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Sunday, October 6, 2024

‘Report: What marketers can learn from the biggest brands on Instagram’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “What insights can you learn from Fortune 500 brands using Instagram? TrackMaven has your answer. After analyzing over 40,000 unique social posts on the image sharing network, they’ve released The Fortune 500 Instagram Report: 2016 Edition, sharing data on what marketers can learn from these big brands. Looking at both B2B and B2C companies from May 2015 through April 2016, the key takeaways we can glean from the report are as follows: – Instagram usage is increasing among the F500. Exactly 50% of the F500 are using Instagram, up from 24.6% in 2013 when TrackMaven... [...]

‘The 5 Social Media Customer Service Stats You Must Know’ – Convince & Convert Blog

Jay Baer says, “In partnership with Edison, I did a lot of research into the science of complaint when working on my new book, Hug Your Haters. One of the most important thrusts of that research is around customer expectations. When a customer complains, what do they expect from a brand…and when? The answers are important, because they help dictate operations policies, staffing, software, and customer retention. This week, I created a brand-new presentation of this key data. It’s available on Slideshare right now. I encourage you to read and download, as it’s full of interesting points”. The... [...]

‘4 Ways to Find Out How People Found Your Site on Google’ – Entrepreneur

Joe Shervell says, “As anyone familiar with Google Analytics knows, the platform has kept its keyword data hidden for some time. A number of years ago, it was possible to understand the exact words users searched to find your site, but in 2011, Google began witholding that information, and much of the data became ‘(not provided)’. Google claims this was a move towards greater privacy, on the basis that users’ website browsing habits are private and personal information. By a happy coincidence for Google, this move encourages web marketers to move towards Google Adwords in... [...]

‘Bullhorn, Be Gone: How to Use Social Media as More Than Distribution’ –

Wes King says, “When I speak with small business owners, especially service-based businesses in local communities, about using social media to reach their audience, I get some strange reactions. Some of them glaze over. Some get defensive. Apprehension. Excitement. But the most common by far is defeat. So many local business owners have a hard time seeing the ways that they can use social media to reach their audiences. The thought is that social media is intended for national brands that are able to sell and ship through the mail or digitally. That couldn’t be further from the truth.... [...]

‘5 Email Productivity Strategies That Will Make Your Business Better’ – Entrepreneur

Chirag Kulkarni says, “Running a business is time consuming and takes a lot of effort. You need to find as many ways as possible to gain more time and to avoid any unnecessary losses of productivity. And that’s where email comes in. The fact is that email is responsible for a huge hit in productivity. 28 Per cent of the average workweek is spent on reading and replying to emails. If you want to be a better business, you need to get more productive when it comes to email. There are many tools to help with this, including Pyrus. This revamped email communication tool brings together group... [...]

‘How to run a conversion-focused Facebook Ads campaign’ – Marketing Land

Khalid Saleh says, “With 1.09 billion users, Facebook is an advertiser’s dream come true. But this immense reach also brings with it a lot of challenges. As click-through rates drop and competition increases, it’s more important than ever to run a conversion-focused Facebook ad campaign. In this post, I’ll share four things you can do to create a Facebook campaign that brings in leads, not just traffic. 1. Run broad tests before zeroing in on an audience set Facebook’s targeting capabilities are its biggest strength. You can zoom in and target cat lovers who like Kanye West and live... [...]

Unlimited Resale Rights to 50 Training Programs #ad

The name of Sean Mize is well-known in small business internet marketing circles. He has created many training courses in various aspects of online marketing. Mize has decided to redirect his business to other marketing activities and has decided to let other marketers and marketing trainers use 50 of his training programs for your own educations. He is even offering to let you sell them to others, since he will no longer be selling them, himself. His Unlimited Resale Rights to 50 Training Programs shows you how to do all aspects of internet marketing, from forum marketing, to email marketing,... [...]

‘The right way to get dynamic with Google AdWords’ – Search Engine Land

Todd Saunders says, “To be honest, AdWords hasn’t changed much since its launch in 2000. And that’s coming from someone who spends all their time either advertising, testing, reading, or writing about all things PPC and SEM. Sure, AdWords has added a ton of capabilities over the years — from Gmail Ads late last year to extended display networks, ad extensions and reporting — but they hadn’t made all these options easier to use or more efficient to set up. It all just took more time, more manual work and more stress — that is, until Google began launching its line of dynamic feature... [...]

‘Busted! 23 Marketing Myths Held By (Some) Industries’ – HubSpot

Alexi Lambert says, “Even though inbound marketing has been a huge success within so many different industries, there are still some companies that are shackled with misconceptions about whether it will work for them. In fact, we have identified 23 myths about inbound marketing that some people may think are true. Time to bust these myths! 1) “Content creation is inbound marketing.” There’s a common misconception that “creating more content is all we need to do.” Don’t get us wrong. We emphasize the importance of creating content to give your buyers the information they are looking... [...]

‘Let’s go back to the future–it is time to start planning now for customer service in 2021’ – Forrester

Meredith Cain says, “Let’s take trip back to 1989. One of the big movies of that year was “Back to the Future: Part II.” One of the great things about that movie was its view of the future—or, because so much has time has passed since the film was released, its view of what our present should be like. In the film, Marty McFly and Doc Brown time traveled to October 21, 2015 and had the opportunity observe potential technologies and experiences of the future. What they saw seems both supremely silly and surprisingly prescient: video conferencing, holograms, augmented reality (AR)... [...]

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