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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'web design trends' Category

‘Should You Use Infinite Scrolling on your Website?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Finding a decent content strategy for your website may not be as easy as it would initially sound. Sometimes, we take a bigger issue with what the content LOOKS like.  Other times, we take issue with what the content SAYS.  These are both good, important things to worry about, and they are issues that need to be included in your strategy.  You obviously want to make sure that people can access the part of your site they want to easily, and they need to be able to find what they are looking for in a timely manner. Over the last few years, I have noticed more and more websites opting... [...]

‘17 crucial web design trends for 2015’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Please do not mistake me for some kind digital prognosticator, soothsayer guru, evangelist, swami, samurai or whatever risible term is currently popular in digital marketing circles. I am but one writer who has spent the last year immersed (and only occasionally floundering) in previously unchartered waters in my first 12 months of writing for Econsultancy. This isn’t just a list of trends that I’ve noticed during my own research, but also ones discovered by my many venerable colleagues, various friends of the blog and passed on to me by Dan Barker or compiled... [...]

‘How to Master the Balancing Act Between Web Design and Functionality’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Roy Chomko says, “The technical and aesthetic components of “good” Web design are often presented as two competing forces, or separate entities that must be corralled into grudging cooperation for the sake of producing a functional product. However, by implementing a few best-practice development process strategies, Web designers and developers can work as a unified team to achieve a common set of project goals. From a website’s conception to official go-live date, the design and development teams need to have shifted out of their silos and onto the same workbench. 1. Know... [...]

‘Google Puts Pressure on Designers for Mobile Friendly Sites’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As consumers continue to turn to their mobile devices for search engine queries, it’s important that designers create a site that’s mobile friendly. To help consumers easily figure out which sites are optimized for mobile, Google has announced it is officially adding a “mobile-friendly” label to its mobile search results. The search engine states that mobile sites are eligible for the “mobile friendly” label if it meets certain criteria detected by Googlebot including avoiding software that’s not common on mobile devices (like Adobe Flash) as well as using... [...]

‘Creating an Engaging Website 101’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Chirag Leuva says, “Never underestimate the importance of an attractive and personalized website. The attention span of Web users has been waning day by day. One needs to take advantage of various elements for keeping their interest in every possible way. The first step to preserving the interest is the appealing design and some useful and informative content. Here are some important steps for making the website more engaging to visitors and for boosting your online presence. STICK WITH A MODERN WEBSITE DESIGN A professional looking website goes a long way in attracting visitors. Make it... [...]

‘Picture This: Free Images for Use on the Web’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Bonny Clayton says, “Navigating the Web for photos to populate your website, company newsletter, or other marketing tools can be like tip-toeing through a minefield. You might emerge on the other side completely unscathed, but one wrong step can blow up into a legal morass. Just about everyone has, shall we say, appropriated an image from another website at one time or another. If you’re illustrating a report or PowerPoint presentation, there’s no problem. But if you use that photo for external marketing – in other words, put it out there as your own, without permission of the website... [...]

‘8 Common Responsive Web Design Myths Busted’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Sourav Saha says, “We all know how responsive designs have benefited us! The impact is such that some clients have started refusing to pay if their transaction is held up for extra time. Whenever something new comes up, myths about that get generated. It’s in human nature to create rumors so as to affect the common people. Myths are a waste of time. They prevent progression. ~ Barbra Streisand These misconceptions can be one of the biggest barriers while planning, scoping, estimating, and executing your next responsive project. So, here is our effort to bust 8 common responsive web design... [...]

‘15 features of 11 great mobile sites’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Well, this post does what it says on the tin. Some sites are mobile sites (m dot) and some are responsive. For more information of mobile design, check out the Econsultancy Mobile Web Design and Development Best Practice Guide. And, of course, for more on multichannel marketing, come to the Festival of Marketing in London, November 12-13th”. 15 features of 11 great mobile sites ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

‘Analytics Crucial to Website Redesign’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Kevin Webster says, “Refreshing the look and feel of your website is an important business process with far reaching implications. While there are many things to consider during the transition, it’s important to consider web analytics, to track the effects of your changes. Whether you are embarking on this journey with your own staff, or you’ve engaged an outside vendor to do the web redesign for you, here’s some important web analytics points. URL Structure and Page Titles Some web redesigns only affect look and feel, and all URLs and page titles remain the same. If however you are... [...]

‘3 Ways to Make Your Awesome Web Design Provide ROI’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Businesses that have finally finished their new websites are generally really excited to see what kind of sales they will generate. However, just because a website is done and looks “awesome” doesn’t necessarily mean a company is going to get positive return on investment (ROI) out of it. A truly “awesome” website is not so much defined by its stunning design as its stunning results, and even the prettiest website is useless to a business owner if it isn’t generating ROI. If you’re out of ideas for how to take your website to a level where it is sure to... [...]

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