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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Archive for the 'Website Design' Category

‘Give Your Pages Some Headroom’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Give Your Pages Some Headroom”. Pete Prestipino says, “The use of fixed headers, which stay static as a user scrolls down a page, is currently a popular approach to keeping navigation in front of website visitors. Depending on the size and required prominence of navigation, however, they can end up occupying a significant portion of the content area. There’s a better way!“. Give Your Pages Some Headroom Website Magazine  [...]

’12 Web Design Trends That Are “Sooo 2000″‘ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “12 Web Design Trends That Are “Sooo 2000″”. Meg Hoppe says, “The web has seen quite a lot of change since the first site was launched in 1991 (that site belonged to CERN, and you can see the original here). Designs, navigation, content, programming language, responsive capabilities…everything has evolved, and evolved dramatically. Yet we all occasionally see sites that make us feel as though we’ve slipped back in time (for some real fun, go to an actual web Wayback Machine and type in the URL of a site of somemajor... [...]

Optimized Local Website Builder: tools for the consultant #ad

Matt Bush has created a new toolkit (with complete training to back it up) to help you create attractive, direct response websites for local businesses in record time. He calls his toolkit Optimized Local Website Builder. Bush has designed a new WordPress template that specifically targets the local businesses who know they need a help them find new customers. This custom theme’s home page includes: • A strong call to action • Areas for video and graphics relating to the business • A prominent area for business contact information • A Call to Action with a phone... [...]

Predatory Profits: Bring in more traffic for more profits #ad

Rob Fore reports that, together, he and his wife Lisa have built six online businesses worth multiple six-figures, all done by working part-time in their spare time. They have found a repeatable process that has worked over and over, every time they tried it. Even so, they weren’t completely happy with the results because often there was a delay between starting the business and beginning to see income from it. So they set about trying to find a way to speed up the return on their investment. Eventually, they found a way to get traffic, leads and sales instantly. No longer did they have to... [...]

WPNotes: Improve your site’s bounce rate, relevancy, “time on site” #ad

An interesting site is critical to keeping users for longer visits. Interactive content is a key way to keep visitor attention longer. Let WP Notes adds interaction to your site. Suppose your site offers visitors: Helpful, clickable tips Intriguing questions for them to answer with a click Special discounts that are clickable Any of these increase engagement and time on site. As a result, your sales should increase, too. With Let WP Notes improve your site, you can do any of these, or all of them. This simple plugin helps you build interactive content that you can place in any widget area your... [...]

Google explores website design for good user experience

In late October, Google held a “Hangout on Air” dedicated to improving user experience on websites. They recorded the hangout and it’s available for any Google Adsense users wanting to improve their earnings. The better experience a visitor has on your site, the longer they will stay, and the more likely they will click a link or buy a product. Google puts it this way, “With only a few seconds to capture a user’s attention, we all know it’s important to have a great user experience on your site. One of our goals is to help you create a user experience that will... [...]

What Makes a Website Hold Visitor Attention

By Jo Guzman Over the years it has been getting harder and harder to hold the attention of a visitor on our websites, so it is important to understand what are some of the best ways to get someone to focus on your site and stay there for a while. To assist with making your website successful, here are some ideas  that you can implement into your site. Quality Content The first and most important part of any website is going to be the content that is inside of it. Having content that your target demographic would actually enjoy is going to be a major factor in whether or not they will stay on your... [...]

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