There has been a lot of help made available for Amazon affiliates to find and promote Amazon products. Some has been excellent; so has been questionable. Now, AzonTurbo makes your affiliate marketing about as automated (and, thus, easy) as it can be, while leaving you in complete control. You fill in your affiliate credentials in the dashboard of AzonTurbo, you select which Amazon store you want to promote (, Amazon.DE, Amazon.CA, etc) and a few other settings, and it goes to work for you. AzonTurbo also has a scheduler so you can set it up to post in the future. This plugin is compatible... [...]
Archive for the 'Ads' Category
Stuart Walker is bundling 4 of his WSOs into a special firesale package, that will appeal to most internet marketers: • Amazon + Youtube = Huge Profits How to turn videos from Fiverr into repeat sales • Clickbank Cash Generator How to build an profitable Clickbank affiliate website • Fast & Profitable Mini Sites 2013 Build sites in an hour that bring in passive income • Making Money From The Future Finding profitable future products to promote This price can’t be beat, but this sale is ending very soon, he says, so don’t delay. Check it out here: 4 Best... [...]
Faraaz Ahmed is an Amazon affiliate. He earns his living by sending traffic from his websites to Amazon. When someone buys, he earns commissions. He has gotten pretty good at it. Now, in Azon Product Jacking, he shares his strategy for getting people to come to his affiliate site and click on his links. His sites are “review sites” and offer reviews of particular niche products Amazon has for sale. People looking for customer reviews are finding his site and after reading the reviews there, click on his link to buy. In this case study, he shows how he got 494 unique visitors to one... [...]
Tom Mitchell has release 18 new professional-quality Squidoo Templates you can use on Squidoo or in an independent website to earn affiliate commissions from Amazon. These templates can be used to sell any Amazon product by simply plugging in the appropriate links to the picture and Amazon product information for the products you want to promote. These templates are pure HTML files that can be used as website templates, as well as templates for a Squidoo lens. Simply copy & paste them into your lens and modify a handful of tokens. In 2 minutes you can add a professional template to your lens,... [...]
People can place your website on their smartphone and come to it easily and frequently if you give them an app to access it. They can place the app on their home screen where they will see it every day. Ali G’s new InstaPop With this new software, it’s easy to generate an app for your own site or for client sites, and it’s quick, too. (It’s completed in under a minute). You can customize it with the business logo that appears when the app button is clicked, and then it sends the user to any page on your site. This works for HTML pages as well as for WordPress pages. So... [...]
Andrey Bump developed WP CoolBar to improve his own marketing results. He specializes in list building and CPA marketing. This is a plugin that gets people’s attention and gets them to view whatever content you choose. For example, you can use it: • To promote a giveaway to any visitorson your entire site, or just to visitors of a particular page • To build your list with an opt-in form • Promote affiliate products • To encourage your visitors to check out a particular feature or section of your site • Many other uses. If you want to get your visitor’s attention... [...]
Mark Lareau is well-known for his instructional videos. His latest video set is on Affiliate Basics. If you are not an experienced affiliate marketer Lareau will show you some important principles about affiliate marketing to set your business on a sound footing. The 7 videos in this series are short and pithy: Video 1. Why Affiliate Marketing Is Great for Beginners 3:21 Video 2. How To Make Life Changing Money As An Affiliate Marketer 3:46 Video 3. Make Sure You Only Work with The Best Affiliate Networks 9:19 Video 4. How To Be A Well Rounded Affiliate Marketer 2:36 Video 5. The Formula To Reviewing... [...]
Canadian marketer Josee Bedard has developed many WordPress themes for online marketers. They have been big successes, and they have received positive reviews. Bedard’s latest is called The Miranda Theme, and continues the long string of successful themes for marketers. This theme lets you customize the look and feel of your site in seconds. Change your colors, your menues and lots of other design elements quickly and easily. With The Miranda Theme: • You get 5 sliders that can show photos (one even shows videos.) • You get an easy options panel that lets you customize all the features... [...]
This is the third in a series of automation tools. First came NewsTweets for Twitter automation. Then it was NewsBook for Facebook automation. Now +Pilot tackles Google+. +Pilot lets you post fresh news content to your Google+ account, as well as doing additional account management functions. You select the topics you want to post about. Then you turn this Windows (the author advises us that it also runs on Parallels for Mac) software loose and it runs on auto-pilot. +Pilot works with one Google+ account, but you can run multiple instances of the software at the same time so you can actually support... [...]
Mark Sandquist has just released a new, improved version of WP Mobile Theme Machine. With it, you can create custom WordPress themes for mobile websites for local businesses. Google says, “Create a fast mobile site with big buttons and text, keep steps to complete tasks to a minimum.” That is what WP Mobile Theme Machine does, and the site will be a WordPress site for additional flexibility using many WP plugins. In this enhanced package, besides the software, you get 20 niche-specific headers for local businesses, such as attorneys, medical practices, roofers, and more. You get complete... [...]