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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Archive for the 'Website Design' Category

‘How to Know When Your Web Design is Done’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Know When Your Web Design is Done”. Pamela Wilson says, “
My eyes were starting to lose focus. It was 2:00 in the morning. My hands were coated with pastel dust. An inch of cold coffee sat in the mug next to me. I stared at the drawing I’d been working on. I took a step back and tried squinting, then I moved in close and looked at the details. Was I done? It’s the question that haunted every first-year art student. It kept us up late adding, adding, adding layers of complexity to our pieces, sometimes to our detriment“. How... [...]

‘Five SEO Steps to Take Before Redesigning Your Site’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Five SEO Steps to Take Before Redesigning Your Site”. Aleh Barysevich says, “Why do people redesign their websites? Reasons are abundant, and here is a list of the most common ones. Modern look: You don’t want you site to look outdated, so from time to time you brush it up in line with the latest trends. More trust in the brand: If site owners continuously invest into making their sites better, users tend to associate trust their brands more. Growing needs: Your business evolves. You might be changing the focus of your activities,... [...]

‘Website Experience Affects Public Perception’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Website Experience Affects Public Perception”. Pete Prestipino says, “Seventy-six percent of e-commerce decision makers believe customers’ perceptions of their brand are directly impacted by the website experience, according to a new survey out from Web infrastructure and cloud hosting provider Peer 1. The survey, which asked participants about the impact of key e-commerce investments during the 2013 holiday season, revealed several interesting highlights. Thirty-three percent of respondents plan to invest significantly in... [...]

Yoast denounces website sliders

Sliders, a series of pictures that scroll automatically, are used on many sites to get multiple images on a home page in a small amount of space. Do sliders help your website or hurt it? Thijs de Valk, behavioral scientist in the Yoast organization, creators of the Yoast SEO plugin and other WordPress products, recently wrote a post on the blog giving evidence for harm done by sliders. He suggests that there’s harm to usability, harm to SEO and harm to the site’s professional image when sliders are used. That’s not just his opinion. He includes quotes from many experts... [...]

‘One-Click Multi-Screen Website Builder’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “One-Click Multi-Screen Website Builder”. Pete Prestipino says, “Mobile website platform Duda has released a one-click site builder that works not just on mobile but desktops and tablets too. The new service, dubbed DudaOne, uses Duda’s technology to build a multi-screen website by pulling existing content from an old website, social networks and online listings. Duda has long engaged in a similar process for the 5 million mobile website it has created for small businesses. DudaOne is different however in that it allows... [...]

‘Prominence: Design and layout lessons from Windows 8’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Prominence: Design and layout lessons from Windows 8”. John Nye says, “Small tiles, big tiles, wide tiles, blocks of tiles. Some are self-appointed, some are pre-downloaded and some lead to a miniature world that you love to get lost in like a good book or an Oscar-winning flick. Tiles are a key component of the latest Windows operating system invading PCs, tablets and Windows phones. The technology behind this software teaches us a lot about prominence – the size and location of an object. In this MarketingExperiments Blog post,... [...]

‘Use the C.L.I.C.K. System to Assess Your Website’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Use the C.L.I.C.K. System to Assess Your Website”. Graham Jones says, “There is a lot we still need to discover about the way people interact with Web pages, but one thing we know for sure is that they do not spend long assessing each page they land on. Indeed, research suggests that the initial decision as to whether to stay or click away to another site is made within the first second of seeing a website. In the real world, whether you sell products or services, you have plenty of time to engage your potential customer. You can... [...]

‘Do You Want Your Website To Tell a Better Story?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Do You Want Your Website To Tell a Better Story?”. Jerod Morris says, “
Paralyzed. That’s how you feel some of the time, maybe a lot of time, when you sit down todeliver your message to your audience. How do I know? Because it’s how I feel some of the time (okay, a lot of time) too. You want to tell a story. I want to tell a story. But so often when we tell stories on the Internet, our words have to do all the heavy lifting. That’s pressure“. Do You Want Your Website To Tell a Better Story? ‘Copyblogger’ Blog  [...]

‘Site Speed as a Ranking Signal (Told You So)’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Site Speed as a Ranking Signal (Told You So)”. Pete Prestipino says, “It’s not just our team at Website Magazine that has repeatedly expressed the importance and benefits of a fast website; Google itself (as well as SEO whipping boy Matt Cutts) has long advocated for a speedier approach to web page loading. As far back as 2009, Google (on its Webmaster Central Blog) wrote on its use of site speed in Web search ranking. While it wasn’t the most important signal and didn’t have an enormous impact within a large set... [...]

‘5 Online Design Trends To Watch’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “5 Online Design Trends To Watch”. Radhika says, “Like fashion, the world of web design is continuously evolving. Also like fashion, if your website isn’t keeping up, you could easily become part of the uncool crowd almost overnight. While mobile is changing our web experience, designers are quickly reinventing the web to keep up. Websites are getting prettier, more minimalistic and simpler to use than ever before. Planning on launching or redesigning your website? These are some of the top online design trends to watch... [...]

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