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Monday, March 10, 2025

‘ClickBank Apparently Is Okay With Spam and Illegal Activities’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “ClickBank Apparently Is Okay With Spam and Illegal Activities”. Dow says, “Hey everyone! Guess what? As long as you’re helping ClickBank make some money as an affiliate, they are A-OK with you spamming people, assuming other people’s identities, and other things that violate the law. That’s right! You can send out a spoof email to THOUSANDS of people, posing as any marketer of your choosing and recommend a product with a ClickBank affiliate ID”. ClickBank Apparently Is Okay With Spam and Illegal Activities Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Marketing Mailbag December 4th and Other Thoughts’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Marketing Mailbag December 4th and Other Thoughts”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I’m going to share some thoughts and also go through some mail questions and respond to them here for you. Dirty infomercials: I woke up at 5:30 AM this morning (on a Sunday) and felt so energized. I did laundry, dishes, and started some work. While I was doing laundry, the TV had an infomercial on I realized and it was SO sleazy! It was some make money thing (grants?) and the show was done to look like a news expose when in reality it was all fake”. Marketing... [...]

‘SOPA Is Having a Sky Is Falling Effect’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “SOPA Is Having a Sky Is Falling Effect”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I’ve gotten a flood of emails about the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) legislation that’s possibly going to be passed, so I wanted to address it today – because the panic ranges from mild curiosity to full out “it’s the end of Internet marketing.” It’s not. I don’t sweat it AT ALL. Not until someone tells me some way it might affect me that I can’t handle”. SOPA Is Having a Sky Is Falling Effect Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Ready for a 365 Challenge for 2012?’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Ready for a 365 Challenge for 2012?”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Bet you read that blog title and said, “Um, no thanks!” But stay with me here… One problem I have is balance. I tend to have two main problems with my work habits: I go hard and then crash where I need several days (or a couple of weeks) off. I need a balance where I’m steady and paced right”. Ready for a 365 Challenge for 2012? Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Best Refund EVER Plus Angel Fund Update’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Best Refund EVER Plus Angel Fund Update”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I’m sitting here this morning about to take my kids to the park and I am very emotional. Last night my son was robbed at gunpoint where he works at a fast food shop. It was only 6:50 PM. He’s fine. I’m not. That phone call could easily have been a different one and I prayed so much thanking God for protecting him. It was two gunmen in their 30s. He couldn’t open the safe, so they only got $50 each. I shudder to think of what makes a person turn out that way”. Best... [...]

‘Marketing Mailbag on Black Friday’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Marketing Mailbag on Black Friday”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! I have more turkey in the oven tonight – just a breast (because my family all eat the white meat) and I’m making more stuffing and fudge. That turkey smells good enough to make me no longer a vegetarian … almost. Wish I could get over it. So I have a TON of emails and I thought I’d go through some stuff here on the blog!”. Marketing Mailbag on Black Friday Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Happy Thanksgiving!’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Happy Thanksgiving!”. Dow says, “If you don’t know me well, then you might think, “Of course she’s thankful for a list she makes money from.” But it’s not even about that. What I’m most thankful for is that my readers view me as a friend and let me into their lives so I can share in the ups and downs”. Happy Thanksgiving! Tiffany Dow’s Blog  [...]

‘Cyber Monday PLR Special’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Cyber Monday PLR Special”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Cyber Monday is a HUGE online sales day for affiliates, and I have the perfect pack for you – it’s a Cyber Monday PLR pack. It includes TWENTY awesome articles that you can use on blogs, in email autoresponders, or however you want. You just can’t sell them as PLR yourself (that’s my job). One thing I want to remind you of, too – Google just released notice of a “freshness” update in the algorithm. When I did a Google search for some of these items, I saw page 1 listings for... [...]

‘Subscriber Sends Me Loving Gift of Memories’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Subscriber Sends Me Loving Gift of Memories”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Wow. I am so happy right now! I have to share. This Veteran’s Day, when I ran my $1 sale, I told y’all it was in honor of my dad, James “Speedy” Lambert – veteran of WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. I mentioned his time on the USS Wisconsin. Well one sweetheart reader, Bob Steele, sent me an email – he had found a BOOK on the USS Wisconsin that has my dad in it! And it even mentions me and my sister and 3 of the grandkids”. Subscriber Sends Me Loving Gift of Memories... [...]

‘Honey Badger Owes Firestone an Apology’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Honey Badger Owes Firestone an Apology”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! A few days back I ranted about Firestone on my blog. Within 5 minutes, their social media guy had posted asking for his permission to get involved and I emailed him. Well I have an update. First, let me refer to the original post so you can see how frustrated I was. I went all Honey Badger on them, assuming (ooooh you know what they say about people who assume don’t you?). I was sitting all here all smug thinking I’d exposed a scammer”. Honey Badger Owes Firestone an... [...]

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