up With NYSE [REPORT]’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook May Unfriend Nasdaq, Hook Up With NYSE [REPORT]”. Chris Taylor says, “If Facebook and Nasdaq were in a relationship, the status would likely read: “it’s complicated.” The relationship was on a rocky road from the start. The Nasdaq exchange, home to many tech stocks, had an unplanned 30-minute delay in offering Facebook stock on its IPO day, which may have contributed to the stock’s meager performance”. Facebook May Unfriend Nasdaq, Hook Up With NYSE [REPORT]  [...]

’10 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Delegate Tech-Related Tasks’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “10 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Delegate Tech-Related Tasks”. Scott Gerber says, “Naturally, entrepreneurs have an innate urge to want to tackle every part of every project themselves, but by trying to do so they can get tied up in tasks that limit their productivity and creativity. Especially when it comes to technical matters, outsourcing some of the work may not only be the best thing for the business owner, but it can also be the best thing for the business”. 10 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Delegate Tech-Related... [...]

‘How Pinterest Boosted Jetsetter’s Traffic by 150%’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How Pinterest Boosted Jetsetter’s Traffic by 150%”. Lauren Drell says, “There’s nothing quite like Pinterest when it comes to eye candy. And few sites, if any, have more stunning photography than Jetsetter. So it’s not surprising that Jetsetter’s most recent initiative was a “pin it to win it” Pinterest contest. It’s also not surprising that the contest performed very well. Pinterest is the darling of the interwebs, with staggering referral traffic and a rapidly growing user base”. How Pinterest... [...]

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