Chris Reck’s latest sales aid for marketing consultants is BPG Mobile Presentation power. This new presentation that you can use in your local marketing is focused on selling local businesses on hiring you to create a mobile web presence for them (or to upgrade their current mobile site. BPG Mobile Presentation power is a PowerPoint presentation (also for Open Office) that shows the local business why it is important to serve potential customers who find them with their mobile device and why they should hire you. There are 25 slides in the presentation, including one for you to fill in your... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
The problem is that the way many sites handle visitors who arrive on a mobile device is incompatible with the search engines. The search engines don’t use a mobile device to crawl the web. If your site sends the Google (or Bing) robot to your main content, all your mobile content never makes it into the search engine index, and thus doesn’t appear in the search results. “Normally” mobile results would be high on Google’s search results for people who search from a mobile device, but not if Google never saw it. The code required to get your results to show up isn’t... [...]
Pam Hendrickson and Mike Koenigs have been busy: • They have a new book about product creation and launches. • They are about to launch a new product and • They have a live conference scheduled. Their new Kindle book, Make, Market, Launch IT: The Ultimate Product Creation System for Turning Your Ideas into Income, is available for just $.99 (yes, under $1.00) on Amazon. And, if you email them your receipt (mail to:, you’ll get access to several valuable bonuses, including an audio version of the book for on-the-go-listening and an all-new, content-packed... [...]
As planned, Covert Social Press was launched today at 10 AM EST. In the first 12 hours, over 1000 were bought. (By the way, IM NewsWatch bought a copy.) Covert Social Press lets you run a fully functional social network inside your WordPress blog. Including professional functions like: • Members can join your site and contribute to its content. • Automatic integration with Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest for increased traffic. • You can fill your sites with curated quality content in minutes • It has all the functionality of a billion dollar site like Digg – and it... [...]
Eleanor Ruse has become a well-known creator of niche site content, and she specializes in niche affiliate sites for Clickbank products. In CB Golf Swing Sensation, she gives you all you need for a golf niche site “on a silver platter.” As you probably know, consumers spend millions of dollars on golf equipment and instruction each year. But it’s a highly competitive niche. Your site needs to stand out from the crowd to be profitable. With Ruse’s professional ingredients for your site, you are well on the way to a stand-out site. 1. To start with, Ruse has researched Clickbank... [...]
A new service has been launched. It provides you a link to your website from Wikipedia. If you are familiar with SEO, you know that Wikipedia is one of the most important websites on the web. Alexa ranks it as the 6th most popular website of all. (For comparison, Google is 1 and Yahoo is 3.) So if Wikipedia likes your site (i.e., links to your site), that carries a lot of weight with the search engines. Now, with this Wikipedia Links service, you can have a link from a page on Wikipedia that is directly relevant to a keyword you select (any keyword except illegal items or porn). As you probably... [...]
Green topics are always popular. Now you can create a green blog with fresh content using 20 Green & Creative Home Articles. It includes articles on simple green energy home improvements, using solar power, how to reuse and recycle household items and living greener and cleaner. This content can be used for blog articles, of course, but it could also be made into an e-book or other product you sell. If you need other ideas about how to use these articles, you also get How to use PLR content, outsourcing tips and multiple income stream ideas, with many good ideas for you. This niche is growing,... [...]
Steve Peters Benn has researched traffic methods and has found the no longer do traditional traffic methods bring in the traffic they used to. More and more, social techniques are needed to get Google’s attention and get you high rankings. And among the social tools available, video is the most powerful. If you don’t start using video in your marketing, you will fall behind. When he observed this trend, Benn created a response, based on a careful analysis of hiw video works to bring more traffic. He just announced Simple Traffic Formula, where he shares what he has learned. Google... [...]
You probably recall other “covert” products created by Cindy Battye, Soren Jordansen, and John Merrick. Their newest is a WordPress theme called Covert Social Press launching at 10 AM EST. They are already promoting their launch with am ebook called “Urgent Google Fix”. This report comes with a script to implement some of the ideas you discover in the report. Don’t delay, if you go to their sales page as an early bird, you can get this report and software free. Covert Social Press was developed by the IM Wealth Builders team (Battye, Jordanson and Merrisk) and if... [...]
Most offline businesses want quick results from their online marketing initiatives. One of the best ways to help them get these quick results is with mobile services. Combine this insight with the fact that 75% of shoppers like to use coupons that give them a discount. With GEO Coupon Commander, you can offer businesses the capability to create mobile coupons sent straight to the cell phones of their customers. This new software lets you: • Easily create HTML5 Mobile Coupons, Squeeze Pages, and Landing Pages • Advertise all over town with one link, even though you have multiple clients... [...]