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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Archive for the 'web design trends' Category

‘4 Important Factors That Will Affect the Cost of a Website Redesign’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “4 Important Factors That Will Affect the Cost of a Website Redesign”. Luke Summerfield says, “Your website is probably your most important marketing asset and is one of the biggest drivers of leads for your business. It’s where people form first impressions and it can mean the difference between someone contacting you and your competitor. Because the website is so important, it’s critical that it’s done right and no corners are cut. But how much does a website redesign cost and what factors go into the cost? Let’s explore“. 4... [...]

‘How to Use Visual Hierarchy To Create Clear and Easy-to-Read Web Pages’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Use Visual Hierarchy To Create Clear and Easy-to-Read Web Pages”. Pamela Wilson says, “
Imagine you’ve entered a cave. Your eyes slowly adjust to your surroundings and begin to make out the shapes and forms around you. You see three doorways: they’re equal in size, and all the same distance from where you stand. How do you choose where to go first? You’re frustrated, because you don’t have enough information to make a decision. All you can do is guess. Now imagine you’ve entered a second cave“. How to Use Visual... [...]

’14 beautiful designs based around shades of colour’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “14 beautiful designs based around shades of colour”. Chris Lake says, “Earlier this year I highlighted monochromatic design andhypercolour as two of my 18 web design trends for 2014. There is a third way that lives inbetween these two approaches: choosing a limited palette and using different shades of colour. Designers who go down this route typically choose one vibrant colour (and various shades thereof) and offset it against a neutral background. Sometimes two (or more) complementary colours come into play“. 14... [...]

‘Four things to avoid when creating a tablet experience for customers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Four things to avoid when creating a tablet experience for customers”. Carin van Vuuren says, “Nothing frustrates the mobile consumer more than forcing them to view your desktop site on mobile. Today’s consumers are educated and nimble on mobile and their expectations are significantly heightened when engaging a brand on tablet. With 43% of tablet users spending more time on tablet than on desktop, companies are increasingly optimizing tablet browsing and shopping to make it easier for consumers who want a seamless... [...]

‘How to Avoid the Risk of a Website Redesign’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “How to Avoid the Risk of a Website Redesign”. Chris Goward says, “Many companies are trapped in a traditional website redesign cycle. Every 2-5 years, the marketing team agrees the site design is looking “stale” and needs an overhaul. The last redesign was so painful that they’ve avoided it since then. But, because organizational memory is so short, they forget the pain of the last experience. On top of that organizational amnesia, marketers who are excited about this new project don’t stop to consider whether the... [...]

‘Seven common pitfalls when taking websites international’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Seven common pitfalls when taking websites international”. Christian Arno says, “With cross-border ecommerce booming, it’s not surprising that more businesses are launching international websites. Britain generates the biggest online trade surplus in the world, according to research by OC&C.  The value of exports is $1bn more than imports, putting it ahead of the United States and Germany. It’s not just major retailers such as ASOS and Marks & Spencer that are contributing to this trend. A survey by Royal... [...]

‘Don’t Let Uninspired Compromise Ruin Your Homepage’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Don’t Let Uninspired Compromise Ruin Your Homepage”. Rick Burnes says, “Quick: What are the first- and second-most important jobs of your company’s homepage? If you have a clear answer to that question, congratulations. You’re in elite company, and chances are the most important page on your site — your homepage — is working well. If your answer is wishy-washy, you probably have an uninspired compromised on your hands. Your homepage is probably under-performing and you have work to do. Why Focus on the ‘Job’... [...]

‘How to Know When Your Web Design is Done’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Know When Your Web Design is Done”. Pamela Wilson says, “
My eyes were starting to lose focus. It was 2:00 in the morning. My hands were coated with pastel dust. An inch of cold coffee sat in the mug next to me. I stared at the drawing I’d been working on. I took a step back and tried squinting, then I moved in close and looked at the details. Was I done? It’s the question that haunted every first-year art student. It kept us up late adding, adding, adding layers of complexity to our pieces, sometimes to our detriment“. How... [...]

‘Five SEO Steps to Take Before Redesigning Your Site’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Five SEO Steps to Take Before Redesigning Your Site”. Aleh Barysevich says, “Why do people redesign their websites? Reasons are abundant, and here is a list of the most common ones. Modern look: You don’t want you site to look outdated, so from time to time you brush it up in line with the latest trends. More trust in the brand: If site owners continuously invest into making their sites better, users tend to associate trust their brands more. Growing needs: Your business evolves. You might be changing the focus of your activities,... [...]

‘Website Experience Affects Public Perception’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Website Experience Affects Public Perception”. Pete Prestipino says, “Seventy-six percent of e-commerce decision makers believe customers’ perceptions of their brand are directly impacted by the website experience, according to a new survey out from Web infrastructure and cloud hosting provider Peer 1. The survey, which asked participants about the impact of key e-commerce investments during the 2013 holiday season, revealed several interesting highlights. Thirty-three percent of respondents plan to invest significantly in... [...]

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