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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

‘How to Design Infographics ′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “How to Design Infographics ″. Denise Wakeman says, “In a previous post, I shared an infographic about whyyour brain craves infographics. They remain a popular tool for telling a story and getting your message across in a way that’s easy for your audience to understand. But how do you design infographics?  While there’s more to it than meets the eye, it doesn’t have to be complicated and there are a lot of tools now to help you create this type ofmicrocontentfor your products, books and services, even if you’re not... [...]

‘Are You Putting Too Much Content Into Your Products?′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Are You Putting Too Much Content Into Your Products?″. Laura West says, “Can I just say…”I’m guilty!” I’ve done it plenty of times and it is all in the spirit of wanting to help a customer. You put everything you have on a subject into an article, ebook, products or webinar even though you are thinking…wow,this is a lot of information! What’s the harm, you say?“. Are You Putting Too Much Content Into Your Products? ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog  [...]

‘Getting Started with Video: Types of Videos You Can Create′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Getting Started with Video: Types of Videos You Can Create″. Lou Bortone says, “When it comes tomarketing your business (or your book) with video,there are dozens of potential paths to take. From traditional “talking head” videos to narrated PowerPoint videos toGoogle Hangouts, there’s no shortage of ways tocommunicate your message. In fact, the number of video options can be overwhelming. To overcome the overwhelm and determine which kind of video is right for you, I’ve created this brief (14-minute) video ongetting... [...]

‘Running a Business Online? You Need To Get Back To Basics′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Running a Business Online? You Need To Get Back To Basics″. Kathleen Gage says, “For millions of men and women, the Internet has been an unbelievably great way to build a business and generate massive revenues. Additionally, more now than ever before, you can voice your unique perspective and point of view in order tohave a greater impact doing your life’s work. It’s relatively simple toreach a global marketin very cost-effective ways. However, cost-effective doesn’t mean there are no investments necessary“. Running... [...]

‘What’s the Correct Length for an Ebook?′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “What’s the Correct Length for an Ebook?″. Nina Amir says, “Someone once said no good book is ever too long, and no bad book is ever too short! That goes for ebooks as well as print books. But how do you know how long your book should be? Is there a correct length for an ebook? This looks like a simple question, but you have to look at several factors before you can determine optimum length“. What’s the Correct Length for an Ebook? ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog  [...]

‘Video Marketing – Trick or Treat?′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Video Marketing – Trick or Treat?″. Lou B0rtone says, “Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s the season of ghosts and goblins. But before you get scared away by the idea of adding video marketing to your bag of tricks, keep in mind that – when done right –video can be a treat! Take the fright factor out of video by facing your fears and following the advice in this handy Halloween infographic, which revealsthe 5 biggest video nightmaresand how to overcome them“. Video Marketing – Trick or Treat? ‘The Future... [...]

‘Guarantees – How to Use Them for Higher Sales Conversions and Lower Refund Requests′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Guarantees – How to Use Them for Higher Sales Conversions and Lower Refund Requests″. Kathleen Gage says, “It’s a well known fact thatcreating information productsis a great way to generate revenue and create multiple streams of income. Yet, it’s not enough to simply create your product. You also have tomarket and sellyour offerings. It would be great if the process ended there. But it doesn’t. There is always the issue of refunds. Yup! Refunds are a fact of life in the world of selling eBased products“. Guarantees... [...]

‘5 Quick and Easy Ways to Generate eBook Ideas′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “5 Quick and Easy Ways to Generate eBook Ideas″. Nina Amir says, “You know you need an ebook to boost your credibility and business, butyou don’t know where to start.You can’t even think of one idea that seems worthy of a whole book—even a short one. So, you just sit and stare at your computer screen. You watch as your competition produces not just one bestselling ebook but two or three…or more.And you wonder,“How the heck do they come up with all those great ideas?” Findingthe right idea for your business-boosting... [...]

‘Connect with Your Audience Through the Power of Content′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Connect with Your Audience Through the Power of Content″. Marnie Pehrson says, “Thesingle biggest factorthat makes marketing and promotion work is content. Whether you’ve hired a marketing service to promote you or you’re doing the work yourself, you need to be putting outinformative contenton a consistent, ongoing basis. Throughthe power of quality contentyou can formbonds of connectionwith potential and existing clients… eventually transitioning them into loyal fans and repeat customers“. Connect with Your Audience... [...]

‘Which eBook Publishing Platform is Best?′ – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Which eBook Publishing Platform is Best?″. Kristen Eckstein says, “Before we get too deep into answering this question, know upfront this is like askinga mother of threewhich child is her favorite. Each platform comes with unique benefits and drawbacks. Digital publishing is a huge all-encompassing world of everything frome-books and Kindletovideoandteleseminars. For the purposes of this article’s length and my own personal expertise, we’ll stay focused on ebook publishing platforms. There are three primary platforms to... [...]

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