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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘Day 2 of 365-Day Lightweight Productivity Challenge’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Day 2 of 365-Day Lightweight Productivity Challenge”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Went to bed nervous and woke up nervous but I feel better now and am being very productive both around the house and in my business. Right when I got out of bed I cleaned the vanity area of my room and will go back in there throughout the day and straighten various sections. It’s chaos since Christmas! I did the dishes while the coffee was brewing and then checked all my stats everywhere, did some email”. Day 2 of 365-Day Lightweight Productivity Challenge... [...]

‘A Year in Review’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “A Year in Review”. Dow says, “Just for fun I went back through my 2011 blog posts starting with January first and did a rewind snippet of what I went through this year. That was fun for me! See if you remember any of this: January saw me having to redo all my bookmarks because I accidentally wiped them all out. Guess what? That happened to me this week. Some people never learn. I was making plans for a Baby Boomer course with mom that never came to fruition. The first few days I had no Internet connection because some diggers cut our access.... [...]

‘Niche Spy Secrets and Self Assessment PLR’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Niche Spy Secrets and Self Assessment PLR”. Dow says, “Hi everyone!  I was doing some end of year cleaning on my hard drive and I found a couple of things I had done when I was initially going to create a Women’s Marketing Center (membership site). The two PLR packs I am launching today are not gender specific. What I had done was write out some text for a presentation, and I made a PowerPoint presentation to accompany it”. Niche Spy Secrets and Self Assessment PLR Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Get Rich Quick Idea Being Shunned Everywhere’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Get Rich Quick Idea Being Shunned Everywhere”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I was reading something interesting that’s perfect for our 2012 planning. It was all about how Atlanta, Georgia is becoming a new tech start-up scene – people moving away from traditional start-up locations like Silicon Valley or New York. The reason? Southern Hospitality, y’all! I know many of my readers aren’t from the South and haven’t ever been here to the South. A lot of what’s portrayed about the South is some hillbilly trash scene with stupid sounding... [...]

‘2012 Is About Marketing MY Way’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “2012 Is About Marketing MY Way”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Christmas is over and the New Year is sneaking up on me. So I’m in Butt in Gear mode today. It’s all about organizing my thoughts, mapping out things in order of importance, and getting more prepared to lead those who need what guidance I have to offer. One main thing I thought about when I was reflecting on what my 2012 will be is that I want to not only move myself forward to the next level of success, but I want to drag a lot of you along with me (kicking and screaming if I... [...]

‘Everything’s $1 PLR and Products to Pamper My Affiliates’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Everything’s $1 PLR and Products to Pamper My Affiliates”. Dow says, “When I first ran this WSO, I had 100 new affiliates promoting my PLR Min Mart so I ran a special where I listed THEIR links, not mine, and let all sales go through them. Now, there are 142 affiliates (more actually but these sent me their link for this offer) and I want to do it again for two reason: 1. It helps my Warrior friends get a TON of prime PLR for just $1 a pop at a time when it’s badly needed – the economy and right after the holidays and before starting... [...]

‘How to Use PLR for Profit’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “How to Use PLR for Profit”. Dow says, “I know you guys like real life success stories (me too) and I got an email today from one of my customers telling about her experience with content at my PLR Mini Mart, so I wanted to show you what’s possible. Laura runs a website here: and she went to the PLR Mini Mart and picked up the $10 pack of articles I sell on Chicken Coops. She used the content on her site and she shared some insight with me about what all she sold (including a $499 portable hen house!) and... [...]

‘Making Money Online – Do You Think Big or Small?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Making Money Online – Do You Think Big or Small?”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I am an avid magazine reader and news hound. All over the ‘net, on print stands and in TV media, I keep my ear to the ground to see what perceptions or trends are being buzzed about. Some excite me – others don’t. But I was reading two different magazines this weekend (clearing out my clutter) and I noticed that in Bloomberg Business week”. Making Money Online – Do You Think Big or Small? Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Which Hosting Company Do Most Marketers Use?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Which Hosting Company Do Most Marketers Use?”. Dow says, “When you’re first starting out in Internet marketing, it’s tempting to just utilize free websites like Squidoo, blog platforms and more to promote your business. But what you should really do is pay the small fee it requires to set up your own monthly hosting account so that you maintain complete control over your domains and their content”. Which Hosting Company Do Most Marketers Use? Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Let the Cheapskates Go on Their Merry Way’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Let the Cheapskates Go on Their Merry Way”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I woke up this morning and as usual, checked in on everything. Like a good WSO runner, I checked to see if any comments were left that I needed to address. And there was one on my latest WSO for the 50 Diet Tips eBook. It was from WF member “khaiyong” and here’s what it said”. Let the Cheapskates Go on Their Merry Way Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

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